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I have Maxnet premium 1M down and 1/2 Meg up.

Right now I am getting 2M down and 1 Meg up (checked line statues via router), have Maxnet just bumped everybodies speed or what?

Maybe Christmas has come early..... :o

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Well, not everybody got bumped up, at least I didn't: still 2560/512.

However, I recall that in the past after I had been a MaxNet customer for a period of time (6 months? 1 year?) they did bump my account to the next level, which at that time was from 1MB to 2MB, for free. Later when I started paying for 2MB, they gave me the 2.5MB speed for the 2MB price.

So, I'm half tempted to say you've reached that status with them that they bumped your speed up for no charge, except that your upload speed is doubled, and that's not the next level of service from what you had previously. The max upload speed on the MaxNet Indy packages is 512Mbps, as far as I know.


Yes I got bumped up for free when I was an Indy customer also (that was about eight months ago now), I am also a little puzzled regarding the up speed, with every package they sell (Indy, Premier & Biz) the up speed is 512.....

I'm tempted to phone customer services to see what gives, but if this is a mistake thier end I would be ruining a good thing.... :o

In my original post I should have said "Premier" not "Premium" :D

Has anyone else that uses Premier, gained more speed over the last day or two?

Yes I got bumped up for free when I was an Indy customer also (that was about eight months ago now), I am also a little puzzled regarding the up speed, with every package they sell (Indy, Premier & Biz) the up speed is 512.....

I'm tempted to phone customer services to see what gives, but if this is a mistake thier end I would be ruining a good thing.... :o

In my original post I should have said "Premier" not "Premium" :D

Has anyone else that uses Premier, gained more speed over the last day or two?

It seems they will upgrade all packages, see http://www.maxnet.co.th/promotion_inside.php?promtid=58

(ps : I just send you a private mail)


Great news, thanks for the link Marc, I looked on thier website early this morning but didn't find this info, I must have been half asleep.

PM reply sent :o


Do you have to do anything to get the speed upgrade? Like signing up for at least another year or something like that?

Does it say you have to call them to get the upgrade? (Can't read it)

Yes I got bumped up for free when I was an Indy customer also (that was about eight months ago now), I am also a little puzzled regarding the up speed, with every package they sell (Indy, Premier & Biz) the up speed is 512.....

That web page that Marcus referred to shows all the Premier packages with an upload speed of 1024k (1Mbps), so I'm pretty convinced you just received an automatic upgrade for now being a long-term Premier customer. If that is true, it's making my decision to upgrade to Premier a little easier. My last pre-paid six-month package runs out next month I think. I almost upgraded when I bought that package, but balked at paying B1090 for 1Mbps, because much of the time I do get good speed on my current B1000/2.5Mbps Indy package.

If they're going to upgrade me back to 2Mbps after a "probationary" waiting period for the B1090, then it's a lot easier to be patient.

Do you have to do anything to get the speed upgrade? Like signing up for at least another year or something like that?

Does it say you have to call them to get the upgrade? (Can't read it)

I also would like some translation asssitance with that page, in particular: the chart. I'm paying B1000/mo for Indy and getting 2560/512. What is that chart's middle column that indicates "4096/512"?

Yes I got bumped up for free when I was an Indy customer also (that was about eight months ago now), I am also a little puzzled regarding the up speed, with every package they sell (Indy, Premier & Biz) the up speed is 512.....

That web page that Marcus referred to shows all the Premier packages with an upload speed of 1024k (1Mbps), so I'm pretty convinced you just received an automatic upgrade for now being a long-term Premier customer. If that is true, it's making my decision to upgrade to Premier a little easier. My last pre-paid six-month package runs out next month I think. I almost upgraded when I bought that package, but balked at paying B1090 for 1Mbps, because much of the time I do get good speed on my current B1000/2.5Mbps Indy package.

If they're going to upgrade me back to 2Mbps after a "probationary" waiting period for the B1090, then it's a lot easier to be patient.

Do you have to do anything to get the speed upgrade? Like signing up for at least another year or something like that?

Does it say you have to call them to get the upgrade? (Can't read it)

I also would like some translation asssitance with that page, in particular: the chart. I'm paying B1000/mo for Indy and getting 2560/512. What is that chart's middle column that indicates "4096/512"?

