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I have just been offered a contract to work in sangapore for 4 months. What is the cost of living there? Is 50K THB / monthy enough to live on there? Can my thai girlfriend come along? Any other thoughts, recopmendations, etc? I've never been there, and won't have a chance to visit before I decide.


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yeah that would not be way near enought to live on over there, rents and other livuing costs are way up there with the west... and your thai gf would usually only be given a 1 month visa and you would need to accompany her on the flight... for a longer stay for her you would need to show substantial monies to show you can support her no probs...

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I spent last year working in Singapore my -then girlfriend and now wife (who is Thai) joined me.

We rented a modest appartment in town that cost S$3500 per month, but saw nothing worth living in for less than S$1700 per month ( and at that price you get no furnature).

At first the cost of food seems cheap, because we were eating in food halls etc, but we soon realised that the food in food halls is not so good if it is the only food you are eating. We wound up cooking at home and found the costs to be (all in) about the same as the UK. Some things are very expensive - in particular beer.

My wife's employers also have an office in Singapore so she was fortunate to make a termporarty transfer and that entitled her to her own green card (Employment Pass).

As you are not married your partner will not be elligable for a green card except where the following conditions are met:

She has a Signapore Citizen sponsor her application and you plan to marry in a relatively short period of time.

The problem for you is (a) The Singapore Citizen who signs also has to stump up a substantial garauntee (:o You are only there for 3 months and the Singapore government will only issue a dependents pass to an unmarried partner if you have a contract that extends to one year.

If your partner does not have a green card she will have to rely on visa runs and therein lies a whole new bunch of problems. The main problem is the length of stay she will be given, the first trip may be one month, if you are with her as she enters, there after two weeks is usual.

If they suspect your g/f is living in Singapore illegally, which if she is staying in consecutive visit visas she is. They can refuse entry. or more commonly issue a 4 day visa.

Another problem is Thai women arriving without a partner and/or arriving on several consecutive visitor visas will be assumed to be working as prostitutes and will be subjected to all manner of questions at immigration. I have watched this while queuing and it does look distressing.

With a green card she would pass through immigration without any hassle.

Finally, the amount you are being paid does not seem right. There are strict regulations governing the amount you must earn to get a work pass - I am certain that Bht50K is not enough. (our allowances where almost S$8K per month + a car + a flight allowance + medical insurance)

Work permits (Employment Passes are issued by the Ministory of man Power (MOM) so go to Singgov.org and check the requirements.

On the upside: We were made very welcome in Singapore, my wife in particular loved the place. We met some exceptionally nice people (totally out of the image of what a Singaporean is like) and in the end we married in Singapore - it was a fabulous year and we would jump at the chance to go again.

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I really had a feeling about some of that stuff - but i wanted to check it out first. I don't know if I am offered accomodations or anything - I assume I'd be playing at some hotel. I looked up prices for stuff on-line and some cost-of-living estimates were pretty darn high - like USD $50K /year, and some were closer to 30K THB a month.... In any case, the visa situation was what i was particularly worried about, as I'm not gonna leave my girlfriend here. So Singapore is a no-go - unless of course, my friend meant 5 muan USD.... he didn't actually specify and doesn't speak very good english. :o I'd assume not, though.

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Drummer...........I dont think its SGD50k a month unless you are a CEO or something!! :o THB50k is nothing in Singapore and you will not be able to live on it, even with accomodation provided by your employer.

As for your Thai gf, maybe its best you get your future employer to sort things out for you if they will

If you need help in Singapore (if you do go)...........drop me a note. I have many expat friends there and will be glad to help. :D

Cheers! :D

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I have just been offered a contract to work in sangapore for 4 months. What is the cost of living there? Is 50K THB / monthy enough to live on there? Can my thai girlfriend come along? Any other thoughts, recopmendations, etc? I've never been there, and won't have a chance to visit before I decide.


of some expats I know, their rents alone exceed 50K baht a month.

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Singapore is bored city if you stay over a week.. 'coz there's small country and nothing much interesting after a week..

And 50k Baht is not really enough, especially you have to pay for accommodation.

Don't even think to belong with your GF. You must be carefully to pay something.

-- Zenzer --

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Singapore is a very expensive city to live in.

For THB50K you will not be able to live and eat comfortably.

After paying the high rent and other expenses........ you and your girlfriend

will be eating bread and water daily.

To give you and example....... a plate of fried mee will costs you more than THB100/- (Sing Dollars 4.00 or even more, that also at the road side shop).

Sawadti krap.

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>yeah that would not be way near enought to live on over there, rents and other livuing costs are way up there with the west... and your thai gf would usually only be given a 1 month visa and you would need to accompany her on the flight... for a longer stay for her you would need to show substantial monies to show you can support her no probs...

Is it 1 month or 2 weeks? I think it was 2 weeks for my gf when we went there.

Income there is (due to low taxes) bigger then in the West, 50K baht sounds about lower end even if it is - per week.

Beer is 12-14 S$ per glass. Food hall shops are ok for 1 meal a day. Other than that, a modest steak in a reasonable sit-down restaurant (i.e. "Outback") would be 55S$ if I remember correctly. That's what, near 1500B with no drinks.

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