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Putting Crime In Pattaya Into Persepective


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Before I ever set a foot in Thailand, I did as much reading as I could. One of my topics of interest was security in and around the Pattaya area. A lot of what I read was so kindly posted by you great posters. I've come to realize that Thailand certainly does have it's share, but it's no American city. Have a look at just what's in the paper this morning:

Property crimes rise

A 7 percent spike in car thefts is largely responsible for an overall property crime increase of about 3 percent... Police blame much of the increase in these crimes on a small band of “car poppers” who are repeatedly breaking into vehicles throughout the city. Officials say they are using a specialized police detail to target these criminals.

Three women stabbed in University District

Police said Frazier was stabbed in the upper back; Henry-Dukes was stabbed in the face, neck and back; and Bolden was stabbed twice in the buttocks and kicked and punched in the head. No arrests have been made.

East Side church target of second burglary

An East Side church was struck by a burglar last week for the second time in two months, police report.

Gang assaults victim using collapsible baton

A man was beaten repeatedly with a collapsible baton Saturday night during a gang assault on the city’s East Side, police report.

Jewelry valued at $15,000 stolen in home break-in

About $15,000 worth of jewelry was among the valuables stolen Saturday from a Gorton Street home in the city’s Black Rock neighborhood, police report.

Man loses wallet to female pickpocket

A Clarence man was the victim of a female pickpocket who rubbed against him and lifted his wallet from his pants pocket earlier this week in Allentown.

Area terror cell numbered 8, agent says

Although they were known as the “Lackawanna Six,” the group of Buffalo- area men who trained at Osama bin Laden’s terrorist camp in Afghanistan actually numbered eight — and could have grown to 12, according to the former FBI agent who headed the investigation.

Two teens accused of burglary in Boston

Two area teenagers were arrested Thursday for their alleged involvement in the Monday burglary of a Town of Boston home, State Police investigators reported.

Deputies arrest two in Arkwright break-ins

tolen guns, computers and jewelry were among items recovered by authorities from a Lackawanna home, leading to the arrests Wednesday of a Tracy Lane man and a teen from Lakewood, Chautauqua County sheriff’s deputies said.

Cops seek man who fled with heroin, pistol

Police are searching for a 25-year-old man who fled from a traffic stop Friday afternoon with heroin and a gun.

Spike in board pierces man’s head during fight

A Lombard Street woman was charged with felony assault and misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon after she struck a man late Thursday with a board with a spike that became lodged in his forehead.

Man charged in apartment burglaries

A Victoria Avenue man is accused of breaking into two apartments in an Allen Street building two months ago.

Police investigate knifepoint carjacking

An East Main Street woman was carjacked at knifepoint late Friday on Emerson Place, Police said.

Family friend convicted of raping woman, 28

Brian Cooper was convicted Thursday of sexually assaulting a longtime family friend in her home last August.

3 snowblowers stolen in off-season thievery

First day of summer notwithstanding, a thief made off with a snowblower Friday from a French Street garage. It’s the third such snowblower theft in the city this week, according to police reports.


I understand Pattaya has it's ups and downs and good people and bad people, but I tell ya, when you put it in persepective, I can barely wait the 6 weeks before I return to Thailand...

Edited by anothertorres
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I been living in Pattaya for 3 years and I just spend 10 days on vacation here in Miami (US), and let me tell you. With 2 daily killings and 8-15 daily muggings, Pattaya is safe paradise compared to here. I even heard gunshots walking down the super expensive South Beach (Colins Avenue).

I used to think Pattaya was becoming more and more hardcore, but once you been to US you will understand that Pattaya is safe like a church compared to here.

Next week I go to L.A. and I just read that they had 32 murders last month alone, so happy holliday to me :o

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any figures produced relating to crime in Pattaya are inaccurate.

i personally know of 6 house breakins in the last 2 weeks that have gone unreported by the victims.

all considered it a waste of time (and likely a waste of tea money)

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Before I ever set a foot in Thailand, I did as much reading as I could. One of my topics of interest was security in and around the Pattaya area. A lot of what I read was so kindly posted by you great posters. I've come to realize that Thailand certainly does have it's share, but it's no American city. Have a look at just what's in the paper this morning:

Man loses wallet to female pickpocket

A Clarence man was the victim of a female pickpocket who rubbed against him and lifted his wallet from his pants pocket earlier this week in Allentown.

Happens in Pattaya at least a thousand times a day - girl rubs up against a man and ends up with his money.

3 snowblowers stolen in off-season thievery

First day of summer notwithstanding, a thief made off with a snowblower Friday from a French Street garage. It’s the third such snowblower theft in the city this week, according to police reports.

No - can't say that many snow-blowers have been stolen in Pattaya lately

I understand Pattaya has it's ups and downs and good people and bad people, but I tell ya, when you put it in persepective, I can barely wait the 6 weeks before I return to Thailand...

