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Farang Driving With Open Window.


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It is quite nice driving with the window down, arm resting on the door and ciggies smoke going outside. Where I grew up in Australia I didn't have a car with a/c so the window was always down.

It just feels a lot free'er than sitting in a car boxed in by the windows.

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haha likewise, growing up in australia, alot of cars didnt have free (aircondition), plus Australian air is less polluted, and air is FREE!!!!, so why not, switching off you aircon and opening the windows have 2 major advtangaes...one it increase the power to the wheels, and output from the engine. it can increase up to 20% better acceleration according to different cars, pickup's i feel give about an aditional 5-7hp.

the other main reason is to kool down your engine, after running for a long time you want your engine to cool down, so my trick is, when i open my windows, i switch of the ac, take of the ac mode, and take of inside car ventalation system, that way air from out side will just be sucked in, cooling down and providing free flowing air through the vents, without the AC on. -great trick.

another main point is it does decrease the fuel consumption, so when you are low on petrol, just opt from switching of your AC, and you will consume alot less, making sure u can get to another station :o.

last reason,,,,,because why not?

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i drive with my window down as i wear glasses and with the windows up and the A/C on as soon as you step outside my glasses steam up so i cant see a thing and dont have any joy with cleaning them as they just steam up again, i also find it better looking at the ladies without tinted windows in the way :o

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Pop3 it has nothing to do with wanting to be seen, its just a habit that most of us pick up from home. Im also pretty sure we can still be seen with the window up as well so I don't get your point. Back in the UK I drove all my cars with my windows down, the reasons being, its nice to have some fresh air blowing around the car as not all cars back home have air conditioning or really need it. Sometimes with the cold the windows get steamed up or frozen so its easier just to open them. Theres nothing better than going for drive on a summers day with the windows down and the fresh air blowing in your face.

Over here its a different story, your air is full of dust and is not as fresh as the UK. At first I used to keep my window open but my wife always moaned at me to shut it. Because I had a truck with crap air con, I still preferred to have the window open to keeping it shut and driving in a sauna. Ive only really just got out of the habit because I've got a new car with great air con. I still however like to drive with the window open sometimes out of habit.

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Yes, this seemed such a bizarre topic that I tried to ignore it, but it is a slow morning, so here goes...

I agree with Naam, as usual - why didn't I dream up such a bizarre question? Why do Thais think that ginger smells good? Why do the food stands on main streets extend five meters onto the roadway in Chiang Mai at night? Why does 7-11 think 34 baht is a good price for Spy wine when Tesco-Lotus Express sells it for 25? Why are Thais excessively modest about nudity but have no qualms about flicking nose boogers in public? Why does a 150 bike only go 142 kph top speed? Why.....

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The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.

So now you know

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I like to drive with the windows down and have done in all the tropical countries I have lived in. Cannot think of a single reason, I just like it plain and simple.

Is there a problem with that? My car, my lungs, my life.

Why do farangs always want to interfere in other farang's lives?

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Just noticed the other Windows thread and I wondered......

does Bill Gates drive around with his Windows open?

I read somewhere that his favorite car is a 1999 Porsche 911 Convertible. He likely drives around with the top down. :o

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Have you ever considerd that cars with windows up may actually be driving with the sun roof open. :D

Ah, you don't know what a sun roof is.? :o It's like a window it allows you to drive in a vehicle without being sensorily detached form the world outside.

Your question is much in the vain of why do American insist on wearing hats when inside buildings or why do Thais wear sunglasses inside night clubs. Answer to the last one see your OP questions. :D

My friend just came in and said you are racist because you only sees what you want to see. :D

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Have you ever considerd that cars with windows up may actually be driving with the sun roof open. :D

Ah, you don't know what a sun roof is.? :o It's like a window it allows you to drive in a vehicle without being sensorily detached form the world outside.

Your question is much in the vain of why do American insist on wearing hats when inside buildings or why do Thais wear sunglasses inside night clubs. Answer to the last one see your OP questions. :D

My friend just came in and said you are racist because you only sees what you want to see. :D

Man... I miss sunroofs!!! All my cars in the states had sunroofs, all I owned was beat up POS, but they all had sunroofs.

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I'm one of those dreadful people who smokes cigarettes.

But I can't stand the smell inside the car.

Me too and usually any passengers don't like the lingering smell of ciggie smoke in the car.

Apart from that, I prefer to drive with the windows down, elbow protruding and the music blasting [Thai Style] :D

Do it to be seen? Nah.

edit :-

Air con makes me cough. Air con in the car and the house. Better to breathe the fumes from outside :o

Edited by intumult
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Yes back in Europe I too drove with my window down during the summer months, but in winter it was wound firmly up and the heater was on. if you look at the main point of my original post...

(A large portion of farang generally come from colder climates, so why is it that so many drive around with the drivers window open ?)

Farangs driving round in the tropics with the window open and the aircon off is like me driving around in Europe during the freezing winter with my window open and the heater off.

As for the guy wanting to drive round with the sun roof open ? yeah great. I can just imagine sitting at the lights with an interia temperature in the 50s :o

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i concentrated and tried hard. how about these:

-"why is it that Farangs have generally bigger noses than Thais?"

-"why do most wives object that husbands keep mia nois?"

-"why can Thais buy land in [insert country] and i cannot buy land in Thailand?"

-"why are Thais eating spicy food?"

