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Fitness And Strength Of Thaivisa Members


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I only take it in between reps.

I think that, rather than wait for the You-tube video clip, I'll take your word for that, Bonobo!! :D

Uh, I guess I could have phrased that better! :D

I'm 26 and ive hanged up taekwondo uniform and boxing gloves. Ive taken up smoking. trust me its an extreme sport :o

More deadly than Taekwando, that is for sure!!!!! :D

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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

Easy Peezy.

Those requirements are similar to entry level fitness standards for modern military and police (i'm not either, just read it on the web)

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i still get a stiffy on every morning which tells me i'm in good shape.

What a crock of a thread! I was a legend when I was young, now I'm over fifty and know my limitations. What is the purpose of this thread? I can still get it up without pharmaceutical aids, does that count?

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Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

15 pull-ups isn't easy. If they were using proper form (these are pull ups so palms facing away), lowering and raising their body fully, I think the average expat would be able to do....none.

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Trained hard all my life, what it gave me is both knees, flucked, torn right shoulder, flucked, trapped ulna nerves both arms, no sleep, flucked, slipped discs too many to count , flucked.

Was all the sport, military, police service worth being an orthopedic wreck...................Yes indeedy.

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Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

15 pull-ups isn't easy. If they were using proper form (these are pull ups so palms facing away), lowering and raising their body fully, I think the average expat would be able to do....none.

15 done correctly is tough. It is about my limit.

to put it in perspective, 8 is the minimum for basic navy seal fitness.

-Swim 500 yards in 12:30 (though 8:00-9:00 is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-Max Push-Ups in 2 mins (42 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Situps in 2 mins (52 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Pullups - no time limit (8 is minimum, 15+ is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-1.5 mile run (11:30 is maximum, 9 mins or less is better)

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Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

15 pull-ups isn't easy. If they were using proper form (these are pull ups so palms facing away), lowering and raising their body fully, I think the average expat would be able to do....none.

15 done correctly is tough. It is about my limit.

to put it in perspective, 8 is the minimum for basic navy seal fitness.

-Swim 500 yards in 12:30 (though 8:00-9:00 is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-Max Push-Ups in 2 mins (42 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Situps in 2 mins (52 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Pullups - no time limit (8 is minimum, 15+ is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-1.5 mile run (11:30 is maximum, 9 mins or less is better)

So while we are on this topic dose anyone know where to buy a trained monkey to go to the corner shop for me?

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I'm sorry but come on guys. I mean ok everyone reckons they can do all the pushups and dips etc no problem but swimming a mile? Give me a break. A mile of water stretched out in front of you? I'd love to see some of these internet athletes swim for a mile without stopping with nothing to rest on, just remember fellas a mile taxi ride from Asoke to Nana aint the same as swimming a mile :o

the conditions depend too ie:

salt or fresh water (salt is easier, more bouyant)

lap pool or open water

wetsuit (more bouyancy)

use of fins

mask and snorkel or just goggles

i haven't done much swimming of late, but i used to do 2 sets of 20 laps in a 50 metre pool(with a 30 min sauna in between), togs and goggles only and I have done the harbour swim in auckland before(2.8 km, but with wetsuit and salt water and with the tide it is a lot easier than it sounds).

but it definately takes sustained training with swimming.

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i am 64, in top shape, i exercise 8 hours a day and after that i have sex several times. my wife suggests that i keep a mia noi because i am too demanding. and... sometimes i lie.

Are you part Thai? :o

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I go back and forth to being super fit to relatively unfit. Right now I am unfit, and I can see the difference in my health with all kinds of allergies and associated problems rearing their opportunistic little heads.

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Yep, those chins are hard. 15 quality one if freakin tough. 15 is my max and I train alot and am under 80kg. I don't know anyone who can beat me. If you haven't done 15 in the last month and you say you can, you're lying.

25 quality dips aint easy either. I max at about 32 and I do them regularly.

Hurdling your waist height is no mean feat as well. Especially is you are expected to actually hurdle, rather than just get yourself over the top.

But these sorts of exercises are great, especially as you age, for a low impact strenght and fitness regime you can do almost anywhere. Substitute the hurdle for squat jumps or garden wall bounds and you are sweet.

Never stop exercising!

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"It's a fun topic"

it's a topic proving that some farangs in Thailand are bored to death and come up with irrelevant nonsense :o

Dr Naam, you are constantly complaining about topics on this site. Why do you spend so long on here everyday?

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Yep, those chins are hard. 15 quality one if freakin tough. 15 is my max and I train alot and am under 80kg. I don't know anyone who can beat me. If you haven't done 15 in the last month and you say you can, you're lying.

25 quality dips aint easy either. I max at about 32 and I do them regularly.

