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Norwegian Citizen Missing In Thailand


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Norwegian citizen ,38 year old Per Arne Solheim , has been missing from his home in Thailand since March, over 3 months ago.

His relatives back in Norway are now really worried about him. He was last seen in Koh Chang.

Solheim moved to Thailand in 2005 where he met his Thai gf in Pattaya .

In 2007 Solheim transfered 1.3 million NOK (over 6 million Baht) into his girlfriends bank account.

All the money are missing now too.

His thai girlfriend and her family never reported Solheim missing to the police.

After a request from the Norwegian police , Interpol and Thai police have just started the investigation a few weeks ago.

Thats 3 months too late if you ask me.

Link to the newspaper VG with pictures :




If you have any information about Per Arne Solheim please contact Interpol or the Norwegian police immidiately .

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transfered 6 million THB to his G/F Bank account!!, and they never reported him missing?

I am no Shelock Holmes, but have they questioned the G/F yet?, or will the BIB play there usal games...

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OK he was not so smart - BUT what are the Norwegian "Crown" agencies doing about this? As I keep saying in other threads - NO ONE IN YOUR GOVERNMENTS care about YOU! Point out they are f_cking useless - get a local MP invovled. Point out they re all useless and powerless little impotent wanke_rs who can't look after Norges in another country!! Can't even question what happened to the guy!! And are little fraidy cats to "insult" Thailand.

Do you get it?

You need to follow the f+cking Foreign Minister or Ambassador HOME AT NIGHT reporters in tow. You need to EMBARRASS the Thais over the obvious lack of interest - THEY HATE THAT! You think I am ranting - but sadly you will realise later (too late) that I am not..I'm so sorry that you (statistics indicate) will not heed what I say here.

Sit back and grieve or GET ANGRY AND TAKE ACTION - no one else will help you. These are your only choices - I'm sorry I keep telling people this and they keep quiet. and do you know why? (ask the Canadians) cause they are told that to "make a scene" will make matters worse. But ask them again a few months later?? Well you can do so - search the threads. The Embassies hate me..and f+ck em - cause they are USELESS and don't care about you or your problems.

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The Embassies aren't here for their own citizens, they don't give a <deleted>. They are here mainly to promote government interests abroad, and funnily enough that doesn't include it's own citizens welfare as there's no substantial financial or political gain for that.

I hope for the family, that there will be some closure on this story.

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