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Mosquito Bite


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The other evening i was biten by what I can only assume was a mosiquito. Stupidly I scracted it and not its turned into a 25mm watery blister on the side of my foot. Before going to bed last night I burst the blister with a sterlized pin but this morning it has returned again. I have been biten before without any sort of reaction other than itching.

Has anyone else has this sort of reaction?

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Could it have been a spider?

When I first came to Thailand I noticed that the bites I received had a lot different reactions than the bites I received from Australian insects. Slowly I seem to have developed some kind of immunity to most bites, well except for Mot Daeng, those suckers hurt.

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Sounds interesting.

Up in northern Thailand there are little bugs that don't look very threatening, but their bites turn into prominent red bumps that happen to be very itchy (more so than mosquito bites). I don't recall the name of said bugs, but I'll ask around.

A picture of the blister would be nice if you're willing.

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Oh dear,

I am pleased someone has come with this topic. I am at al oss what to do. A year last June, I too developed a arash,then purple coloured skin, at the bottom of my left leg. I have had it cleaned at a clinic, via a doctor, I have cems of numerous sorts. Even creamprescribed by my GP, in the Uk.

Today, it is still the same. It seeps, skin falls off when it has dried. It is sore at times, it will just not cure. Also any other bites I get, whatever bites me, causes a rash and dryness to the skin. My skin surface is tender and raw at times. I am fed up with it now. I have even had 2 lots of injections, anti-biotics and God knows what.


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Sounds interesting.

Up in northern Thailand there are little bugs that don't look very threatening, but their bites turn into prominent red bumps that happen to be very itchy (more so than mosquito bites). I don't recall the name of said bugs, but I'll ask around.

A picture of the blister would be nice if you're willing.

Theres the blister it doesnt itch or hurt at all.

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Oh dear,

I am pleased someone has come with this topic. I am at al oss what to do. A year last June, I too developed a arash,then purple coloured skin, at the bottom of my left leg. I have had it cleaned at a clinic, via a doctor, I have cems of numerous sorts. Even creamprescribed by my GP, in the Uk.

Today, it is still the same. It seeps, skin falls off when it has dried. It is sore at times, it will just not cure. Also any other bites I get, whatever bites me, causes a rash and dryness to the skin. My skin surface is tender and raw at times. I am fed up with it now. I have even had 2 lots of injections, anti-biotics and God knows what.


That sounds awful you have got me really worried now!! hope you get better soon :o

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That’s a large blister, I don’t know what bit you but suggest you keep a close eye on it or even better see a doctor.

For me I don’t react to mossie bites and sandfly bites itch.

I don’t know if it’s the same but the wet season is a time when I get what I presume are flee bites around my ankles or feet that come out in small watery blisters. The puss appears to be infectious and causes more blistery sores to appear if it leaks onto another area. These bites look like mini boils rather than the huge area you have.

The worst was when one of these blistery sores turned into a tropical ulcer. Within a few days I could fit the last joint of my little finger in the hole. I needed doctors visits and some serious antibiotic injections to fix the problem.

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Strange reaction to eating Vegemite and Marmite.

Skeeters NEVER bite me, or any of my family.

Just toast with either spread on, eaten regularly, seems an immunity develops.

Never been bitten by anything for years, here of home, NZ - OZ inc.

High in vitamin B.

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That's a large blister, I don't know what bit you but suggest you keep a close eye on it or even better see a doctor.

For me I don't react to mossie bites and sandfly bites itch.

I don't know if it's the same but the wet season is a time when I get what I presume are flee bites around my ankles or feet that come out in small watery blisters. The puss appears to be infectious and causes more blistery sores to appear if it leaks onto another area. These bites look like mini boils rather than the huge area you have.

The worst was when one of these blistery sores turned into a tropical ulcer. Within a few days I could fit the last joint of my little finger in the hole. I needed doctors visits and some serious antibiotic injections to fix the problem.

I am willing to take a pic of mine. It would be tomorrow now. No rush. it is quite dry at the minute and starting to get itchy again. big lumps of dried skin are falling off. Sorry if you read this whilst you are eating peeps

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Sounds interesting.

Up in northern Thailand there are little bugs that don't look very threatening, but their bites turn into prominent red bumps that happen to be very itchy (more so than mosquito bites). I don't recall the name of said bugs, but I'll ask around.

A picture of the blister would be nice if you're willing.

Theres the blister it doesnt itch or hurt at all.

Of course I could be mistaken, but those don't look like mosquito bite reactions to me. "Yoong" love me and I get "eaten alive" when I don't put spray on. I've never had a reaction that looks like that. Also, the fact that the "bites" don't itch is another indication (low or no histamine reaction). As someone else suggested, I think spider or some other insect, or possibly a reaction to rubbing up against a plant or something. I would definitely not wait to go see a doctor.

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  • 3 months later...
Strange reaction to eating Vegemite and Marmite.

Skeeters NEVER bite me, or any of my family.

Just toast with either spread on, eaten regularly, seems an immunity develops.

Never been bitten by anything for years, here of home, NZ - OZ inc.

High in vitamin B.

does beer contains vitamin b ? :o
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That's a large blister, I don't know what bit you but suggest you keep a close eye on it or even better see a doctor.

For me I don't react to mossie bites and sandfly bites itch.

I don't know if it's the same but the wet season is a time when I get what I presume are flee bites around my ankles or feet that come out in small watery blisters. The puss appears to be infectious and causes more blistery sores to appear if it leaks onto another area. These bites look like mini boils rather than the huge area you have.

The worst was when one of these blistery sores turned into a tropical ulcer. Within a few days I could fit the last joint of my little finger in the hole. I needed doctors visits and some serious antibiotic injections to fix the problem.

I had similar if not the same...what appeared to be easily transferred infection as suggested above....ended up with two ulcers on my ankle.....the end result is that I was told the infection was quite resistant to many drugs....the test came back with only one type of anti biotic tablet to be used.....I ended up going twice a week to the outpatients to get it cleaned and dressed...had two series of the tablets....and it took months to skin over again...using silver infused dressings..now it still lets me know the fix is not a hundred percent and I use cream to keep the area skin from cracking.....no idea what bit me but I did scratch....which is unusual for me.....maybe the type of infection passed on in the bite causes more severe itching......2 years later....yes I wish I had gone to the docs a couple of days sooner.

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