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My mother is due to fly back to the UK but suffers from an extreme case of Claustrophobia so therefore is a very nervous flyer. I am trying to find some thing legal and that can be purchased from a chemist here that will knock her out for the duration of the flight..

Anything that you can recommend???

Thanks…… :o

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Hey leprechaun. Seeing as i know you personally and where you live. Go to Bang Po hospital. Explain the problem. Take mem with you to translate. They should be able to give you some valium. If they dont offer you this. Then ask them. Explain how important it is. How has your mum enjoyed it here? What about your bro? Has he visited any ladies of the night? :o:D

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I wouldn't want to give any medical advise; my friend who suffers from the same phobia is using "Melatonin" which helps her in this situation. Nevertheless you should consult your "family doctor" for further information.

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Agree with Jockstar.........seek medical advice............but I think its better you speak to a doctor that actually understands English and the situation. Translators are sometimes too vague.......Good luck and asfe journey to your mum! :D

Couple of whiskeys on board should calm her nerves :o

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Couple of whiskeys on board should calm her nerves :o

For a short flight maybe,

but 12 hours to Europe........................

Thew poor lady will be legless by the time she arrives.

5mg of Valium with 2mg top ups along the way, if required.

Used to work for me, until I conquered the fear, which took years.

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Used to be able to buy Valium at any pharmacy in BKK about 2-3 years ago. I was a frequent purchaser for those long flights myself. Now, since the government had to stick their noses in it, you cant buy it anymore without a prescription. At least I cant. Anybody know any pharmacies that are playing ball?

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Ambien is actually my favorite. Just thinking about it make me want one... It is 1:30 AM.... too late to take it...

Any how, Ambien is fast acting, only about 30% of it is absorbed by the liver, so this means 70% is active within the body... That is a pretty darn effective amount. If you take about 10mg I imagine you will be asleep in less than 30 minutes. I take is when I fly. I do beleive you need to see an MD to get any sedatives in Thailand....

Whatever you do, do not mix your sedatives with alchohol, which is a recipe for death.

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Personally I dislike Valium. Xanax is much nicer. You relax, you sleep good and when you wake up you don't get that valium-drowsyness that remains with you for some time.
Valium has more hypnotic qualities than Xanax, which is more anti-anxiolitic.

If you have a problem sleeping valium is better and it has a much longer half-life.

Whatever you do, do not mix your sedatives with alchohol, which is a recipe for death.

Although valium itself is virtually impossible to overdose on. I used to take up to 400mg a day. Often, I added a booze. Very very dangerous. I thank God that I survived!

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I used to get Halcion, a little blue tab, from a pharmacy in Patong that would knock me out for the duration of any long flight. I would not recommend anything without seeing a general practitioner first. Anyway, I don't know if you can buy Halcion anymore since the government started taking an interest. Good thing too. Have a good flight and a good night. :o

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Whatever you do, do not mix your sedatives with alchohol, which is a recipe for death.

Although valium itself is virtually impossible to overdose on. I used to take up to 400mg a day. Often, I added a booze. Very very dangerous. I thank God that I survived!

I am a physician. My protocol from LAX to BKK is 2 Gin and Tonic with two limes after take off.

20 mgs Valium and 10 mgs Ambien with dinner with two more drinks.

Sleep all the way to Japan or Taiwan. Get up wander aimlessly around the airport to find a cold beer.

Get back on the plane and sleep all the way to BKK.

It's almost like being "beamed" to LOS.

Disclaimer: I do not reccomend doing this unless you are well conditioned, or air conditioned... :o

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Used to be able to buy Valium at any pharmacy in BKK about 2-3 years ago. I was a frequent purchaser for those long flights myself. Now, since the government had to stick their noses in it, you cant buy it anymore without a prescription. At least I cant. Anybody know any pharmacies that are playing ball?

Are you in or around Pattaya. I know one.

Xanax is the preference for me. It has a shorter half life than Valium(Diazepam), and you don't feel as drowsy after you wake up.

400mg a day. That's 40 x 10mg tabs a day. Are you sure? One could not function on that amount and would surely wake up days later with a full nappy???

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400mg a day. That's 40 x 10mg tabs a day. Are you sure? One could not function on that amount and would surely wake up days later with a full nappy???

I am sure. It is criminal really that the pharmacist used to sell me 1000 10mg tabs every month or so. Tolerance was built up over a few years.

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Xanax is the preference for me. It has a shorter half life than Valium(Diazepam), and you don't feel as drowsy after you wake up.

No wonder, Georgie.

Half life, you said?

How long is half life?

Do you ever wake up...? :o:D

Xanax (Alprazolam) half life 10-15 hrs.

Valium (Diazepam) half life 25-50 hrs.

A short poem for BC.

Now understand that,

I've laid it all out,

Be warned Bluecat,

This stuff's got clout.


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