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Thais Vote With Their Wallet


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Thai / Muslim Issues

Thais Vote With Their Wallet

I was amazed with a comment and action that I was faced with yesterday.

Walking around the lower BKK the other day with my Thai GF, when I needed to buy a packet of cigarettes. I was in the process when she reached out and took my arm and said, “You not buy here” and sort of pulled we away from finishing the purchase. When we were out of earshot of the vendor, she said that she and all her friends have had been talking about the Muslim issues in Thailand It would appear that the general consensus between them was that it was agreed they would boycott any Muslim trader(s).

I said you have to try to understand that Muslims are generally good people and there is good and bad in every race, colour, breed and country the actions you are taking are no good and everybody has the right to try to make a decent living.

Then she got on her high-horse ranting on about South Thailand and even mentioned the Middle East and 9/11. It would appear from her statement that she and her friends felt that it was the only way they could show how they feel about the situation that Thailand faces, she retaliated to any of my explanations I made, with comments about the killing of Monks at alms and innocents in Southern Thailand, “If these people are good how can they let their religion kill our Monks who are only doing good and show true help to Buddhist people.”

She also pointed out about the be-heading if innocents in Iraq, and asked me about what I felt about these murderers and savages. Of course I had to reply that what they are doing is wrong and they should be killed if caught. Then I heard the famous Thai saying “Same – Same”. It would also appear that the majority of Thais think that the Army / Government did the right thing.

As the debate went on it appeared to me that no matter what I said was not going to be listened too, and when I asked her what good do you think you and your friends are doing, I was totally astonished by this statement from her,. “ IF THEY CAN NOT MAKE A LIVING AND HAVE BUSINESS IN THAILAND THEY WILL GO HOME TO THIER OWN COUNTRY.”

I think this thought process comes from the fact that Thais very nationalistic to extent that Buddhism and their love of their country is more of away of life than religion. The fact I explained that any religion ca be adopted by any person in any country seemed to fall on deaf ears, other than she said, If they want to be a Muslim, why don’t they live in a Muslim country after all if a non Muslim goes to Iraq they get killed.

(I just cant wait until she wants something for herself and the nearest vendor looks like a Muslim and she has to walk another 100mtrs to get the same thing. :o )

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Muslim's are good people??? sir I live in the states actually live in florida and their is one muslim business man here being investigated by the FBI actually going to court soon, he had illegal aliens working in his souvenier store's and also being accused of sending money to muslim charities. That are suspected in giving the money to terrorist's organizations. Well to make a long story short he was being release from jail not too long ago He put his house up for bond Well leaving the jail his friend's were waiting for him. outside of the courthouse. Well a lone woman came to voice her opinion against this, she was holding up a sign. His friends grabbed the sign and tore it to bits. Mere moment's before the media was taking film of him leaving the jail and HIS friend's were saying their outrage at the american goverment. Why is it then it is OK for them to do this, But this lone woman was not allowed too!!!

Muslim's are <deleted> All of them!!! :o

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Muslim's are good people??? sir I live in the states actually live in florida and their is one muslim business man here being investigated by the FBI actually going to court soon, he had illegal aliens working in his souvenier store's and also being accused of sending money to muslim charities. That are suspected in giving the money to terrorist's organizations. Well to make a long story short he was being release from jail not too long ago He put his house up for bond Well leaving the jail his friend's were waiting for him. outside of the courthouse. Well a lone woman came to voice her opinion against this, she was holding up a sign. His friends grabbed the sign and tore it to bits. Mere moment's before the media was taking film of him leaving the jail and HIS friend's were saying their outrage at the american goverment. Why is it then it is OK for them to do this, But this lone woman was not allowed too!!!

Muslim's are <deleted> All of them!!! 

I stated there are good and bad in all races etc, I for one can not believe that every Muslim is bad, BUT I DO HAVE THE A SLIGHT DISTRUST OF THEM WHEN BOARDING AN AIRCRAFT ETC.

