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Last Time You Strolled Beach Road In The Evening?


Last time you strolled Beach Road in the evening?  

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I don't walk along the beach anymore. Not for years. I should but I don't.

I do, almost every day, walk from Big C festival centre, across the zebra-crossing-of-death on Second Road opposite Soi 5, then down Soi 5 to Beach Road, then onto the main Beach Road walk-way down to the Royal Garden.

I suspect that when you said 'evening' you meant night. I consider evening upto about 2130. After that time I would not walk down Beach Road alone, not because of fear just the hassle of Khatoeys. The fear would kick in after 12 Midnight, when even the Pattaya Police leave the streets.

I don't think it is wise for unsuspecting Pattaya tourists to walk down the Beach side of Beach Road after about 2200/2300 hours alone.

Edited by libya 115
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not a good idea to do at night.never ever done it myself in 5 years and have no intention to do it in the evening.many times in the daytime and still see loads of prossies and criminals.

you well may ask how do i know,and my answer to that is I KNOW.

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Done it hundreds of times. No - not looking for cheap hookers, but there are less people and a bigger pavement on that side.

Never had a problem, or felt intimidated. All these guys who claim to have been mugged where either trying solicit a cheap ho/ ladyboy, or trying to buy some illegal substances.

Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

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Done it hundreds of times. No - not looking for cheap hookers, but there are less people and a bigger pavement on that side.

Never had a problem, or felt intimidated. All these guys who claim to have been mugged where either trying solicit a cheap ho/ ladyboy, or trying to buy some illegal substances.

Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.


ok Clark Kent, or is the real name just Lucky. :D

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Done it hundreds of times. No - not looking for cheap hookers, but there are less people and a bigger pavement on that side.

Never had a problem, or felt intimidated. All these guys who claim to have been mugged where either trying solicit a cheap ho/ ladyboy, or trying to buy some illegal substances.

Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

It also helps not to be falling down drunk as I think most of the victims are.

I'm not afraid of the beach either (or any place for that matter).

Might be a different story when I get older and not as able to defend myself (or run).

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not important to say if i can look after myself or not.can anyone of you take a knife off somebody or dodge a bullet.lets not be daft lads,giving it the big un,pattaya beach rd can be dangerous if you are sober or drunk,and to avoid a POSSIBLE encounter,then i walk on the other side.not scared but use my brain which is far more important than fists and feet in pattaya and i am not going to pay a thai for giving him a good hiding.

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Done it hundreds of times. No - not looking for cheap hookers, but there are less people and a bigger pavement on that side.

Never had a problem, or felt intimidated. All these guys who claim to have been mugged where either trying solicit a cheap ho/ ladyboy, or trying to buy some illegal substances.

Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

I'm fat and riddled with arthritis and completely unscary, but I never have any problem sitting or walking on Beach Road or chatting up hookers. I don't do it a three o'clock in the morning however. :o

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Walking along Beach Road during the day is not a problem, however during the last few years walking along there late at night or in the early morning can be a big problem.

No matter how confident you feel about being able to defend yourself history has shown us that this area is a hub not only for prostitution but for a number of desperate people including drug addicts. thieves, robbers, pimps and down and outs who will not hesitate in attacking someone if an altercation arises.

You may not be a victim in fact you may walk along there completely unhindered, but why take unnecessary chances, after all most of us would avoid the dodgy areas of towns and cities of the Western world.

I would urge everyone to use common sense and avoid walking alone in lonely areas of Pattaya during the hours of darkness.

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I'm fat and riddled with arthritis and completely unscary, but I never have any problem sitting or walking on Beach Road or chatting up hookers. I don't do it a three o'clock in the morning however. :D

yeah, the first only and last time I did that walk, I saw a fat guy in pain chatting up a 12 year old :o .

the hookers on Beach road all look to young (probably are) or as if they have HIV. I really dont see why someone would want to get his end away with one of these girls, they are cheap for a reason.

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yeah, the first only and last time I did that walk, I saw a fat guy in pain chatting up a 12 year old :D .

Was the fat guy really dorky?

You probably caught your own reflection in a mirror somewhere. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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BTW, I wasn't trying to come across as the 'big man' in my earlier post, however on re-reading it I can see that it could be easily interpreted as that. I will avoid conflict the same as anyone, if I can. What I meant to say is that confidence goes a heck of a long way in these situations. Think of the crims like school bullies - they will always pick on the meekest looking target.

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Walked around the beach at all hours of day and night and never felt the slightest bit threatened. I'm not an intimidating looking individual but have explored seedy areas all over the world and not become a victim of assault. Carry yourself with a bit of confidence, yes, but I don't recommend making much eye contact with male passersby, especially groups of them. Don't smile. Just put on your best Clint Eastwood expression, do a little swagger, and walk on by.

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Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

Exactly. I used to live in what is known as the "poorest postal code" in Canada. Downtown Vancouver (Main and Hastings area). I had no idea when I first moved into an apartment there, what kind of place I was in. Pushers, pimps and addicts everywhere.

I found that that most people would walk around with their heads down, staring at the sidewalk. I walked with a purpose, and would try to make eye contact with people. Invariably, what ever their purpose was on the street, they would look away and avoid me (or at least not try to push their crap on me).

I've walked down Beach Road (both sides) in the same manner. I know where I'm going. I have my route planned out and no desire to "chit chat" along the way. Head up and a brisk pace. Last time it was about 3 am. My friends took a moto-taxi, but I wanted to walk (as I was a wee bit too drunk to ride on the back of a moto). :o

From soi 9 to Walking Street, had a grand total of 1 person try to approach me. Khatoey (I think) started with the "where you go ?" routine. I gave (him/her/it) a polite "mai ow khrap" and kept walking. No hassles, no insults, no problems.