Me too doesn't understand much of it, but it looks very similar like the upgrade we had last year : everyone was upgraded for free and it was done automatically (I think in this case before August 31). If a native Thai reader could explain it further, it would be highly appreciated. But the fact that solent01 woke up this morning with double speed gives me a good feeling :o

I'm quite sure the first column indicates the current speed, and the second one the speed after the upgrade.


The Wife tells me that it says everyone will get the double speed upgrade after 9th June.

I remember last time this happened. It got worse.


it has already started. My speed has sometimes doubled, very eratic at this point. Also unstable which isn't what I need for my dreambox. But hopefully they will get it smoothed out after a while like they did the last time they did this.


Oh dear... so everyone gets it after 9th June? I'm still on 1024/512 Premier at the moment (just checked), but the speed and service has been really on and off in the last week or two. I've been happy with premier for the last five months after taking a speed downgrade moving from Indy's bumped up speed to Premier at 1024. It's been consistently good up until now. If they're going to do the same crappy upgrade as they did for Indy, which resulted in the line being nearly unusable, I may have to look at other options. I can't have this on/off/half-on sh*te with a work connection.


On Maxnet Premier, and today they upgraded me (again) to 3MB down, and 1MB up.

And.... i am astonished. I am getting those sort of speeds. Just been downloading at 288KB/s, which when you allow for other streaming software i have running, comes to about 2.4MB - 2.5MB. And that is as close as you would get anywhere (used high speeds lines in europe a lot)

And as for the upload speed, it is running at over 90KB/s, which again is as close as you will get in the real world when you allow for CRC's etc etc...

Well done TT&T !!


You're all very lucky! I'm in Khon Kaen on Indy. My download speed had a low this week of 660 bps, yes six hundred and sixty bits, and the top speed all week has been 23KBps. The average is 11 or 12. I had faster download speeds 20 years ago on a 14K dial-up modem line.

My downloads start at 23KBps and as I watch with each second it goes down steadily a K at a time to 10 or 11. I have to let each download run for an hour or more and then it often just stops and fails so I have to restart.

It might take 20 seconds to load an ebay page and is no good at all for final bidding as you might imagine, the lot's been sold and paid for while TT&T are faffing about.

TT&T are not my favourite initials.


Anyone knows how you can check if you have Indy or Premier ?

After hearing many good things about Premier, I made the unbelievable stupid move to "upgrade" my Indy account to Premier (keeping in mind that soon I would have the same speed as my Indy account now, but a better QOS)

It is a disaster ! International speed dropped from over 600 yesterday to approx 150 now. Torrents don't download faster, even the speedtest on the maxnet site gives me only 800 kbps to their BKK server.

And I have a good idea why... When I tried my upgrade for the first time (with my Premier login), I found out in the stats of my router that they just "moved" my Indy settings to a "Premier" login (my Indy was a 2560/512 account, and the Premier was to be supposed a 1024/512 (not upgraded) or a 2048/1024 (after upgrade). So what they did was accept my money for a more expensive account, and just give me a new login leaving the Indy settings.

After a call to the helpdesk, it became quickly a 1024/512 account (strange they didn't give me the upgrade immediately), which has the lousy performance you can accept from a 590 thb Indy account. So I really think they "upgraded" me to a lower Indy package...

Anyone has an idea how I can find out if they really did this ? On the telephone they will never admit it :o



I got my premier account upgraded too in Chiangmai. Stable speed for the moment but very afraid that they could be too much optimistic about their bandwidth. Wait and see.

And for Indy customers, this account is NOT for International access and you will have very low bandwidth (Skype/Torrent/ftp..). So just put 3 or 4 euro more and get Premier. This works, not bad at all, at least for the first year for me !



Dont forget the big difference between indy and premier (for the same rated bandwdth) is the contention ratio. Thats the number of people who have access to the same bandwidth as you.

On Indy it is 40+ (that was the figure mentioned by a tt&t manager)

On Premier it is a max of 20.

Which, if other people in your group of 40+ are doing lots of downloads, then the amount of bandwidth that you personally will get will be throttled.