But just because other places are worse does not mean that we should accept a level of crime in Pattaya that is, really, unacceptable. Bring back Thaksin's "War on Drugs" and eliminate a lot of crime (and the perp's).

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I live in Huay Yai and agree with timekeeper about reported crime. My house is in a rural area south of Pattaya near the Pattaya Air Park. My Thai wife's family all live in this area. She was born and raised here. Almost daily she hears of robberies, hit and run by drunk drivers, and physical violence of varying degrees...all in this area, not in Pattaya city. Drugs are everywhere here...We live in a walled compound and well known drug dealers practice their trade sitting in the shade of trees across the street. The consensus is that except in the most extreme cases it is not worthwhile reporting it to the police.

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Thinks have got worse.

When I came here 5 years ago I used to go out at 1am drink till mid day and let the winds blow me as they may. I would wake up in illegal raves, Thai only karaoke bars on the dark side etc. Got pick pocketed a few times but I was only carrying what I could afford to lose plus 1,000 baht in my sock to get me home.

Wouldn't dream of that these days. Off the street by 3am latest and stay reasonably compus mentis at all times.

But we do need to put this in to perspective. My last home town was London and large area of that are now no go day or night and only a fool would be on the streets of central London after midnight.

We need a correction. We need the recession that is so clearly coming and the slap the Thais need to value us and our baht again and start offering us some protection.

But even now it ain't so bad.

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I lived in Thailand for 13 years, 6 in Pattaya, and recently returned to the USA. I read in the papers everyday and see on the news stories about different crimes happening. Some days the numbers are crazy but for the most part it is a few here and there. The big difference between here and pattaya is the amount. The news I receive in America is for an area with around 12 million people, Pattaya is less then one million. The amount of total crime looks to be about the same or perhaps a little less. It should be about 12 times less in Pattaya. Also take into account the number of crimes that are not reported or not recorded in Pattaya and you will see that it is totally out of control. Add the crimes to the number of times people just get ripped off or have an accident on a motor bike, get drugged by some BG, have a major blowout with a bahtbus driver, etc etc and it is a real mess. If you have a problem even reporting it is difficult. The police don't even want to take the report or spend any time on it unless they can make a little cash on the side. Problem with a Thai, it's you who are the problem. Pattaya is not an inter-city low income area where drugs, crime and unemployment are part of every day life. This is a tourist area ! It should be much safer then it is.

What makes it even worse is that people keep saying it is so safe and those who believe this walk around thinking everything is fine. They are the ones who pay the price. Tell it like it is !! Just because it has not happened to you ( yet ) does not mean it does not happen. The type of crimes are also different. How many people jump off of buildings in your country ???

With the gas prices going up the number of tourists are most likely to go down. This will cause even more problems and more crime. Future does not look good. For me, I am out of there. For those who are still there, good luck ! Be careful even if you think nothing can happen to you....it can and will, given enough time. Hopefully it will change in the near future but knowing what I know of Thailand it is very unlikely. The only change will come when tourists stop coming all together and the top Thais start to loose money.

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[but just because other places are worse does not mean that we should accept a level of crime in Pattaya that is, really, unacceptable. Bring back Thaksin's "War on Drugs" and eliminate a lot of crime (and the perp's).

Spot on :o

We are all guilty at times of comparing Pattaya, and Thailand, to other places with the comment "well it's not as bad as <insert placename>". But that is to place a limit on the aspirations of Thailand and any other country for that matter. It should be the goal of the Thai police to engage in an active programme of crime prevention to make the place safe for it's own citizens as much as the visitors. This should be done without limits or goals of "acceptable" crime levels the same as road safety should not have goals of acceptable levels of accidents. The goal in both cases is, and has to be, zero incidents.

But therein lies the impossible dream - crime prevention. The Thai police force, when dragged away from it's revenue collecting responsibilities, are little more than the clean up crew for the crime scene. If they were out on the streets doing something other than shaking down bar owners for a few thousand Baht they might actually prevent crime from taking place. And as for their post crime investigative detective work they make Clouseau look like inspector Morse.

Also any look at crime figures in Thailand should not ignore the crimes perpetrated on Thai citizens, often by those that should be protecting them against crime, that never get reported in the English language press and probably not even in the Thai papers.

btw I never really supported Thaksin's "War on drugsTM". Maybe the idea was on the right lines but when it got down to the execution (excuse pun) it was little more than a campaign for the police run drug gangs to eliminate the opposition with impunity.

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The type of crimes are also different. How many people jump off of buildings in your country ???

Jumping off a building is a crime? If you hit someone on the way down maybe.

Back to the OP. Too much media coverage? Too little media coverage? Inaccurate media coverage? Absolutely diabolical media coverage? Sure of you search all the news wires for any negative news story (like a suicide jumper) and pack that in along with crime, then you should have a pretty inaccurate picture of Pattaya life.

