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A Wonderful Town [thai Movie]

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Just wondering if anyone knows if this Thai movie will be shown outside of Krungthep?

I saw in the paper that it was released in the capital on the 15th May, however can't find any information regarding it being shown in Chiang Mai. Tried Airport Plaza and KSG, but nothing.

Would be rather sad if they didn't show it outside of Bangkok, especially after it receiving international critical acclaim, and winning/being nominated for international film awards.

Meanwhile there is a plethora of b@llshit Hollywood movies available at every cinema in the country. :o


Just wondering if anyone knows if this Thai movie will be shown outside of Krungthep?

I saw in the paper that it was released in the capital on the 15th May, however can't find any information regarding it being shown in Chiang Mai. Tried Airport Plaza and KSG, but nothing.

Would be rather sad if they didn't show it outside of Bangkok, especially after it receiving international critical acclaim, and winning/being nominated for international film awards.

Meanwhile there is a plethora of b@llshit Hollywood movies available at every cinema in the country. :o


There are plenty of GOOD Hollywood movies too. I loved "No Country for Old Men". :D


True, No Country... was an excellent movie, but these "GOOD" hollywood movies are far outweighed by the big budget b@llshit variety, IMO.

It would be nice to see the cinemas put on some less obvious, and more challenging movies from across Asia, or at the very least support their own (i.e. movies like "A Wonderful Town").

Or maybe the Thais actually want to be spoon fed all these easy to digest US babyfood movies. who knows?

Maybe I should just move to Bangkok :o

True, No Country... was an excellent movie, but these "GOOD" hollywood movies are far outweighed by the big budget b@llshit variety, IMO.

It would be nice to see the cinemas put on some less obvious, and more challenging movies from across Asia, or at the very least support their own (i.e. movies like "A Wonderful Town").

Or maybe the Thais actually want to be spoon fed all these easy to digest US babyfood movies. who knows?

Maybe I should just move to Bangkok :o

I agree with the OP, that alot of good movies never get shown here, but I would cite a different cause. I find that the bulk of the movies shown are Thai ghost/fright/superstition crap. Get rid of those and we could get better Hollywood movies and better Asian movies as well.

Just wondering if anyone knows if this Thai movie will be shown outside of Krungthep?

I saw in the paper that it was released in the capital on the 15th May, however can't find any information regarding it being shown in Chiang Mai. Tried Airport Plaza and KSG, but nothing.

Would be rather sad if they didn't show it outside of Bangkok, especially after it receiving international critical acclaim, and winning/being nominated for international film awards.

Meanwhile there is a plethora of b@llshit Hollywood movies available at every cinema in the country. :D


If they still exist, you might want to check the movie theatres across the street* from Kat Suan Kaew. If I am not mistaken they used to show a little more obscure/challenging movies in the past.

*i.e. across Huay Kaew Road. Go up the flight of stairs and across the courtyard, the movie theatres are (were? :o) in the far left hand corner.

Good films are outweighed by bad ones pretty much everywhere - the same with books. That is why a good one is so special. :o

I found out some 3 years ago that the cinema trade/industry, at least in CM but I suspect all over Thailand, is economically on a knife edge, cut-throat and skating on thin ice, to use some cinematographic metaphors.

An international (Eng lang) hit was due to come here to CM, on a theme with which some other expat friends and I had much in common. I contacted the cinema chain and offered them a free display at their premies to help draw attention to their film. Their first reaction was to quote me some amazing rate for us to stage the display!

Their second reaction (after my Thai wife spelled out 'free' and 'help') was to say "If the film brings in the people for 3 nights, we'll call you back. If it doesn't we'll take it off and show something else."

Good film + financial desperation + short term atttitudes = no return phone call.

So if you see a film you fancy in the local press or on the billboards, go nowhere before you PHONE in Thai in advance to check it's still there!!


incase anyone cares...

"Dear Andy

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

We're appreciated for your interresting on our film Wonderful Town but we would like to tell you that our film will not show in Chaingmai we'll shown only in BKK until June 12 and now we try to show the film in Phuket after BKK."

Las Palmas Film Festival Special Jury Award & Rotterdam International Film Festival Tiger Award and it's only shown in Bangkok and Phuket.

Looks like I'll have to settle for Grampiana Jones and the Ridiculous Spaceship. Oh I can't wait. :o

Thanks Medish Sweatball, I'll check it out.

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