However, earlier that evening while chatting with my friends (and watching some local kids hunting rats on the beach), I noticed some other farangs scouting the strip. It was rather obvious they were looking for some action, and a couple of them probably should have gotten clobbered for their mannerisms. You make a low-ball offer to a (person of indistinct gender) and they turn you down, and you start insulting them rather loudly and rudely, you should expect a reaction. :D

I'm of the mind that a lot of the trouble that people get into on Beach Road, is as much their own fault as anyone elses. Problem is, when something does happen the victim is not too likely to admit that their actions may have led to the incident. They rarely admit that they were there trying to score with (whatever, kahtoey, freelancer, pusher). They wouldn't admit that it was their attitude, rudeness and insults that led to them being (assaulted/pick-pocketed/robbed/etc).

You play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

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Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

Exactly. I used to live in what is known as the "poorest postal code" in Canada. Downtown Vancouver (Main and Hastings area). I had no idea when I first moved into an apartment there, what kind of place I was in. Pushers, pimps and addicts everywhere.

I found that that most people would walk around with their heads down, staring at the sidewalk. I walked with a purpose, and would try to make eye contact with people. Invariably, what ever their purpose was on the street, they would look away and avoid me (or at least not try to push their crap on me).

I've walked down Beach Road (both sides) in the same manner. I know where I'm going. I have my route planned out and no desire to "chit chat" along the way. Head up and a brisk pace. Last time it was about 3 am. My friends took a moto-taxi, but I wanted to walk (as I was a wee bit too drunk to ride on the back of a moto). :o

From soi 9 to Walking Street, had a grand total of 1 person try to approach me. Khatoey (I think) started with the "where you go ?" routine. I gave (him/her/it) a polite "mai ow khrap" and kept walking. No hassles, no insults, no problems.

However, earlier that evening while chatting with my friends (and watching some local kids hunting rats on the beach), I noticed some other farangs scouting the strip. It was rather obvious they were looking for some action, and a couple of them probably should have gotten clobbered for their mannerisms. You make a low-ball offer to a (person of indistinct gender) and they turn you down, and you start insulting them rather loudly and rudely, you should expect a reaction. :D

I'm of the mind that a lot of the trouble that people get into on Beach Road, is as much their own fault as anyone elses. Problem is, when something does happen the victim is not too likely to admit that their actions may have led to the incident. They rarely admit that they were there trying to score with (whatever, kahtoey, freelancer, pusher). They wouldn't admit that it was their attitude, rudeness and insults that led to them being (assaulted/pick-pocketed/robbed/etc).

You play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

Sensible and succinct.

Walk wherever you want, whenever you want. Twenty years ago, I fell of the beach boardwalk (yes, there was one way back then) pissed as a rat. Pulled myself up against a coconut tree and fell asleep. Woke up around 7 am, hot as all buggery and bitten all over by ants. Money still in pocket, gold chain still around my neck. I reckon I made a pretty imposing passed-out drunk because nobody messed with me.

Note: Don't try this at home!

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I really enjoy this walk in the early evening about 6pm or early morning at 8am, but I am a real 'star' and do the whole length of the beach. I usually park the pick-up next to the Garden Lodge hotel in Naklua (near the dolphin), then walk to the beginning of Walking Street. When its open, I tend to use Mike's Shopping Mall for a 'convenience break' - the toilets come in really handy. Depending on my mood I then walk back or take take the Baht Bus back.

Sometimes my wife comes along as well, but usually after a short distance - just past the Markland hotel, she phones a friend and goes off to see them and then meets me later.

Never had any problems, except when it rains and then the path gets pretty flooded or maybe some branches or fruit drop down. Then I have to cross the road and get bothered by those idiot tailors who like to shake your hand and greet you with a 'cockney' accent. I usually cross back over the road, preferring to get soaking wet feet rather than avoid those guys.

I have never been bothered by Kartoys nor the freelancers, they may see I am not interested??

I have walked along a lot of promenades over the years and IMHO Pattaya is not that bad at all.

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yeah, the first only and last time I did that walk, I saw a fat guy in pain chatting up a 12 year old :o .

the hookers on Beach road all look to young (probably are) or as if they have HIV. I really dont see why someone would want to get his end away with one of these girls, they are cheap for a reason.

You're one talented dude. You can assess the age of a girl just walking past.

You've only walked there once, so you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

In actual fact, most of the freelancers along the beach are quite old. Many of them are ex gogo/bar girls with babies to support.

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I've walked down Beach Road (both sides) in the same manner. I know where I'm going. I have my route planned out and no desire to "chit chat" along the way. Head up and a brisk pace. Last time it was about 3 am. My friends took a moto-taxi, but I wanted to walk (as I was a wee bit too drunk to ride on the back of a moto). :o

From soi 9 to Walking Street, had a grand total of 1 person try to approach me. Khatoey (I think) started with the "where you go ?" routine. I gave (him/her/it) a polite "mai ow khrap" and kept walking. No hassles, no insults, no problems.

I'm of the mind that a lot of the trouble that people get into on Beach Road, is as much their own fault as anyone elses. Problem is, when something does happen the victim is not too likely to admit that their actions may have led to the incident.

You play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

You can just count yourself lucky because you've broken your own golden rule, i.e. Play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

You walked along Beach Road drunk...so drunk you would have fallen off a moto-taxi.

That's just plain stupid.

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After about 11pm, when the volunteer patrol goes home, it gets considerably more dangerous down there. All the overhead

streetlights seem to be broken again, and it's a known fact, there is an undesireable element that loiters in that area looking

for drunk, easily overcome farangs to roll. If you appear capable of defending yourself they will leave you alone but if you

read the link below, this assault is about a weekly event that happens to stupid farangs who want to play with the ladymen. :o


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