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Ants En Mass In Home


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Hi everyone,

I think it's jsut that time of year but its a pain all the same....My home apartments are being attacked by ants! Red ones & tiny ones (mot men) mostly...The apartment complex is 4 apartments on 2 floors just above ground level. 4 units in total.

Not only are they attacking left out food in a matter of minutes, but the last  straw is that they are homing in (excuse the pun) on the bathroom towels. The towels are in the same place year round, & I've had this happen once b4 a few months ago....now its starting to happen again!! Red ants are congrugating on my towels en mass!! 

Does anyone have the same experiences in the last few weeks....my guess is that its the weather or reproduction cycles or soemthing like that...but does anyone have any ideas how to tame or get rid of them?


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i have been having that problem too. i left my house for 2 week and when i returned it was infested.

i also have a problem with those little flying nats that try to make it into your nose any chance they get. it makes it impossible to take afternoon naps, and it is difficult to write on the keyboard without my shirt propped up over my nose.

annoying little buggars.

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Not sure how to "tame" them :o ... But finding out the point of entry into your apartment and spraying it full of ant killer might be a start. Ask the apartment owner to call a "Rent O Kill" type company to come and do a proper job would be a good idea too.

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Not sure how to "tame" them :o ... But finding out the point of entry into your apartment and spraying it full of ant killer might be a start. Ask the apartment owner to call a "Rent O Kill" type company to come and do a proper job would be a good idea too.

Buy 'Ant chalk ' in 7/11 (or other),chalk around where they are most proliferate and be patient for a while,touching the chalk kills an ant,but most important is that it is carried back to the nest and THEY ALL die. Spraying is a quick fix for those in evidence,but there are zillions where they came from,it is estimated that there are 10 million ants in the world for each human,quite the fight we have on hand.

I also follow the ants back to thier entry point and plug the hole with a clear sealer 'UHU 'after they have died off,took me a few months to hopefully seal off most entries,but now experience practically no ants and then only in small numbers(searcher ants).I carry my ant chalk where-ever i go because i found it to be the best remover of 'The curse of the ant armies 'dum-te-dum-dum !!

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I have gazillions of ants around the house as well, spray them with chaindrite gives me peace for a while but they usually6 will be back. Chalk does kill ants by drying them up as far as i know but they do not carry that back to the nest. There is an ant bait available in green boxes for about 60 Baht called asr ant killer, small yellow pellets inside and this stuff is getting carried back to the nest where it kills effectively. This works best for me.

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I have gazillions of ants around the house as well, spray them with chaindrite gives me peace for a while but they usually6 will be back. Chalk does kill ants by drying them up as far as i know but they do not carry that back to the nest. There is an ant bait available in green boxes for about 60 Baht called asr ant killer, small yellow pellets inside and this stuff is getting carried back to the nest where it kills effectively. This works best for me.

I used to use both at one time,but over a period of several years i have found the chalk to be the easiest to use,you can use it on any surface,wall,floor ,ceiling etc ,but with the ant houses you are limited to horizontal surfaces only and hope the ants come and find it.The chalk is carried on the ants body/feet back to the nest and through practise i find it very effective,because cost is minimal,use both and watch what happens,it can be almost as fascinating as reading some TV threads but truly more effective in regards to satisfaction personally achieved .

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you need to get the poison ant bait which they take back to their nest, killing the queen and the entire nest at its source.

This stuff is available from most supermarkets (eg Tesco, foodland, etc) in the bug killer section. Basically they are small while pellets which you leave in small plastic box with holes for the ants to get in, and take the 'food' back to their nest.

You leave the stuff on their 'path'. You just have to wait a day or two for it all to work.

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you need to get the poison ant bait which they take back to their nest, killing the queen and the entire nest at its source.

This stuff is available from most supermarkets (eg Tesco, foodland, etc) in the bug killer section. Basically they are small while pellets which you leave in small plastic box with holes for the ants to get in, and take the 'food' back to their nest.

You leave the stuff on their 'path'. You just have to wait a day or two for it all to work.

Look for a small foil packet with Japanese written on it. The plastic box is fluorescent green. Does wonders and destroys the nest where they bring back the yellow pellets.

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Without a doubt you have to feed them. The tiny red ones are fairly easy to get rid of. Feed them for about three days and you shouldn't see any more of them eating the bait.

We live in a house and there is a product called ERA Powder Plus. Sprinkle that all the way around the house along the foundation and that will work wonders keeping the big red and black ants as well as other insects out.

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If you need some time to go and buy the ant killers your first step might be to block off their marching trails to your stuff, if you want to have it in peace. One thing I always worked wonders is the mosquito spray with lemon grass. The smaller ants kinda melts and die on the spot when hit and later arriving ants avoid going over the area at all.

Edit: Added: Another benefit is that it's not poisonous for kids and dogs...

Edited by TAWP
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Hi everyone,

I think it's jsut that time of year but its a pain all the same....My home apartments are being attacked by ants! Red ones & tiny ones (mot men) mostly...The apartment complex is 4 apartments on 2 floors just above ground level. 4 units in total.

Not only are they attacking left out food in a matter of minutes, but the last straw is that they are homing in (excuse the pun) on the bathroom towels. The towels are in the same place year round, & I've had this happen once b4 a few months ago....now its starting to happen again!! Red ants are congrugating on my towels en mass!!

Does anyone have the same experiences in the last few weeks....my guess is that its the weather or reproduction cycles or soemthing like that...but does anyone have any ideas how to tame or get rid of them?


I used to have the same problem when I lived in Bkk. Nothing like getting out of the shower, grabbing your towel, and start drying yourself before you realize that your towel is infested with ants! If you hang your towels in the bathroom, spray around the edges of your floor. I had to do this every day for about a week and it alleviated the problem. The ant problem is terrible everywhere this time of year. It is important to utilize good coping skills. :o

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I've had a few skirmishes with the ants for over a week now, and my tactic has been to follow them to their entrance point and block it. But today I woke up and they had escalated the conflict with a massive attack on my supplies, a box of Koko Crunch, the last food in the house. This act of aggression would not be tolerated, so I cast my principles of fair war aside and performed a tactical retreat with a diabolical plan. I resupplied at 7/11, and then carried out several chemical attacks, severely crippling their numbers, and hopefully morale. I have regained full domination of my apartment!

Man: 1, Ants: 0

We will fight in the milk, we will fight in the cereal, we will fight in the cupboards and we will never surrender!

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I use the ant chalk quite a bit. Same thing, find where they are coming from and draw a line around it. I also draw a line around the legs/bases of various table and cabinets (and make sure those things don't touch a wall).

I even found the little buggers in a sealed package of noodles once (I only found out when I was cooking the noodles in the microwave and the little buggers floated to the top. G/f would have probably liked it).

When I got home at the beginning of April, I found the little buggers everywhere. Plastered everything with chalk, and then let loose with the spray. Must have held the nozzle down for well over a minute, maybe two (it was a big can), then shut the door and left. Came back an hour later and the cloud of bug-killing spray had cleared up a bit, but the odour was still heavy in the air. Left for another hour. After that everything was fine (for about 2 weeks).

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