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What Do You Miss About The Uk


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Tattie scones

scotch pies

black pudding

square sausages

Worchester sauce crisps

spicy twiglets

Going to see a good gig at Brixton Academy

festivals in the summer

Indian food( but then again my mate has just brought me over Indian curry paste. So i can make my own.

Apart from that not much else.

Watching the Rangers games on TV

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...I also miss the courtesy of other drivers, especially when comparing to Thai drivers...

I actually got a "hand up" thanks from a song-taew driver today. I pulled over to let him get past my pick-up in a very narrow soi and he raised his hand. Very unusual, very nice. (Or is that a rude gesture in Thailand :o ).
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...I also miss the courtesy of other drivers, especially when comparing to Thai drivers...

I actually got a "hand up" thanks from a song-taew driver today. I pulled over to let him get passed my pick-up in a very narrow soi and he raised his hand. Very unusual, very nice. (Or is that a rude gesture in Thailand :D ).

How many fingers showing? :o

Maybe I'm nuts, but it seems like I've been seeing more of these kinds (the nice kinds..) of acknowledgements lately. Anyone else noticing this?

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Maybe I'm nuts, but it seems like I've been seeing more of these kinds (the nice kinds..) of acknowledgements lately. Anyone else noticing this?

I'm on a bit of (what seems to be) a one-man mission to practice as much "gratitude showing" in the rare events that people do let me into lanes, give way etc., as I can. The hope is that they'll think "Wow, never seen that before - I'll do that again sometime", or prehaps show gratitude when people do the same to them. Then other people will see this and start practicing it themselves until eventually this attitude spreads all over the city then nationwide.

Eventually everybody will clock on to the fact that giving way actually works, doesn't take any time off the overall journey, and, most importantly, save lives.

Dunno though - it seems like a bit of a longshot. Does anybody believe me when I say I'm typing this with a straight face?

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I'm on a bit of (what seems to be) a one-man mission to practice as much "gratitude showing" in the rare events that people do let me into lanes, give way etc., as I can. The hope is that they'll think "Wow, never seen that before - I'll do that again sometime", or perhaps show gratitude when people do the same to them. Then other people will see this and start practising it themselves until eventually this attitude spreads all over the city then nationwide.

Eventually everybody will clock on to the fact that giving way actually works, doesn't take any time off the overall journey, and, most importantly, save lives.

Dunno though - it seems like a bit of a longshot. Does anybody believe me when I say I'm typing this with a straight face?

Sure! Two ways I hope to encourage better "manners":

1. at roundabouts (specifically Hayek Chalong - 5 roads join), I always give way to traffic "on the circle" because ( a ) you're supposed to, ( b ) it prevents total grid-lock and ( c ) I don't like to push in front of scared motorcy riders. And motorcy riders who look at me wondering if they should go first, I look at them and nod and they will invariably smile in an "appreciative" way. Makes me feel good, too. Of course, there's always the little sh1t who races across the roundabout and nearly gives me a heart attack, but his karma will catch up with him one day soon :o

2. in traffic jams, if mini-bus drivers want to overtake on the left, I let 'em. Tonight there was a little jam from Rawai to Chalong, and the mini-van nearly broke an axle hitting a big hole next to my pick-up. Som nam naa!

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I'm on a bit of (what seems to be) a one-man mission to practice as much "gratitude showing" in the rare events that people do let me into lanes, give way etc., as I can. The hope is that they'll think "Wow, never seen that before - I'll do that again sometime", or perhaps show gratitude when people do the same to them. Then other people will see this and start practising it themselves until eventually this attitude spreads all over the city then nationwide.

Eventually everybody will clock on to the fact that giving way actually works, doesn't take any time off the overall journey, and, most importantly, save lives.

Dunno though - it seems like a bit of a longshot. Does anybody believe me when I say I'm typing this with a straight face?

Sure! Two ways I hope to encourage better "manners":

1. at roundabouts (specifically Hayek Chalong - 5 roads join), I always give way to traffic "on the circle" because ( a ) you're supposed to, ( b ) it prevents total grid-lock and ( c ) I don't like to push in front of scared motorcy riders. And motorcy riders who look at me wondering if they should go first, I look at them and nod and they will invariably smile in an "appreciative" way. Makes me feel good, too. Of course, there's always the little sh1t who races across the roundabout and nearly gives me a heart attack, but his karma will catch up with him one day soon :D

2. in traffic jams, if mini-bus drivers want to overtake on the left, I let 'em. Tonight there was a little jam from Rawai to Chalong, and the mini-van nearly broke an axle hitting a big hole next to my pick-up. Som nam naa!

Of course, one must be very careful if going 'against the grain' so to speak...Other drivers assume you'll be driving the Thai Way, so stopping for pedestrians and such can easily cause an accident.... :o

But, like you, I 'give in' wherever I can, and whenever my ego is not controlling the wheel at the moment :D

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Of course, one must be very careful if going 'against the grain' so to speak...Other drivers assume you'll be driving the Thai Way, so stopping for pedestrians and such can easily cause an accident.... :o

But, like you, I 'give in' wherever I can, and whenever my ego is not controlling the wheel at the moment  :D

Exactly! This is why so many farang have motorcycle accidents. They drive the farang way - "I've got the right of way, so I'll just keep going and that big truck with his lights flashing and doing 80 kph will have to move out of the way...". WRONG!!

And sometimes I want to stop, for example to let someone coming from the opposite direction turn in front of me to my left, but I daren't slow down because the tail-gating truck behind me would never stop and doesn't expect ME to stop. So the big queue of cars waiting for that one truck to turn right will have to wait a little longer :D

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with xmas approaching fast , there is always a shortage of Brussels Sprouts , xmas pies , and xmas puddings , custard , decent potato's, stilton cheese , in fact if you are heading to BKK before xmas it might be worth stocking up on these and selling them to UK type eateries .

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Was talking to a mate today about this thread. He said he missed real chips. Got me thinking again. I really miss my dads homemade soup. Scotch broth.mmmmmmm

I can make a mean pot of soup in LOS. But its just not the same as the ole mans. Awsome!

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Hey <deleted>! Do ya know the Swan and Sugarloaf in South Croydon on the Brighten Rd.Used to be my local. A bit rough but a great boozer when i lived there. 1pound 20p for a pint of Murphys in 1995. Bargain.

yea i do. i took 403 & 412 past it nearly every day. i was a regular at lloyds and edwards. so many stunnin girls around ....

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I just realised that I miss Radio 1. Although it has changed from when I used to listen to it years ago, I miss John Peel's evening show at 10pm. Used to get it on World sevice about 12 years ago down on Koh Phan Ngan. Not sure if the guy is still alive.

john peel died on holiday in peru from a heart attack 3 days ago


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Someone told me that britishfood was <deleted> ! Is it really that bad ?

Depends on where you buy it. Chips (steak fries for the septics) up North are crap and mostly so in London, but they have improved out of all recognition in the rest of the country. Pub grub varies, again depending on where you buy it, but good pubs sell great food. Add a decent pint of real beer and heaven can sod-off 'coz I'm already there. :o

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Someone told me that britishfood was <deleted> ! Is it really that bad ?

Depends on where you buy it. Chips (steak fries for the septics) up North are crap and mostly so in London, but they have improved out of all recognition in the rest of the country. Pub grub varies, again depending on where you buy it, but good pubs sell great food. Add a decent pint of real beer and heaven can sod-off 'coz I'm already there. :o

I do love the Sunday roast especially the roast pork with crackling and apple sauce or roast beef with yorkshire puddings,all serve with golden roast potatoes and veg..yum yum :D

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