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Anyone Know The Bringing Money Into Thailand And The New Rules

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was wondering if anyone knows the new rules i heard about last year, from memory it was 20,000 us dollars coming in they were allowed to keep a 33% hold back for a year?

not sure of the rules or regs etc the sum probably might be in the region 500/700,000 English so is there a way of getting it in and maybe back out without this or any bieng witheld by the banks.

a friend has sold up and is determined to bring the lot and buy/invest over here and thinks he can just bring it in and out? maybe hes right but im under the impression he cant?

any help on this would be gratley appreaicted as id hate to cost someone time and money through bad advice or if a firm over here deals speficaly with this?

Many thanks


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I believe they have, or are going to abolish that ruling. I thought I read in the paper that they had already culled it, but check for sure first.

If he was my friend, I would advise him to bring what he needs initially and leave the balance in UK till he decides what he wants to do. For example, buy a home first, then settle on what he wants to do, rather than bring it all here and then find out it ain't as rosy as he had thought.

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Thanks chaps

"i read that the max amount has been abolished"

"the "new" rules are abolished old rules. no restrictions now!"

"I believe they have, or are going to abolish that ruling."

anyone got a link to the ruleing bieng stopped etc, or a copy of a quote etc so i can email this?



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