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Urgently Need 2nd Hand Lap Top


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Really urgently need a second hand lap top for my maids daughter.....?? Anybody have something at a price they could afford like max 10,000 Baht ...very max...! Less would be better of course .... :o

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I have IBM thinkpad T22 (2647).

Made in Japan.

CPU. Intel Mobile Pentium III 1GHz (SpeedStep technology). L2 CACHE. 256KB. RAM. 128MB SDRAM (MAX 512MB). LCD. 14.1" TFT. RESOLUTION. 1400 x 1050

It is bit old but works really good.

10,000 bhat

[email protected]

Bit over the top don't you think? These things aren't worth much.

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go check out ICON plaza, and the one next to it. they have many second hand stuff for sale.

Agreed with BB, 10,000 baht too much for the old pentium III.


as you can see from the post above, second hand laptops are waaay overpriced in thailand. ten thousand baht for a pentium III is ludicrous. it's basically a doorstop - put it in a museum (to hold the doors open). in fact just about everything second hand in thailand is overpriced except for cars and motorcycles. i don't have any idea where everyone's junk goes - probably trickles through extended family members houses.

don't expect too much from the stores either - really bad value for second hand goods. you're better off spending 15000, getting a new but older-model acer (usually the cheapest brand).

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I have IBM thinkpad T22 (2647).

10,000 bhat

A bit of an ask seeing that they are selling similar models at the back shops in Icon Square for five to six thousand baht.

Shop around Annabel there are plenty about.

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Hi ....and thanks a lot everybody and you too KKK123 .....but yes 10 K is too much for yours

I saw some at Panthip Plaza yesterday ....and as suggested I will check out Icon Square and other places.....just thought that if I got her something through one of Thai Visa members it would be a more reliable product as you don't know what you're gettting when buying 2nd hand in these shops and could end up being a total waste of money ...A new one :o .... Yeah for sure but they just don't have the $$$....

Thanks again for all your help ....will find her something .... :D

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Hi ....and thanks a lot everybody and you too KKK123 .....but yes 10 K is too much for yours

I saw some at Panthip Plaza yesterday ....and as suggested I will check out Icon Square and other places.....just thought that if I got her something through one of Thai Visa members it would be a more reliable product as you don't know what you're gettting when buying 2nd hand in these shops and could end up being a total waste of money ...A new one :o .... Yeah for sure but they just don't have the $$$....

Thanks again for all your help ....will find her something .... :D

I've got a nice (old) Compaq 700 works perfectly 5,000 bht OK ?? [email protected]

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go check out ICON plaza, and the one next to it. they have many second hand stuff for sale.

Agreed with BB, 10,000 baht too much for the old pentium III.


in fact just about everything second hand in thailand is overpriced except for cars and motorcycles

You must be kidding. Of all the things in Thailand that are overpriced in Thailand second-hand, cars and bikes has to be top of the list. 200,000 baht gets you something that in the UK you'd be paying someone to take to the wreckers!

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Hi Annabel, did you check the Grey market over there?

A good friend of mine over here told me that all the grey market products available here are coming from Thailand, means that you can get new items 40-45% cheaper than shopprices, and it's brandnew!

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I've got a nice (old) Compaq 700 works perfectly 5,000 bht OK ?? [email protected]

To save yourself from a guilt conscience for the rest of your life why don't you give it away.

I can't understand why so many folks want so much for so little.

The trouble is, Khun Brinky, people pay high prices for a state of the art piece of high tech equipment and five years or so down the track they fail to realise it's virtually worthless.

Never mind that they have had five years good use out of it, deep down they feel that at the very least it must have some antique value.

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Hi Annabel,

If your maid and her daughter are thai persons, don't forget in your search to get a keyboard that fit the thai language! Outside Thailand, keyboards are not print with thai letters... So about Farangs laptops, maybe it's not a good choice... IMHO

Pantip Plaza 3rd or 4th floor, near the food center, a shop sells some laptops...

Good luck

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