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If Chiang Mai Is Becoming Too Busy, Noisy, Dusty ..


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Hawaii was once an independent kingdom. (1810 - 1893)

The flag was designed at the request of King Kamehameha I.

It has eight stripes of white, red and blue that represent the eight main islands.

The flag of Great Britain is emblazoned in the upper left corner to honor Hawaii's friendship with the British. :D:o

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:D And another American basher heard from, I suggest you all should

get together and start a thread, You could call it " Who hates the Yanks and why" :o Cheers and good on ya mate. :D

Hello papajohn you old fruitcake,

As another poster pointed out this post has become a lot of waffle about nothing but as I find you such an amusing chap I've decided to honour you with a reply.

I made no mention of Yanks let alone hating them in my last post. In all honesty I didn't even realise you were an American, from your previous postings I assumed English was your second language.

I have friends from a myriad of nations in Chiang Mai, some of them even septics :D . Race isn't the issue it's the dimwits I can't be dealing with.

Hello you old brit fart, is Hawaii not in the US ? Please pay attention before you post. It just shows your lack of Brittish intelligence, talk about dimwits, you cannot even read! It was your post that started this BS. You say " race isn't the issue" "o" Americans are considerd a different race? Thats OK, How about the Irish that you Brits have enslaved for 700 years? Are they considerd a different race too ? Get off your high horse, you racist SOB. The Americans were the first to kick your Brit ass out of our country.

Then India, Singapore, Hong Kong, and many others. I know you folks lose big face when the Germans were about to come to your prescious little country and you had to call on America to save your Brit butt.

Thats the past, I know, but give credit to the American fighting men who died to save your little Empire from complete destruction. Its interesting to us Americans how you Brits consider us as the bad guys now. Felix Unger sends his regards ! :D

Why don't you just call a spade a spade :D

PS. I think that "Septic" is a bit strong...nothing wrong with "Yanks"or "Yankies" IMHO though.

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Its amazing... you guys say so much about nothing... these forums turn into unfunny versions of Monty Python episodes ...

Yeah, so?

Keep reading over and over and it will get somewhat funny after awhile. Almost just like Monty Python reruns, which are still on the air.

Some are good, most terrible and then there's always just one or two that you'll just love.

Never seen anything involving Monty Python that I did not love :D

But then I am slightly biased :o

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:D And another American basher heard from, I suggest you all should

get together and start a thread, You could call it " Who hates the Yanks and why" :o Cheers and good on ya mate. :D

As another poster pointed out this post has become a lot of waffle about nothing but as I find you such an amusing chap I've decided to honour you with a reply.

I made no mention of Yanks let alone hating them in my last post. In all honesty I didn't even realise you were an American,

anonymouse has been quite sincere about bearing no ill will towards his American cousins. Let's stop the Brit-bashing as we get along pretty well in Chiang Mai. :D

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:D And another American basher heard from, I suggest you all should

get together and start a thread, You could call it " Who hates the Yanks and why" :o Cheers and good on ya mate. :D

I am a typical Brit with a previous regular jaundiced view of americans in general. However, I recently returned from a 5-week motor touring holiday in the american western states with my Thai partner. It was a wonderful experience, with some of the best scenery I have ever seen. The people were great and I will return again for sure. It changed my attitude to americans and america and has made me more jaundiced against my own country where you cannot even walk past a group of Brit brats in the street, or walk down the high street at night with groups of drunken louts spewing up everywhere, without feeling threatened. One of the few things I didn't like in america was all the terrible junk food - the over commercialisation of the food industry is a great shame but americans seldom see what the problem is.

So Brits, please grow up.

PS. Ozzies are a different kettle of fish.

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So....now that we have settled all our myriad differences, and recognized all our deep-seated kinships-

Back to the OP's point.

If Chiang Mai is too Busy, Noisy and Dusty (and Smoky)....

My answer is simple. Go North, Young Man (and Lass).

Two words: Chiang Rai. :o

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  • 1 month later...
I have to say this year has been quite good... minimal burning and rain coming just when it was needed. The sky is clear and I have moved into my new house. My mortgage is less than what i would pay for rent. My village is in Hang Dong ... on a very quiet dead end road. My daughter is healthy and walking and talking (1 year old) My wife is the number one student at her university. (Seriously number 1 and being awarded honors later today.) I just had a wonderful breakfast looking at the moutains in the distance. I have had almost no problems with the police, the food, illness, or with the Thai family. My wife is christian and educated so no sinsot. What can I tell you ... * life is bliss ... knock teak wood!

I could not afford to have this life in the USA.

* Do your homework before you come here as I did.


How long have you lived in CM and where in the US did you reside? I am from MI and doing research to relocate to CM or CR. It seems everyone has a different version of both cities, good and bad. What is sinsot, BTW?

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