You may be lucky. If in a new area, and not many other people have TT&T yet, then you could have the indy< package and only have, say, 10 people in your group. But over time, or in a densely populated area, you will get towards that 40+ quite quickly. and then you will have less chance of that 2048 (or whatever). Of course, if you work at different times from other people, you will also have more chance of gettings faster speeds.

by buying premier, you are buying a better chance of getting the rated bandwidth. And, when there are problems with underwater cables being snapped, then available bandwidth is directed towards premier. Ie. when we had problems earlier this year, people on the same street with indy had no login or very bad bandwidth for a week. I was ok.


my tot 2mb download is working brilliant the last few weeks.i am getting 190 kbps on average any part of the day.keep up the good work tot.


At 2345h last night (Tuesday, 4 June) my TT&T Maxnet account was upgraded from 2560/512k to 4096/512k. I know the time because that's when my internet access screeched to a halt. Re-booting the modem/router and displaying the connection statistics showed the new 4096k upload speed, and just an hour earlier I had peeked and it was still 2560k.

Then, for the next hour I had *no* internet access.

Granted, it's the middle of the night (0100h), but speedtest.net reports:



Another Bxxxxxxt marketing campaign with no benefit.

When loading a website one won't see a big difference between 1 and 2 M. As long as they restrict speed on Torrents, FTP etc. the internet stays quite useless to me.

Doubling the speed for everybody will us more line capacity, which is already today not sufficient.


Another Bxxxxxxt marketing campaign with no benefit.

When loading a website one won't see a big difference between 1 and 2 M. As long as they restrict speed on Torrents, FTP etc. the internet stays quite useless to me.

Doubling the speed for everybody will us more line capacity, which is already today not sufficient.


If you are referring to TT&T, at least they state (in English, even when the rest of the brochure is in Thai) that the lowest-price range of packages (Indy) are restricted for torrents and VoIP. If that's what you find most important, then Indy would not be for you. I've never noticed any throttling of FTP on my Indy package, and I don't use VoIP or torrents, so I rationalize that when I first signed up for B1000/mo it was for 1Mbps. When it was working at full 2.5Mbps, I considered it a bonus. Now that I've downloaded a few files and noticed 400Bps+ download, I'm quite pleased.

Mind you, I do know what good internet access is: when I left Japan a few years ago I had 12Mbps ADSL, and it was the cheapest package I could get. Also available, even then, was 40Mbps, but I saw no reason to pay extra for it -- I found very few web sites that could deliver content much more than 4 or 5Mbps anyway.

I'm probably going to upgrade to the Premier 2Mbps/1Mbps package for an extra B90/month when my current 6-month Indy prepaid package is used up, the main attraction being the lower contention ratio.

I'm also grateful that the ISP model in Thailand is more like that in the US and Japan than like in Australia or England. I read features in computer magazines from those countries evaluating different ISPs, and it seems very rare or very expensive to have an "unlimited usage" plan like what we get here as standard. By "unlimited usage" I mean no maximum amount of download activity before the connection is "shaped" (reduced to 128kpbs or even 64kpbs) for the rest of the month.

I totally agree that what *really* needs to be worked on is a larger pipeline out of Thailand to the rest of the world...!

Anyone knows how you can check if you have Indy or Premier ?

From your assigned IP address? I think Indy gets 117 or 222. But, not sure....


Here are my results from TOT. I have a 4mg SME connection paying 6,800 a month.

What a joke, I have been complaining for weeks, they say to restart and try again each time and it's still the same. I am giving up on getting a decent connection in Bangkok. My dial up was quicker back home or even connecting via my mobile. EDGE or GPRS. I dont understand how people use the internet over here.

These results are connection to the US



I just stopped by the TTT office to see what was going on with my account. My monthly invoice states I have the 2048/512 Indy package, however whenever I login to the ADSL modem it states 1024/509kbps and I never get speeds more than 900kbps so it appears they have been overcharging me for the past 6 months.

They said double speed upgrades were happening automatically this month and I would have to wait (I'm in Roi Et and apparently they are waiting on something to be upgraded in Koen Kaen first). I had trouble getting them to understand that my existing speed is 1024/512 (according to the ADSL modem) and I was paying for 2048/512 already... so why should I have to wait for some general upgrade when something is specifically wrong with my account?