And perhaps, just perhaps, the process of not buying anything from them has extended to myself, but if this caught on big time in Thailand and the Western world, I just wonder what the result would be. Hatred of another race or religion is not good and will only make matters worse. But I the world has changed and everyone must join the civilised world or always be a social outcast.

( No Indian curry for me tonight ) :o

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You think problems with muslim's just started?? 9/11 only made it worse They the so-called good ones did patrols with me while i was in iraq we would be walking together and then poof?? where did he go?? Later did we find out he's back at his headquarters watching TV we asked him what's up!!! He said I afraid to be seen with american's Maybe i get killed who take care of my family??

For all I cared he could sit there forever He's scared to get killed What about me??

I'm Thai-Farang Mix just to let you know

I'll say it again Muslim's are <deleted> :o

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IamMaiC sounds like you dont buy from the Muslims traders either.

I just asked the question, what would happen if this caught on in all of the civilised world ?. If some of these vendors are supporting terrorist groups as you pointed out in Florida, if they had no income they could not send money the these organisations.

If the Thais have stared to do this in small numbers (as of yet) will it catch on ?

So do we boycott all businesses that are Muslim owned, YES or NO,

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That's up to you. You know I was watching a program about muslim teaching's in a holy shrine. They showed videotape of some children praying. I was watching this one child and he started after a while his eye's rolled into the back of his head I said whoaaaaa :o Is this normal?? do monk's and christian's pray like this it kinda spooked me very much.

I don't hate anyone I try to get along with everyone.

I'll tell you this The former mayor of new york was hosting a get together at some place in new york city you know who was in attendance yasar arafat, in front of everyone the mayor told him to leave. he said terrorist's do not attend my function.

after the 9/11 attacks a muslim prince after viewing ground zero made an offer of 10 million dollars to the mayor. he asked only one thing that the US goverment stop backing isreal in what it does, The mayor said take your <deleted> money back

My kind of Man

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I still eat at Muslim restaurants.. Nice and quiet these days for lunch too, with the Ramadan and all. :o A boycott is silly, racist and just shows the person has a lot left to learn. I like Thai Muslims just as much as I like Thais with other religions.



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You think problems with muslim's just started?? 9/11 only made it worse They the so-called good ones did patrols with me while i was in iraq we would be walking together and then poof?? where did he go?? Later did we find out he's back at his headquarters watching TV we asked him what's up!!!

Sounds like some thai's i know :o

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Just because someone professes to be Islamic doesn't mean that they are. Most of what I've seen going on in the Arab world (and other areas that have been sucked into it) is so far from Islam that it would be disgraceful to a follower of that belief system. Islam is simply the following of the writings of the fourth profit of God. Mohamed followed Moses, Abraham and Jesus (referred to in the Quran as the virgin birth son of Allah). Its basic story is the same as all of the others but emphasizes "Hey, I keep sending profits and you don't listen!!!. Several lessons can be learned while reading the Quran. One is the criticism about some, but not all, Christians. The complaint is that they teach their way is the only way to get into the kingdom of God. This is one of the main failings of the so-called Islamic Fundamentalists. They say the same thing. The Quran makes it very clear, for those who believe is such things, that God a.k.a Allah will be the sole judge of who goes to heaven. And all of those who say otherwise better watch out!! "Hey, I keep sending profits and you don't listen!!!

I personally am not a very spiritual being but can clearly understand how some people can be devoted to a belief system. But I can read... and Islam is not at all what the people you are talking about are practicing.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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think this thought process comes from the fact that Thais very nationalistic

They actually are. they also have much difficulty in understanding finer shades of grey.

When americans think their God's gift to life, many thai's think their buddha's gift to the world.

Thinking outside the box is clearly not encouraged in Thailand. As it seems in the states as well. :o

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think this thought process comes from the fact that Thais very nationalistic

They actually are. they also have much difficulty in understanding finer shades of grey.

When americans think their God's gift to life, many thai's think their buddha's gift to the world.