-"why are the temperatures in Thailand much higher than in England, Scotland, Wales or Switzerland?"

-"shall i marry my filipina or my thai girlfriend? need advice from experienced persons!"

- To get a better whiff of the burning stench in the air while living in LOS.

- Because they cannot find a sharp knife to cut the 'coy' (sp) when they find them cheating.

- Because other countries just want the money and don't care who lives there.

- What else is there to eat, muddy fish?

- I think it has something to do with that imaginary circle going around the middle of this planet, doesn't it?

- Be happy (or crazy) and marry both.

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  • 4 months later...

Driving up Pattaya klang this afternoon stuck in a very long traffic jam, had nothing better to do than look across at all the other cars stuck going the other way, every car with the window open was driven by a farang, in all the cars I never once saw a Thai with his window open,

After all this time and the comments on this thread it is still my belief that the overwhelming reason that the farang drive with their windows open is to be seen, I am farang, I have money, look at me :o

Edited by pop3
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Driving up Pattaya klang this afternoon stuck in a very long traffic jam, had nothing better to do than look across at all the other cars stuck going the other way, every car with the window open was driven by a farang, in all the cars I never once saw a Thai with his window open,

After all this time and the comments on this thread it is still my belief that the overwhelming reason that the farang drive with their windows open is to be seen, I am farang, I have money, look at me :o

I don't know if this says more about your desire to be noticed or your view that others have a compulsion to be noticed. Either way it is bizarre.

I like the airflow in a moving vehicle. I am not particularly bothered by the heat as I spend little time in aircon anyway. I also like the sound of the air going by. It is white noise that blocks out everything and lets you think. Being noticed is a negative to me. It gets tiresome smiling and waving to all the people that want a little interaction since farang are an odity where I am.

I think your assumptions stem more from your location and mindset than any true motivation by those you are judging. After all the responses, none of which seriously claiming "being seen" is a consideration, you cling to your original assumption. I think the question you should be asking is "Why is it so important to me to believe that farangs with their windows open are just showing off?"

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I drive with the window open sometimes, but not for showing off. Simply, I`ve got a new car with no ashtray in it. And yes, you`ve guessed right; I do smoke once in a while, especially when I`m semi-stuck in traffic jams.

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I like to turn off the AC as often as possible. But it is not always saving fuel to do so. It depends on the speed you are driving at.

If you are going slow inside a city, it can save a lot of fuel by turning off the AC and opening the windows, but who wants to do that in a city?

If you are on the Highway at 160 km/h, it does not make sense to open the windows, you will actually use more fuel due to the air turbulence.

The break even is at about 80-100 kmh/h, it depends on the shape of the car. On a mountain road in northern thailand i would always prefer open windows to the AC, unless it is burning season.

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I guess most Thais use the air as that's what the car has and thats what they are accustomed too. In Australia, I often put the window down, and do so occasionally here (unless it's too hot or smelly outside). Early in the morning going to work it's ok, until I hit the built up area too. Gives the engine a chance to warm up before the air compressor stresses it. My windows are blacked out and I like that privacy actually.

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Driving up Pattaya klang this afternoon stuck in a very long traffic jam, had nothing better to do than look across at all the other cars stuck going the other way, every car with the window open was driven by a farang, in all the cars I never once saw a Thai with his window open,

After all this time and the comments on this thread it is still my belief that the overwhelming reason that the farang drive with their windows open is to be seen, I am farang, I have money, look at me :o

I don't know if this says more about your desire to be noticed or your view that others have a compulsion to be noticed. Either way it is bizarre.

I like the airflow in a moving vehicle. I am not particularly bothered by the heat as I spend little time in aircon anyway. I also like the sound of the air going by. It is white noise that blocks out everything and lets you think. Being noticed is a negative to me. It gets tiresome smiling and waving to all the people that want a little interaction since farang are an odity where I am.

I think your assumptions stem more from your location and mindset than any true motivation by those you are judging. After all the responses, none of which seriously claiming "being seen" is a consideration, you cling to your original assumption. I think the question you should be asking is "Why is it so important to me to believe that farangs with their windows open are just showing off?"


Yes I think you could be right on my location and mindset, bizarre Pattaya.

The fact that nobody has admited opening the window wanting to be seen does not surprize me, sure some are smokers, and sure some just like to drive with the window open.

As for... "Why is it so important to me to believe that farangs with their windows open are just showing off?" all I can comment here is why is it so important to farang to come up with every excuse in the book as to why they are not opening the window to show off ?

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Ive been meaning to post this on here for a long time but keep forgetting but heres a question I would really like to find some answers to.

A large portion of farang generally come from colder climates, so why is it that so many drive around with the drivers window open ? is it any of these or something els ?

They want to be seen ?

They want to economize on fuel and sweat rather than use the air-con ?

They like the smell of two stroke exhaust ?

They like filling their car with road dust ?

If it was an old car or pickup they were driving with less than perfect air-con I could see their point but 99% are driving new, can somebody show some light on this please ? maybe your one of these dusty sweaty crew, let us into your secret... :o

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Jeez some people need to calm down and just let it be.

If farang want the feeling from the wind blustering in then let it be man.

You must be seriously conservative and square if you let a little thing like this bother you.

Personally, when I'm on the road, if someone has a the window down I'd feel more at ease that some faceless driver with all the windows up, cooped up chicken with the aircon on 24/7

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