I guess I'll just wait out the month and see what happens. If I get upgraded to 2048/512 then I'll have to ask them to charge me B590 per month instead of the current B1000. If I get upgraded to 4096/512 then I'll be happy and won't have to do anything. Prior experience with TTT tells me however that nothing will happen if I only wait.

UPDATE: I was just testing my connection at TTT's site http://www.maxnet.co.th/test_speed.php. 106.7kbps... upgrades??? How about just providing the speeds we pay for already?



danfred, I have the same problem as you.

For almost 2 years TT&T Maxnet has charged my account for the Indy 2.5 M package at 1000 B / month, but in the router I can see that my line only gets assiged

Data Rate 1536 512 kbps

Maxnets own speedtest is showing 1315.8 kbps.

So with the free upgrade now according to the table on their website the speed should go up to 4 M, but it's the 10th today and nothing was done to my line, still showing as 1536 /512 kbps in the router.

danfred, I have the same problem as you.

For almost 2 years TT&T Maxnet has charged my account for the Indy 2.5 M package at 1000 B / month, but in the router I can see that my line only gets assiged

Data Rate 1536 512 kbps

Maxnets own speedtest is showing 1315.8 kbps.

So with the free upgrade now according to the table on their website the speed should go up to 4 M, but it's the 10th today and nothing was done to my line, still showing as 1536 /512 kbps in the router.

It could be that you are either really far from the DSLAM (the switching station if you will) or that your line is really bad. Check the line noise, in any case. If the noise is too high, the modem will automatically switch to a level that the line will sustain, so that might explain it.

It could be that you are either really far from the DSLAM (the switching station if you will) or that your line is really bad. Check the line noise, in any case. If the noise is too high, the modem will automatically switch to a level that the line will sustain, so that might explain it.

Yes you are right actually, my SNR Margin is used up already .. it's as low as 3 - 6 dB sometimes and frequently needs to re-synch, leaving not much margin for the DSLAM to negotiate a higher speed.

It really sucks because I had the TT&T line installed especially for Maxnet and I'm not using any analogue devices like phone or fax on it or anything.

I wish they would fix up the messy lines before advertising nice speeds.

Anyone know the locations of the exchanges in Phuket? I'm also not exactly close to my DSLAM with a line attenuation of 49 dB downstream.

Anyone knows how you can check if you have Indy or Premier ?

From your assigned IP address? I think Indy gets 117 or 222. But, not sure....

Yes... 117 or 222 and if your really unlucky 124.. 117 is the strongest 222 is close... and 124 is dead slow.. different routers and or different peering. if you get 58 or something in the 50's you are into premier. But Indy is much better then it has been.. though during the heavy use times of day you still loose the power to the USA. Premier seems to be consistent speed to offshore websites. This has been my experience anyway.


I have been with maxnet for 3 years, on the 512 package, just done a speed test and I am getting 2.5KB down, and .33KB up, thats 5 times faster that what I originally signed up for.......now wheres my PS3, lets test some on line gaming out..

Yes you are right actually, my SNR Margin is used up already .. it's as low as 3 - 6 dB sometimes and frequently needs to re-synch, leaving not much margin for the DSLAM to negotiate a higher speed.

It really sucks because I had the TT&T line installed especially for Maxnet and I'm not using any analogue devices like phone or fax on it or anything.

I wish they would fix up the messy lines before advertising nice speeds.

Anyone know the locations of the exchanges in Phuket? I'm also not exactly close to my DSLAM with a line attenuation of 49 dB downstream.

That explains a lot. My line attenuation is slightly worse than yours. I must be far from the exchange. If line attenuation indicates distance, does SNR margin indicate line quality?

Downstream SNR Margin: 12.2 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 51.0 db

Downstream Data Rate: 1024 kbps

Upstream SNR Margin: 21.0 db

Upstream Line Attenuation: 34.3 db

Upstream Data Rate: 506 kbps

Can switching the ADSL modem make a difference (I have several from previous installations)? I used to get 2048kbps across the street with the old ADSL modem. We've already bypassed the phone wire in the new house connecting directly through the outside wall to the modem. One thing that is different from across the street is that the new phone wire runs a 90 meter span from the road to the house and it's touching one of the 3-phase electrical mains all along the way... could that cause any issues?

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