Hurdling your waist height is no mean feat as well. Especially is you are expected to actually hurdle, rather than just get yourself over the top.

But these sorts of exercises are great, especially as you age, for a low impact strenght and fitness regime you can do almost anywhere. Substitute the hurdle for squat jumps or garden wall bounds and you are sweet.

Never stop exercising!

Chins are different then pullups. If you are talking chins.. pulling yourself up and your neck reaching the bar wide grip then your real strong. Normal pullups palms towards me or from me close grip I do 15 if need be. (i do them at times my powerrack has a bar). Dips i do after i have killed myself doing chests and i still get 8 easyones the frist set so 25 rested is no problem. Im 34 and around a 100kg some of it is fat (more then i want because it hides muscle definition).

I like doing fitness but i hate running.. the mile swiming would be hard. I did a lot of swiming when i went for my divemaster licence. YOu have to train for it else its real hard.

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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

With the issues you have previously reported I would suggest that you spend less time working on your body and more time working on your head.

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If you aren't in the Olympic games you are obviously less of a human by the OP. What a silly list. Why not add if you can't run 26 miles. Shouldn't everyone be able to run a marathon on demand. Why just swim a mile that's easy for people who swim. I'd like to know what happened to the "Fitness Pioneer" Was he in that movie 300? Did he consider himself an invalid when he could only do 49 pushups or pullups? BTW physical fitness has nothing to do with mental fitness. You might just be a very sick individual despite being able to do a few pushups.

Why not have the Thaivisa Olympics at the next TV get together. Take down the names of the posters who claim to be with it physically and have them compete in contests related to the events listed here. Prizes could be offered to the people who can complete the tasks in the least amount of time. It would be like the real world of animal competition so these guys should take on this challenge to see if they really are what they say. Survival of the fittest. The first to complete the task is the fittest. The person who wins all competitions is the fittest of the fit.

Are you anoyed you cant do it and others can ? It does not discqualify you from anything why are you so hostile. Mental fitness is important too, need to keep that brain working else you loose your edge. I think i would hate that even more then loosing strenght.

If they ad a marathon or any long running things i wont make it i hate running, swiming is ok we all have our stong and weak points.

A competition is fun but then take in account the age of the person would make it a lot more fun. I am pretty sure i would not win anything but competing is fun. But i see your not beeing serious you just like to make fun of others.

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Yep, those chins are hard. 15 quality one if freakin tough. 15 is my max and I train alot and am under 80kg. I don't know anyone who can beat me. If you haven't done 15 in the last month and you say you can, you're lying.

25 quality dips aint easy either. I max at about 32 and I do them regularly.

Hurdling your waist height is no mean feat as well. Especially is you are expected to actually hurdle, rather than just get yourself over the top.

But these sorts of exercises are great, especially as you age, for a low impact strenght and fitness regime you can do almost anywhere. Substitute the hurdle for squat jumps or garden wall bounds and you are sweet.

Never stop exercising!

Chins are different then pullups. If you are talking chins.. pulling yourself up and your neck reaching the bar wide grip then your real strong. Normal pullups palms towards me or from me close grip I do 15 if need be. (i do them at times my powerrack has a bar). Dips i do after i have killed myself doing chests and i still get 8 easyones the frist set so 25 rested is no problem. Im 34 and around a 100kg some of it is fat (more then i want because it hides muscle definition).

I like doing fitness but i hate running.. the mile swiming would be hard. I did a lot of swiming when i went for my divemaster licence. YOu have to train for it else its real hard.

Not to get nit-picky, but chin-ups are palms facing you, pull-ups are with palms facing away from you.

In the Marines, you can do either one with 20 getting you the maximum number of 100 points. (I think the minimum required is 4). This is part of the twice-a-year test where you also run 3 miles (18 minutes for the maximum points, 27 minutes for the minimum) and stomach crunches (100 giving you the max points.)

I used to score 300 points every time until I hit around 35 years or so. I can still do the pull-ups (barely)(and I haven't done them since my shoulder surgery earlier this year) and the crunches, but my run time has slowed considerably.

Most Marines opt to do chin-ups as they can do more of them than pull-ups. I am strange in that I can do more pull-ups than chin-ups.

When I weighed in at 145 lbs, I did 34 pull-ups once. However, my older brother, who is a small guy at maybe 130 or so and is a gymnast-type, did 45 at the Iowa State Fair to take honors at a Marine Corps recruiting display (he actually became an AIr Force pilot later).

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Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

15 pull-ups isn't easy. If they were using proper form (these are pull ups so palms facing away), lowering and raising their body fully, I think the average expat would be able to do....none.

15 done correctly is tough. It is about my limit.

to put it in perspective, 8 is the minimum for basic navy seal fitness.

