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Computer crashed last night and I restarted cellular at midday today, with no information lost fortunately. Now I am only getting 5-8 kBs which seems to confirm our theory that it is international lines that are to blame, presuming that jonboy is no longer seeding. Someone should try this DL to make sure, as I will be seeding within the next hour. I'll leave it seeding all day. Look out for a healthy upload rate from IP

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Jeremy Clarksons motorworld  -  2GB

Currently seeding on (although True will drop the connection at some point in the next 24 hours, and I'll probably get a different IP address on the reconnect).

see you there mike but I'm "snubbed" and "choked" from your client. Most clients are set to deliver packets to only four other peers by default. It would be nice to be able to give certain peers preference in the swarm. Any one know if any clients do this?

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Does anyone have experience with Direct Connect? I know that it connects users directly, using a hub only to initiate the contact, i.e. you can choose who you upload to. Then when someone gets a BT, Kazaa or emule file, we can blast it out to each other at full pelt making for top speed up and download speeds, since TRUE seems to work at top speed for local connections. It allows for multiple sources too. I havn't much experience with DC. If others are willing though I'd put in the effort.

BT is too uncontrollable. For example I am seeding Cellular with 8 peer slots open and 30 Kbs bandwidth, but it is U/L at only 10Kbs. Really I should be able to designate who I U/L to and give full bandwidth to a local user which should maintain 40-50 kBs, making a CD image D/L in around 5 hours from one source, and much less with 2 or 3 sources.

It would take a bit of organisation, but it seems the only way to utilize the TRUE bandwidth.

Once set up, we probably all have a fair back catalogue too; I have nearly 200 CDs. If anyone is interested Post up.

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Most clients are set to deliver packets to only four other peers by default. It would be nice to be able to give certain peers preference in the swarm. Any one know if any clients do this?

Azeurus does this. Look under view/configuration/IPfilters

Just to check this out, I am seeding cellular (shortcut in earlier thread) and have allowed IP ranges from to

If you have not specified an IP to bind to, then your external IP will fall outside this range. If that is so check your IP at somewhere like


Try and DL this from me. Or let me know if your IP falls outside this range and I will adjust it accordingly.

Azeurus is listening on port 6881. Currently I am seeding, but with no one connected. I'll leave it running till morning unless there is a bite.

UPDATE: currently uploading to two IPs viz, (azureus) and (bit torando) both at around 20 kBs (set limit to 45kBs max)

Seems to be working

New bite bit comet. bandwidth shared between the three

2 am and a forth bite,

Limited UL to 4 users. UL speed is around 42 kBs shared pretty much equally. Shows that there are quite a few BT users in LOS, and that sharing with local users gives top speed.

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if I would know what to do, I would do it :o

I am up and downloading all the time, but what to do, if I want to see, what I can download from you and what to do to give permit for other people to do so from my computer??

Actually I am highly interested in beeing part of such a community, I have a few movies and some rare ebooks on my harddisk, as well as some strange music.......

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This thread follows an earlier one where Kabal hypothesised that slow BT downloads are due to international bottlenecks and that when the seeder is close by we get good speeds, providing we can get a steady connection to that computer. This seems to be the case.

As I found tonight we can specify both a single IP and a range of IPs when using Azureus BT client following the settings I laid out earlier. Of course, someone has to DL the entire file first, and then lets others know via this forum. Then they have to specify their own IP to the seeder (one who has the entire file), who has to ADD to the IP list in their own Azureus. Then speeds are as they should be.

Bit of a cockeyed way of doing things though.

Direct Connect is a different system and will allow searching for shared files within a public or private community meaning that users in Thailand can pass files on at full speed automatically to others in the group, allowing multiple sourcing and top speeds at (hopefully) advertised rates, without having to babysit their computers. As yet no one has set up the Direct Connect hub.

I'll look into it tomorrow. It all depends on interest from at least 6 or 7 people to get it going, and then hopefully add more SE Asian based users through word of mouth. Also I guess, someone will have to host the hub, unless we can piggyback on an existing server and use buddy lists.

Lets see if there is any more interest first, as it will take a few people to make the effort. If you want PM me your email and I'll let you know if anything comes of it.

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yes understood that and read the other thread.

would be good if we would have another place to post things dedicated to that, or?

some webspace with password or so?

I am definatly interested to join and help, even my time is very limited.......

Can reach me privat under [email protected].....

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Direct Connect is a different system and will allow searching for shared files within a public or private community meaning that users in Thailand can pass files on at full speed automatically to others in the group, allowing multiple sourcing and top speeds at (hopefully) advertised rates, without having to babysit their computers. As yet no one has set up the Direct Connect hub.

