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Big Trouble For Friend


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Over the years have met a few people who manage to take a bad situation and make it worse...and worse and worse.

One of the problems here in Thailand is that it was so easy to skirt the law and it was so widespread for such a long time. As they have tightened up this has left a lot of folks in deeper water than they can easily get out of.

I wouldn't necessarily advise that you 'abandon' your friend unless he has some other bad habits that might just rub off on you. I once abandoned a friend, but he was involved in drugs and that was during the War on Drugs here. I just didn't particularly want to get shot!

You've gotten some good advice for him and he needs to leave and get himself sorted out before he finds himself teaching English to prisoners on a full-time basis.

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All overstays over 24 hours should be punished by firing squad.

Visas should only be issued to people who can show 63 trillion baht in a Thai bank.

Blah blah blah.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. One more for the new list of rules.

People who partake in illegal prostitution should be castrated.

Have a nice day :o

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All overstays over 24 hours should be punished by firing squad.

Visas should only be issued to people who can show 63 trillion baht in a Thai bank.

Blah blah blah.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. One more for the new list of rules.

People who partake in illegal prostitution should be castrated.

Have a nice day :o

the last one is a real pain !

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This guy has no work permit which probably means also has no confirmed references. There are law breakers like this who could be teaching my daughter or children.......

rant, rant, rantr, blah, blah, blah.

Distortedlink ?

Distorted mind more like it.

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because many on Thaivisa are judgemental ass's who have never had so much as a parking ticket.

OR because "many" realize that people like this sometimes are running from something serious. Maybe the "something serious" is not what you want around adults let alone the educational system. I find it interesting that anyone supports such lack of character; except maybe those that themselves exhibit similar behavior.

Thought I should report I think there's a communist under my bed.

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An English teacher I know has got himself into sh*t deeper than we can help him with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Firstly, he has been here long enough to know the country and its iidiosyncrasies better, but none of us (colleagues) knew he that he had been overstaying for SIX YEARS!

That might be an easy problem to solve, but he had yet another secret from those that thought they knew him so well. He has been living with a Thai girlfriend for several years. As long as I can remember, anyway. That isn't anything special, but he had a 'gig'. Not an ordinary gig, but a katoey!

Now, his GIRLfriend knows about the overstay, but not the double life he's been enjoying :o with his special other friend. The katoey has become jealous or suspicisous or greedy and has threatened to spill the beans. I don't really know the details of the blackmail, but we're guessing that it won't be nice.

Now, if the katoey tells all (there is a connection that would make it easy enough for the girlfriend to find out), he could be deep in the sh*t if she decides to report him to immigration. At the moment, she loves him and would back him up, but he's more scared of this ladyboy than anything else. I don't know how he feels about either of them, but he needs to be REALLY careful.

The katoey in question isn't a bar thing, but one that works in the same building as him. His girlfriend doesn't go there often, but does sometimes.

We, his colleagues, can't really talk to him as a group, but may be able to indirectly help him. That is, if we knew what the best way out of all this was.

At the moment, he has taken a 'vacation' which those close to him think is back to Canada, but those in the know know is a cheap tourist resort lying low and living cheap.

Help please!

Help him?

He created both situations: the 6 year overstay, and the affair is his/her (his) business.

You don't have to say why, but there may be a reason for such a long overstay.

This person has issues, that only he can solve.

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I would like to see the following Illegal immigrant or visa overstay punishments introduced:

BLAH-BLAH-BLAH; mindless rhetoric from a foreign bashing 'we-b-thai'...

I see the "Protector of the poor thai people"; "distortedlink" has arrived to inform the rest of us lesser beings how all things should be in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". His single supporter, another champion of the poor downtrodden thais, confirmed 'we-b-thai' and foreign basher; "Maigo6" has solidly voiced his endorsement of the proposal.

There is only one wrench in the gears of your cunning plan. Unless I am greatly mistaken; you are BOTH foreigners, thus having no say in what is right or wrong in this pissant developing third world country.

As far as the O/P and the questions he posed, (assuming he is NOT a troll), I would side with Maestro and suggest he urge his friend to leave the country, get the over stay sorted out and try to re-enter. That is by far the worst of his worries and pales in comparison to his 'love life' issues.

(edited for spelling & clarity)

Edited by tod-daniels
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He has nothing to return to his homeland for. He is a lost cause in many's eyes, but returning home isn't an option at the moment. I think he has his passprt with him at the ciast, but a few others tell me his girlfriend has it. Apparently the ladyboy has been hanging around near where he works.

Poor bugger

What? do YOU know him as well as 3billygoats 2long?

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He has nothing to return to his homeland for. He is a lost cause in many's eyes, but returning home isn't an option at the moment. I think he has his passprt with him at the ciast, but a few others tell me his girlfriend has it. Apparently the ladyboy has been hanging around near where he works.

Poor bugger

What? do YOU know him as well as 3billygoats 2long?

I choose to let irresponsible people take their lumps!I would have disassociated myself from this person a long time ago!

I value friends,this selfserving individual couldn't possibly fit into that category without assuming some responsibility for his actions in life!

I say,let the runner run and get on with your life!If you need a cause to champion,there are plenty and far more deserving than this chap!

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Terminate the visa runs and impose all foreign visa applicants to use the system as I quoted above.

Jawohl Herr Obersturmgruppenfurher SS Heinric Himmler...eeer..Distortedlink I meant :o

Herr Himmler was the Reichsführer-SS, but no doubt he would be a good choice (if he were still around) overseeing the foreign visa regualtions, according to some absurd notions posted here.

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