For example take the headline, "Today, fourteen allied soldiers died in Iraq." That gets a lot more attention than, "Today, 385,000 allied soldiers didn't get killed in Iraq." It still tells the truth but doesn't sell papers or bandwidth and attract advertising and that's what the mainstream media is all about. Get off the internet, stop buying the tabloids and get out a bit more. Pattaya isn't all that bad.

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I been living in Pattaya for 3 years and I just spend 10 days on vacation here in Miami (US), and let me tell you. With 2 daily killings and 8-15 daily muggings, Pattaya is safe paradise compared to here. I even heard gunshots walking down the super expensive South Beach (Colins Avenue).

I used to think Pattaya was becoming more and more hardcore, but once you been to US you will understand that Pattaya is safe like a church compared to here.

Next week I go to L.A. and I just read that they had 32 murders last month alone, so happy holliday to me :o

How can you compare a world city like L.A. with a (small)town like Pattaya.....?

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I been living in Pattaya for 3 years and I just spend 10 days on vacation here in Miami (US), and let me tell you. With 2 daily killings and 8-15 daily muggings, Pattaya is safe paradise compared to here. I even heard gunshots walking down the super expensive South Beach (Colins Avenue).

I used to think Pattaya was becoming more and more hardcore, but once you been to US you will understand that Pattaya is safe like a church compared to here.

Next week I go to L.A. and I just read that they had 32 murders last month alone, so happy holliday to me :o

How can you compare a world city like L.A. with a (small)town like Pattaya.....?

Well jupiler, if you hang around the TV Pattaya forum for a bit longer, you will see that many think that L.A. makes for a valid Pattaya comparison along with Rio, Johannesburg and D.C. Apples to oranges no?

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heh, why is everyone so grumpy around here? is it the monsoon season? i only started this topic to throw some lighthearted discussion around about crime. for the record, in no way did i suggest we simply accept a level of crime and in no way do i need to "get off the internet and stop buying tabloids". that's silly.

i get on the internet so i don't have to buy the tabloids. what *would* Tyler Durden do???

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heh, why is everyone so grumpy around here? is it the monsoon season? i only started this topic to throw some lighthearted discussion around about crime. for the record, in no way did i suggest we simply accept a level of crime and in no way do i need to "get off the internet and stop buying tabloids". that's silly.

i get on the internet so i don't have to buy the tabloids. what *would* Tyler Durden do???

I wasn't having a go at you, I was commenting on the fact that SOME OTHERS on this forum like to point out each local crime report as a damning indictment of Pattaya life. So here's a lighthearted take from my perspective. I lived here for 10 years, left for 14 years and have recently returned for 2 years. I have been the victim of violent crime once in Pattaya back in 1988; entirely my own fault. In the 14 years I was away in the US and Brasil, I was a victim of violent crime 6 times and none were of my own making. It's much nicer here IMHO.

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heh, why is everyone so grumpy around here? is it the monsoon season? i only started this topic to throw some lighthearted discussion around about crime. for the record, in no way did i suggest we simply accept a level of crime and in no way do i need to "get off the internet and stop buying tabloids". that's silly.

i get on the internet so i don't have to buy the tabloids. what *would* Tyler Durden do???

I don't know what Tyler Durden would do (who the hel_l is Tyler Durden anyhow?) but I know what I do. I read newspapers, watch TV news, visit web sites like ThaiVisa and get out and live life without undue fear. If you start off a thread listing crime stats for 'x' city and make a comparison with 'y' city you must expect the ensuing discussion to follow many directions none of which is likely to be lighthearted.

I agree with NanLaew that crime levels against westerners in Pattaya is way lower than in comparable cities in the west but we have to remember that crime affects locals far more than us expats and to ignore that demeans the locals.

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heh, why is everyone so grumpy around here? is it the monsoon season? i only started this topic to throw some lighthearted discussion around about crime. for the record, in no way did i suggest we simply accept a level of crime and in no way do i need to "get off the internet and stop buying tabloids". that's silly.

i get on the internet so i don't have to buy the tabloids. what *would* Tyler Durden do???

I don't know what Tyler Durden would do (who the hel_l is Tyler Durden anyhow?) but I know what I do. I read newspapers, watch TV news, visit web sites like ThaiVisa and get out and live life without undue fear. If you start off a thread listing crime stats for 'x' city and make a comparison with 'y' city you must expect the ensuing discussion to follow many directions none of which is likely to be lighthearted.

I agree with NanLaew that crime levels against westerners in Pattaya is way lower than in comparable cities in the west but we have to remember that crime affects locals far more than us expats and to ignore that demeans the locals.

agreed and well said. and Tyler Durden is from 'Fight Club' but my reference was to the tabloid website www.wwtdd.com

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