I'll look into it tomorrow. It all depends on interest from at least 6 or 7 people to get it going, and then hopefully add more SE Asian based users through word of mouth. Also I guess, someone will have to host the hub, unless we can piggyback on an existing server and use buddy lists.

Lets see if there is any more interest first, as it will take a few people to make the effort. If you want PM me your email and I'll let you know if anything comes of it.

Direct Connect is a good idea, but as you say someone has to host the hub... I don't know how this can be done... my machine is not usually on 24/7

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I am normaly 24/7 online, except maybe 2 hours per day, using the best best provider of Thailand, this one who tell you always the true about their speed :D

What is my job as hub? Hope I do not need to host all your things?

If someone gives me a link we can give it a try.....

If the wounderfull true company kicks me out, I do not care as I always want to cancel the contract with them.

So please someone give me a hint on what to do and we can let the bits fly arround Thailand. :o


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In theory a hub for DC is really just a souped up chat program. It allows chat, and puts machines in direct contact with each other for searching and D/L, so it should not take up much bandwidth or CPU power as 99.99% of the transferring is from seeder to DLoader. The host can stipulate rules such as making everyone open X number of slots for uploading, or stipulating that all users have X gig of files available etc...

My idea is that we would only run the hub for 2 or 3 days /week which should be plenty of time to get all new files if we are getting full speed DL. Being few users we would put up only 10 or so files a week collectively. And of course we would have to use other programs to get the files in the first place. If each person got one file/week that would be enough to spread across the group. I'm presuming the hub host can also Up and DL too, and not need a dedicated machine. Should be ok for the hub to close a few hours each of the 2 or 3 days since any DL will continue between users, and transfers can be resumed as normal. This site has links and explanations, and I am still working my way through it.


I've little time until the weekend as I have some lenghty presentations to give on Friday and Saturday which are in Thai, and my Thai ain't so good.

Must admit I have not had much joy just DL from DC++ though everyone says it all depends on getting connected to a decent hub.

Seeding CELLULAR last night to 61.90.xx.xx users I had six bites, showing that there is interest in Thailand.

One problem might be the IP of the hub. Either needs a static IP or a post here every 24 hours to put out the new IP. If it were for only 2 days a week though, no problem. Once set up it should be easy to maintain the system, and add users. I'd be happy to host if I can cure the hang problems I've been having.

So far only 3 interested?? anyone else?.............

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Maybe keep a thread on this forum to register interest in a specific file... if there is enough interest then put it on DC. So if someone got HL2 from panthip or wherever, they could post it in the thread and we could designate a time to share the file. Obviously it's hard to find a solution that will scale without spending $$$.

You can register a domain name for your machine from dyndns.org, this will make your machine accessible with a named host even when your IP changes. It's free.

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I count here 4 people, or are you so polite and do not count yourself :D

And for sure after some time other people will come, I guess a good base should be 10-100 people, to get a broad choice, one likes rock, one classic, one Action movies one SiFi one Porn (i am not the pope)

Some adds: 2-3 days might be not enough, everyone gets crazy if just the 2 last MB of Halo 2 are missing.....

But if maybe 2 people are willing to let a hub run, than we have 2-3x2=4-6 days.

Just a few brainstorming ideas, feel free to tell if they are stupid!

I have my dedicated server with just a couple of domain names running in USA.

Actually as 90 % of my business is running on it I will not use it for filesharing, but we can (ab)use it for a different things.

a) mailforward: you send a mail to a dedicated emailadress there and it will be forwarded to every member. Or I set up a formail which goes to every member.

So you just write like "Hey guys the new IP is ??????" Or "On the daily menue is Halo2, don't forget to buy the Original before you download the backup"


:o someone makes a forum in a password protected ares with the same content. But for sure I do not set up the forum myself, alone my shopping system made me a chain-smoker and Alcoholism, not sure what a forum will do with me......

Beside putting 10 things on the weekly menue, it would be wounderfull if that system would allow to let us share one folder. As noone knows what value things are maybe already in the others music folder.

Please comment, I'll read a bit about that things tonight, but we should bring that forward, it is a good idea!


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Just guessing, but might be best not to base a hub in US. DC got no suits.... yet.

Domain name is a good idea if DC++ will allow for them. All good ideas.... Gotto see how it goes I suppose, and see what DC++ will allow for.

DC will allow sharing of Kazaa and emule files as well as BT. I just completed some:

whole 10 yards, gia, irreversible.....

Boom boom, com crashed last night while sharing cellular. And I could not get the file to compile either. apologies.

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Hi Guys,

I'm interested as well, and my computer is running 24/7 downloading with emule (using the wonderful True connection :o ), so maybe I could use my computer as a hub.

Will check the links you gave this week-end, too busy right now.

Keep in touch...


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