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Lthe New Karen Long Neck Village


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the new karen long neck village in sattahip has been advertizing 20 baht entrants fee so my friend went there a few days back and he was confronted and asked farang pay 250 baht thai is 20 baht he said ive got thai driving licence and im a resident here, they then said ok then its 250 baht for everyone thais and farangs :o "amazing thailand"

mmm some people have not read the thread properly they decided to charge the thai 250 baht as well after being challenged when they had been advertizing 20 baht entrance fees,

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What about other Asian tourist do they get the same deal when the Thais know there not Thai? In 3 years I have never been to a plaice in Thailand that has charged anything like that or the double farang price. If it happed thou I would just smile and turn my back on them.

This post is a little fishy to me :o

Moss :D

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With regards to dual pricing on park entry it should be the responsibility of the Thai government to make it more clear as to who can gain access on the lower rate, it seems to me there would be alot less hassle if they could clearly stated that VISITORS pay 400 bht (or whatever it is these days) and TAX PAYING RESIDENTS pay 20 baht (likewise), I mean isn't that the case because I have heard of many none Thai folk gaining entry for 20 baht by producing a tax id card or even a Thai drivers licence?!

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I don't want to be too pedantic (but here goes anyway).

Racism is a very strong word which implies a level of hatred on the grounds of race.

Double-pricing is 'discrimination' - treating people differently. Sometimes it's on the grounds of race (anyone who is not Thai has to pay more), but in most of these places it's on the grounds of residency - If you don't live here the price is higher.

In the case of private enterprises, I can't see any justification for double-pricing.

In the case of National treasures (National parks, palaces, monuments, etc.) which 'belong' to the people of Thailand, I can see an arguement for lower prices for Thais, as many could not otherwise afford to visit these places.

In the uk many places have a different pricing structure for the elderly and out-of-work, to make allowances for their financial circumstances.

So how do they know I don't live here just by looking at me?

Could it be because I don't look like the race of people that are indigenous to the country?

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I have this idea for a business venture....i want to start an attraction near Pattaya. it involves creating a village environment and charging a fee (250 baht?) for entry.

People can come in and walk around, in and out of the dwellings and watch the tribe perform their daily rituals and arts and crafts.

The tribe I have in mind is called the Western Fat-bellied folk. For this small fee one will be able to walk into their house and watch them prepare their daily food by shouting down the phone at the local Pizza shop, performing such marriage rituals as screaming at the wife, or such arts and crafts as loading the DVD player, backing the car out watering the garden. Then in the evening a night safari will allow visitors to watch the bizarre late night rituals such as crawling around on all fours in an alcoholic stupor, throwing up in the toilet or getting in the local witch-doctor in to stop the heart attack. At 3 am this will be rounded off by a dramatic display by some of the Fat-bellie elders as they congregate on various balconies and hurl themselves to a painful death on the patio below.

so much more interesting than "Long-necked women, don't you think?

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Thats one more thing off the list of thing to do and see.


Very good. :o

..better go and see the long neck at Jenny's bar :D:D:D

Walked past the other day, one lad had a very long neck

Think he could do some tricks with a Kilbossa Sausage. :D

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