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I am thinking to Contact the BBC Weather Forecasters

to mention that there is a Large Expat Community

in Bangkok / Thailand who have Cable TV and who do

watch BBC - but have noticed that Bangkok is not

mentioned very much by them. Whereas India &

Sri Lanka are mentioned in every bulletin.

Does anybody agree with me?

Any Idea how to contact them?

Does anybody know if the Weather

Forecasters have a unique e-mail address?



Can do hothing else then say, yes they suck.

I watch every morning at 6 am (i have a 1 year old son) and its always starting with philipines, china, taiwan, japan, india, and saudi area, and sometimes they mention a place called australasia theres no such place, australia is in oceania not in asia.



If you want BBC specifically , their url  will take you to where you can get current weather for Bangkok :


A good site is  http:///www.wonderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=thailand

  click on the Thai city = bingo

If you want a current IR satelite picture of SE Asia showing cloud/blue skies, got to :

http:///www.mssinet.gov.sg/marine       click on Asean ,

then click on regional weather chart

Good luck


Yes, I agree 100%. It makes my blood boil when the BBC neglect to mention Thailand, yet always mention Australia and India. Really they neglect most of S.E.Asia, except the Philippines, because they are always getting a typhoon.

I shall email the wether dept today!


Hi Goofy & Wilson,

Good to hear you agree.

Wilson - do you have a more precise

address for the weather Dept?

This is a message I sent this morning to:

[email protected]

Subject - Weather  Forecasts

"I live in Bangkok - so I was Happy when you mentioned

it on the Forecast today

Which rather pre-empted a Message I planned to send that you do not mention

Bangkok very often - neither does it appear on the List of Cities very Often.

I wonder if you are aware that -

There is a Large Expatriate Community in Bangkok & Thailand generally.

Expatriates Work Here

Others are Married to Thai women & have Marriage  Visas

Others have been given Retirement Visas

Cable TV is widely available here - so you do have a

large potential Audience

Please don't forget us !!!




Reply from BBC:

>From: "BBC World"

>To: "Roger Adams"

>Subject: RE: Weather Forecasts

>Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 13:16:33 +0100


>Dear Roger


>Hello and thank you for your email.


>There is a never-ending list of suggestions for cities and places our viewers feel have very valid and important reasons to be specifically included in our weather forecasts. The meteorologists on BBC World are employed by the UK Met. Office, part of the Ministry of Defence, and select the cities for meteorological or geographical reasons (such as population size compared to nearby cities) above all. We will however pass your comments to the weather centre.


>Please do bear in mind that BBC World is shown in over 200 different countries and territories around the world, and cannot deal with each country individually, let alone each city, on every weather report.  Instead, the BBC WORLD weather bulletins concentrate on areas where the weather is 'newsworthy', i.e. places that are experiencing extreme or unusual weather conditions.  At the same time the bulletins try to give a general picture of the world weather as a whole.


>Thank you for taking the trouble to write to us, and for watching BBC World.


>With regards


>Mario Giannini

>BBC World



I have noticed more mention of Bangkok lately ...

My response to BBC:

To: - [email protected]

Hi Mario,

Thanks for the detailed reply.(see previous post)

And your points are well taken.

It just so happens that last week I

watched the BBC forecast before travelling

and was caught in the worst storm here in

the past 5 years.

It spread from Bangkok 50K north where I went

the Thunder & Lightening was continuous for more

than an hour and the Torrential Rain for much longer.

Upon returning to Bangkok many roads were flooded...

"Bangkok Post" newspaper next day had photo of children

swimming in a Street

The Storm was on Saturday 26th July and I feel that

such a storm should have met the Criteria in your message

or is it possible they didn't see it coming?



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