-Swim 500 yards in 12:30 (though 8:00-9:00 is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-Max Push-Ups in 2 mins (42 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Situps in 2 mins (52 is minimum, 90+ is better)

*Rest 2 mins

-Max Pullups - no time limit (8 is minimum, 15+ is better)

*Rest 10 mins

-1.5 mile run (11:30 is maximum, 9 mins or less is better)

What you write about the SEALS is true--to a point. That is what is required to get in the program. But if that is all you can do, I can pretty much tell you there is no way you are going to get through BUD/S (the training program) without being recycled.

While at the Naval Academy, I went through the BUD/S Indoctrination course. None of the SEALS we met there could only do the above numbers. All were in far, far better shape.

As a professional Marine, I have not been too impressed with the tactical expertise and professionalism exhibited by most SEALS (Vice Admiral-select Harwood being an exception.) But giving credit where credit is due, the are the most fit group of people I have ever seen. And I feel confident in stating that all SEALS can certainly do much better than the stated requirements.

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Yep, those chins are hard. 15 quality one if freakin tough. 15 is my max and I train alot and am under 80kg. I don't know anyone who can beat me. If you haven't done 15 in the last month and you say you can, you're lying.

25 quality dips aint easy either. I max at about 32 and I do them regularly.

Hurdling your waist height is no mean feat as well. Especially is you are expected to actually hurdle, rather than just get yourself over the top.

But these sorts of exercises are great, especially as you age, for a low impact strenght and fitness regime you can do almost anywhere. Substitute the hurdle for squat jumps or garden wall bounds and you are sweet.

Never stop exercising!

Chins are different then pullups. If you are talking chins.. pulling yourself up and your neck reaching the bar wide grip then your real strong. Normal pullups palms towards me or from me close grip I do 15 if need be. (i do them at times my powerrack has a bar). Dips i do after i have killed myself doing chests and i still get 8 easyones the frist set so 25 rested is no problem. Im 34 and around a 100kg some of it is fat (more then i want because it hides muscle definition).

I like doing fitness but i hate running.. the mile swiming would be hard. I did a lot of swiming when i went for my divemaster licence. YOu have to train for it else its real hard.

Not to get nit-picky, but chin-ups are palms facing you, pull-ups are with palms facing away from you.

In the Marines, you can do either one with 20 getting you the maximum number of 100 points. (I think the minimum required is 4). This is part of the twice-a-year test where you also run 3 miles (18 minutes for the maximum points, 27 minutes for the minimum) and stomach crunches (100 giving you the max points.)

I used to score 300 points every time until I hit around 35 years or so. I can still do the pull-ups (barely)(and I haven't done them since my shoulder surgery earlier this year) and the crunches, but my run time has slowed considerably.

Most Marines opt to do chin-ups as they can do more of them than pull-ups. I am strange in that I can do more pull-ups than chin-ups.

When I weighed in at 145 lbs, I did 34 pull-ups once. However, my older brother, who is a small guy at maybe 130 or so and is a gymnast-type, did 45 at the Iowa State Fair to take honors at a Marine Corps recruiting display (he actually became an AIr Force pilot later).

I have done around your nr of pull ups when i was young 18-20. Now at age 35 i just reach the requirement here. After looking it up it looks like you are right we just misnamed it in holland and i translated it wrong.

http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Latiss...handChinup.html (i was talking about these) the real wide grip is hard for me)

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LOOK up in the sky! It's a bird, It's a plane. It's a Thai Visa member.

There is nothing wrong with keeping yourself in shape. It doesnt have to dominate your life but there is nothing wrong with working out and keeping fit. And i dont consider lifting a glass of beer keeping fit. And dont think that i dont drink I do too (at times) so im no angel.

We got a groop here who dont like to do any kind of excercise and like to ridicule others. I on the other hand could not care less if someone works out or not but to call someone stupid for working out is one bridge too far.

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a few months ago I lost about 12kgs and was jogging for 30 mins 4 - 5 times per week...felt good, I was proud of meself and contemplated maybe even goin' surfin' again...

However, more recently I've developed stiffness in my shoulders and arms and it has become painful to raise my arms over my head...doctor says it's a common diabetes - related muscle inflammation problem...

sheesh...can't win fer losin' :o

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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

Who exactly was this Fitness Pioneer you refer to? Name(s) and sources if you please.

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LOOK up in the sky! It's a bird, It's a plane. It's a Thai Visa member.

There is nothing wrong with keeping yourself in shape. It doesnt have to dominate your life but there is nothing wrong with working out and keeping fit. And i dont consider lifting a glass of beer keeping fit. And dont think that i dont drink I do too (at times) so im no angel.

We got a groop here who dont like to do any kind of excercise and like to ridicule others. I on the other hand could not care less if someone works out or not but to call someone stupid for working out is one bridge too far.

I agree wholeheartedly.

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