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Last Time You Strolled Beach Road In The Evening?


Last time you strolled Beach Road in the evening?  

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It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

These types are always drunken retards with no future. Don't worry, time will take care of them! :o

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Yep, and the slew of volunteer tourist police add to this false sense of security also.

Well they aren't there for security are they?

btw, i've walked the beach road late at night numerous times in the last 5 years without ever having a problem, but I am not a tourist. i would advise, however, that tourists take caution.

So, is it something you wear or do that makes the potential baddies know that you are not a tourist and steer clear?

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Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

I witnessed 'rude & obnoxious' a couple years back. It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

I thought, 'You sad <deleted>, young, pissed, penniless and only a snowballs chance in hel_l of getting laid... not worth the agro.'

You should have replied " Thank god for that, i thought she was falling in love with me " :o
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I witnessed 'rude & obnoxious' a couple years back. It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

I thought, 'You sad <deleted>, young, pissed, penniless and only a snowballs chance in hel_l of getting laid... not worth the agro.'

He was only saying what everyone else was thinking :o

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Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

I witnessed 'rude & obnoxious' a couple years back. It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

I thought, 'You sad <deleted>, young, pissed, penniless and only a snowballs chance in hel_l of getting laid... not worth the agro.'

if your girl was ugly, he wouldn't have opened his mouth. It's obvious he was jealous. more power to you.

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Yep, and the slew of volunteer tourist police add to this false sense of security also.

Well they aren't there for security are they?

btw, i've walked the beach road late at night numerous times in the last 5 years without ever having a problem, but I am not a tourist. i would advise, however, that tourists take caution.

So, is it something you wear or do that makes the potential baddies know that you are not a tourist and steer clear?

I don't know why. I can only speculate. maybe it's b/c i'm in good shape and i know how to fight. could be because i mind my own business and never acknowledge those in the dark calling out to me. I really don't know. I could just lucky too.

My view:

is that thais will only take advantage of those they feel like they have an upper had with. I've found this to be true in all my dealings with thai people. Thais are always sizing up every situation involving foreigners from: walking down the street, taking a taxi, giving correct change at 7-11, giving fair portions at a food stall, paying your rent, etc. If they see that they have the slightest edge, or sense a weakness on your part, they will try to take advantage.

This is the way i perceive things so maybe they can sense this about me and decide to leave me alone

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Done it hundreds of times. No - not looking for cheap hookers, but there are less people and a bigger pavement on that side.

Never had a problem, or felt intimidated. All these guys who claim to have been mugged where either trying solicit a cheap ho/ ladyboy, or trying to buy some illegal substances.

Walk tall, with your head up, and if you think someone looks a bit dodgy look them in the eye. If you look confident in yourself they will not bother you and wait for a weaker target. This was my theory in the UK, I walked through umpteen dodgy areas and have never had a problem.

Interesting and I know where you're comin' from - but the 'look them in the eye' bit would possibly get you involved in some kind of problem in the UK - at least where I come from there.

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Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

I witnessed 'rude & obnoxious' a couple years back. It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

I thought, 'You sad <deleted>, young, pissed, penniless and only a snowballs chance in hel_l of getting laid... not worth the agro.'

if your girl was ugly, he wouldn't have opened his mouth. It's obvious he was jealous. more power to you.

Seconded. He was jealous. Human nature.

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So you're saying that it's probably safe if a person walks fast and confident with intent after midnight.

Well, so far it seems most of the respondents that have done that seem to have made it safely enough.

What about a tourist who wants to take a leisurely stroll along the seashore?

A leisurely stroll along Beach Road after midnight ? :D

With only innocent intent of course. :o

Not "checking out" the available companionship (or making ones self appear to be on the prowl). Just a slow, meandering stroll along a stretch of beach known more for its "after dark" attractions than it's daylight ones. Yeah, right.

Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

From what I've seen, the farangs down there that are "leisurely strolling" are there for a reason, and it's not their (long) legs they are looking to stretch. They are there scoping out what is available. Often enough they are as drunk as a skunk, staggering from gaggle to gaggle of "girls", trying to find one (or more) to complete their nights entertainment. More than a few tend to be quite rude (though I've never seen any of them get attacked/robbed/mugged or anything else.)

These are not tourists out looking for a "leisurely stroll" on their way back to their hotel. For what ever reason (to cheap to pay a bar fine, looking for a little something "extra", or just trying to avoid paying anymore than they absolutely have to), a lot of those "strolling" along Beach Road know exactly what is going on.

Like I've said before though, whenever they get into trouble, none of these people that "just happened to be out for a stroll" ever admit that the real reason they were there in the first place was that they were trying to score (whatever). :D

We're on a totally different wave length here. I'm not talking about walking along the Beach Road pathway looking for local wildlife, I'm talking about real tourists who like to take a leisurely stroll on the beach.

I've lived in a tourist resort in Australia most of my life, and night time strolls along the ocean were one of the pleasures. With millions of non-sex-tourists hitting Pattaya these days, is it so hard for you to visualize a young tourist couple enjoying a late night stroll along the water.

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The problem with Pattaya and it's seashore is it tends to lead people into a false sense of security - on the surface it appears safe and serene. It did the same for me when I arrived, but I don't intend to test out the "walk after midnight with confidence and intent for safety" theory.

This can't be the same tropo who once challenged me to a race around the beach road/second road circle to prove his biker skills are better than my monster truck driving ones?

The same tropo who declines to go into restaurants if there are no other farangs inside because that indicates that the owner probably doesn't like farangs?

Oh wait, on second thoughts, maybe it is the same one.

Riding my motorcycle is a necessity. Talking after-midnight beach stolls is not.

Regarding restaurants, a Pattaya based restaurant without any English signage is not likely to be Faranag friendly. We'll save them for you. I don't have a Thai spouse to interpret menus and food selections. To each his own.

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...is it so hard for you to visualize a young tourist couple enjoying a late night stroll along the water.

YES ! :D

I hardly ever see any young tourist couples at all. The ones I have seen all seem to be in Walking Street. From my personal experiences of Beach Road, after midnight it's rare to see tourist couples of any age.

And from the news stories we've seen, the people that are getting into trouble in that area are definitely not young tourist couples. (I think soi Bukhao is more dangerous for couples, judging by the number of purse and neckchain snatch stories that seem to happen there).

I'm sure there are those that would like to stroll along there, but don't, because of the current situation. I'd wager that their reluctance would be due more to the "unsavoury" nature of the area, than to safety concerns. I think if a couple (of any age) were to stroll along there, minding their own business, they most likely wouldn't be getting hassled (unless some desperate tailor shop louts ran across the road to shake their hands). :o

If it could ever be "cleaned" up though, where do you think all the "locals" and the people that like to indulge would go ? It would be the same situation in a different locale. (I say we round 'em up and ship them to the darkside !). :D

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But I like tropo's vision of a boardwalk that is free of hookers and their johns.

I reckon it will come sooner than later when Pattaya's great leaders realise that the Russians with all their excess liquidity would like to dander down the beach after dinner. Nobody wants to buy that unlicensed, imported cheap tourist tat that is hung on walls on the landward side of beach road or rent a motorbike at 11 pm at night. Get rid of tat, the touts and freelancers, set up some of the soi's as alternating 1-way so as to create 'islands' of pedestrian-only zones and the place will be much, much better.

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