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What Is The General Overseas Reputation/stereotypes Of Thailand?


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"Maybe you should go back and study some basic history. The USA was an offshoot of earlier colonial expansionism into Canada. The French were already present and the English had to beat them. The Spanish were also having a lovely time destroying the indigineous peoples of the south. The came Jamestown and the Pilgrims and Plymouth MA, with the earliest Americans fleeing religious persecution in England. Then followed other waves of immigrants fleeing persecution in Europe. Aren't you embarrassed to push such a pathetic attempt at historical revisionism?"

Honest, I have no idea how what you said has anything to do with what I said. I wasn't referring to the discovery of America, and the subsequent European rape of the continent (I'm not sure what you would call that anyway). I wasn't referring to Genesis either, when I said founded. I didn't say created. I'm talking about the Founding Fathers, who were for the most part, English. Not all, but most, established practices, policies and laws that were self-serving, and, well, corrupt. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and no, I don't embarrass that easy. Confused would be a better word. :o

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The only thing I ever heard about Thailand was

Thai Sticks

Thai Brides that rip you off

Prostitution in Thailand is very very cheap

And Thai Green or Red Curry

Rather sad isn’t it.

After being married and divorced from a lying deceitful Thai bride who was helped by a group of Thai women living in the UK who were also full of lies and trickery. Their attitude was quite simply racist.

I am quite pleased that this country Thailand is blighted with extreme negativity and bigotry from the West. It is the only way to keep honest people away from a very corrupt and fraudulent country.

Their religion teaches its own people to lie in order to keep ones face as well as ripping poor old Farangs off. This dishonesty is no way to behave. I believe that the saying goes “you cannot trust a Thai”. Because they tell f**king lies all the time.

Thailand goodbye and good riddance, I will never step foot on its rotten heathen soil again.

An example of Thai woman treachery


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The only thing I ever heard about Thailand was

Thai Sticks

Thai Brides that rip you off

Prostitution in Thailand is very very cheap

And Thai Green or Red Curry

Rather sad isn’t it.

After being married and divorced from a lying deceitful Thai bride who was helped by a group of Thai women living in the UK who were also full of lies and trickery. Their attitude was quite simply racist.

I am quite pleased that this country Thailand is blighted with extreme negativity and bigotry from the West. It is the only way to keep honest people away from a very corrupt and fraudulent country.

Their religion teaches its own people to lie in order to keep ones face as well as ripping poor old Farangs off. This dishonesty is no way to behave. I believe that the saying goes “you cannot trust a Thai”. Because they tell f**king lies all the time.

Thailand goodbye and good riddance, I will never step foot on its rotten heathen soil again.

An example of Thai woman treachery


I think most of us, Thais and farang alike, are grateful for that.

/ Priceless

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As usual priceless u missed the point

The OP was asking about stereotypes of Thailand and Thai people

someone above referred to this link


"The stereotypes of Thai women as synonymous with mail-order brides, prostitutes and subservient wives featured prominently in the daily lives of most of the Thai women interviewed - and their partners. In one focus group, the women discussed the preconceptions others had of their marriages, which had in turn made them more guarded. During an interview with Tom and Nid, a mixed couple living in London, Nid expressed how she did not feel she was accepted by White British people; that, "...being here its going to be hard anyway because people are really against mixed couples... people have a lot of negative ideas about us". In one survey response, a Thai woman living in Glasgow explained some of the common questions she hears: "How old is your husband? How much did you pay for your wife?" making reference to the widely held assumptions that women come as mail-order brides for much older western men. (15) Likewise, mixed relationships between Thai men and White British women are not immune to discrimination. In another survey response, a White British woman voiced her annoyance over comments her and her husband often hear,

People assume I eat green curry all the time and ask if my husband eats dog. People also feel the need to discuss the topic of Thai bar girls and the sex industry. When people hear that I am married to a Thai they always want to tell me a story which is along the lines of: a guy who's a friend of a friend who was an old guy who took a young girl from Thailand who stole all his money and ran off (this seems to be an urban myth). I feel that this is a prejudice which people in the UK hold...

Many involved in the research, felt their mixed relationships have been looked down on because of the perception that most Thai-British relationships are mail or internet-order and thus morally distasteful. They recounted "incidents"; rude comments from both men and women who were co-workers, clients, strangers, children, and even extended family members; discrimination and ignorance of Thais and mixed couples were not seen to be limited to any one group. These comments and assumptions prompted some to actively challenge these stereotypes and promote what they felt was the reality of mixed Thai-British couples. "

I was pointing out that being ripped off by a Thai is also a stereotype and I am an example of it and that many people are weary about going to that retched place called Thailand because of this.

"....people have a lot of negative ideas about us" ...................I wonder why?

Maybe it's because some of these people rip off their so called loved ones

End of

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Beaches and easy women, after that low cost and quality clothing and products....

Its a pity that Thailand is perceived like this but if there is no fundamental change in the minds of many Thai people, not much will change. Most educated Thais leave if they can which doesn't make the situation any better.

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I currently live in the U.S. and am going to move to thailand in the near future. I've traveled to thailand 8 times in the past 9 years and most people mention the prostitution when I mention where I went. To be honest, that's why I went at first. I've evolved now to the point where I have a real admiration of thai culture and it's psychology. Learning the language was huge. Getting deeply into meditation and studying buddhism also was key. I knew that I would be living there someday when I started defending the country every time someone made a joke about the prostitution there. It is a very beautiful culture in many ways. There are ugly sides, as every culture has.


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Many folks back home pictured me living rather primitively in a "jungle" setting... :D

Yeah I get that as well, not exactly the truth.... :o

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Lol a jungle setting that's funny. Well a concrete jungle if they mean Bangkok. One of the benefits living here is that it is still more "westernized" than other Asian countries and farangs can get some of what they used to love back home. Thanks Villa Market and Co.

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