Thinking outside the box is clearly not encouraged in Thailand. As it seems in the states as well. :D

hey i don't think i'm god's gift to life you <deleted> :o

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I've been boycotting all US businesses for the past 18 months in protest over their illegal invasion of Iraq on false pretences and subsequent killing of over 100,000 civilians, including may women and children. :o

Nothing to do with religion, just pure human rights and common standards of what I consider to be "civil behaviour" by one nation against another.

Do you think it will catch on Boontham and IamC? :D

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Do the Moslem Chams of Pathumwan still exist, or have they merged into the Moslem population from the South? I presume it's their mosque on the North Bank of the Saen Saeb West of Phayathai Road. If they are a distinct group, it is especially not good to discriminate against them.

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I've been boycotting all US businesses for the past 18 months in protest over their illegal invasion of Iraq on false pretences and subsequent killing of over 100,000 civilians, including may women and children.  :o

So why are you not boycotting Muslim business, they killed +3000 on 9/11 and they show savagery to innocents.

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Because that was perpetrated by a small group of extremist terrorists. Not by any one religion or nation. Is this so hard to grasp? :D

Quite different from the invasion of Iraq, or are you one of these ignoramuses that has fallen for a Bush-lie? :o

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Has anyone here actually ever met a muslim? Talked to one? Evtl even had a muslim FRIEND..????

Doesn't look like it.

I am non-religious, not christian, muslim, jew, hindu, buddhist, whatever. I consider myself as "free of pressure from someone (god?) who want to control what i do yet doesn't have the guts to speak to me in person". Sorry if i offend someone here, but that's MY view.

Now, i have friends who are buddhists. I have friends who are christians. I have friends who are jews. I have, yes, friends who are muslims as well. And i also have indian friends, sikhs and hindus.

And NONE of all my friends supports, likes or approves any sort of terrorism, regardless where! Yes, ALSO THE MUSLIMS THAT I KNOW hate the "activities" in the name of islam! Because those ###### terrorists are just poor chaps, brainwashed by mad and isiotic fundamentalists! None of the "bigwigs" would ever fly an aircraft in a building, they recruit poor souls out of schools by promising them a "shorter way to paradise".

Now, boycotting muslim street vendors hurts only that poor guy who tries to make a living. He lives day to day and won't care for Iraq or even the south, if not others would constantly bother him with that. "Hey, you are muslim, you must be supporting those idiots?" No, the majority (95++ percent) of muslims is totally against terrorism of any kind, and that is a fact!

I agree that a terrorist should, if captured alive, punished very hard, and the masterminds should get executed. But the average muslim who only shares the way of praying with those idiots should not suffer.

And don't forget: Jews were there first, their prophet being Moses. Then Christans showed up, following the teachings of prophet Jesus. Muslims were next, following their own prophet, Muhammad. BUT THEY ALL PRAY TO THE SAME GOD! Keep that in mind, folks.



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Because that was perpetrated by a small group of extremist terrorists. Not by any one religion or nation. Is this so hard to grasp?  :D

Quite different from the invasion of Iraq, or are you one of these ignoramuses that has fallen for a Bush-lie?  :o

I can apreciate your dedication to a cause, but it is hypocritical. You boycott all American business even though all american business doesn't support the war in Iraq.

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Some of my best friends and co-workers in Thailand are Muslims (both Thais and non-Thais), and they are all as appalled by the terrorist attacks carried out by extremist zealots as the rest of us are. Only a person with a very, very small brain would brand them all as "<deleted>".

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how would you know if the muslim next to you doesn't carry a bomb with him?

Explorer  :D

This is paranoia and prejudice in an ugly manifestation.

How would you know if any person next to you doesn't carry a bomb with them or intends to mug you? :o:wub:

I have spend many years living in predominantly Muslim neighbourhoods in various countries, generally speaking, Muslims are, well -PEOPLE. :D-_-:D

Half an hour ago a friendly neighbour (form Narathivat) brought me a bowl of Malay curry as a small gift, he was not carrying a bomb nor did he poison the food! :D

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