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Is The Duck Dead?

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A woman walks into the vets office, in her arms is the lifeless body of her favourite pet: A Duck.

The vet enquires whats wrong with the duck? she says she doesnt know and fears for the worst.

The vet puts the duck on the examination table, checks for a pulse, shines a pen-light into the ducks eyes.

He turns to the woman and says 'I'm sorry...you duck is dead'

The woman says 'How can you be sure'

The vet replies ' I have been doing this job for over thirty years and I'm sorry...the duck is dead, now if thats all please pay the receptionist 2000 baht.

The woman continues to challenge the poor man ' Is there any other tests you can do...just to be abosolutely sure?

The Vet nods his head, presses his intercom and tells the receptionist to send in Blackie.

After a moment a dog comes into the room - jumps up onto the examination table and has a good sniff of the duck. After a minute the dog jumps down heads for the door then turns and looks at the vet - shakes his head and leaves.

The woman is speechless - the vet presses his intercom again and says 'send in Ginger' after a few moments a cat comes into the room - jumps up onto the examination table and sits quietly looking at the ducks - gazing intently at the duck feet - up through its body and then onto the ducks head.

The cat then jumps down - heads for the door - turns and looks at the vet and again shakes his head.

The woman is obviously distressed and after a moment says ' Well thanks for your time - how much do I owe you?

The vet says that will be 10,000 Baht.

The woman says 'I thought you said 2000 baht!!!!

The vet replies ' Well if you had taken my word for it - it would be only 2000 baht - but with the Lab report and the Cat scan it takes it upto 10,000!

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