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With so many bad events occuring both in Thailand and around the planet mayn people i talk with - both Thais and ferangs seem to have given up hope - lost their way/purpose in life. I am not just talking about the odd pessimist - i mean people who normaly had a rosey view on life.

Earth quakes, floods, new diseases/viruses, economic doom - high oil price, food shortages, massive debt, rumours of war - Iran, dissenfranchised young - young girls and boys turning to drugs, becoming sexualized at such an early age, no respect for parents or authority - who can blame them, etc. etc.

Many of these events seem somewhat biblical in prophecy - last days!!

Or is it just me!

We're burning up this planet like there's no tomorrow, and there may not be too many of them. Pollution, deforestation, overpopulation etc. Human beings have treated this planet like one huge garbage dump and we will suffer the consequences. I'm just glad I was born when I was and not in a 100 years from now. Think Bladerunner.


The world is ending in 2012 so behappy lads lol.I couldnt be more happy,fit as a fiddle,retired early,beautiful gf,no money worries,life couldnt be better but spare a thought for the people who are not healthy.You have nothing if you aint got health.

happy as a pig in muck

With so many bad events occuring both in Thailand and around the planet mayn people i talk with - both Thais and ferangs seem to have given up hope - lost their way/purpose in life. I am not just talking about the odd pessimist - i mean people who normaly had a rosey view on life.

Earth quakes, floods, new diseases/viruses, economic doom - high oil price, food shortages, massive debt, rumours of war - Iran, dissenfranchised young - young girls and boys turning to drugs, becoming sexualized at such an early age, no respect for parents or authority - who can blame them, etc. etc.

Many of these events seem somewhat biblical in prophecy - last days!!

Or is it just me!

We're burning up this planet like there's no tomorrow, and there may not be too many of them. Pollution, deforestation, overpopulation etc. Human beings have treated this planet like one huge garbage dump and we will suffer the consequences. I'm just glad I was born when I was and not in a 100 years from now. Think Bladerunner.

In my original post i simply expressed views being expressed to me by a wide variety of individuals. It seems that most of the respondents take real world events with a pinch of salt - a rosey view. I cant help but wonder as to the nationality of most respondents?? (relevant as to how dumbed down they are)

correction . . .for the benefit of whatsoever

I never knew Thaivisa harboured so many (humourless) nutters

I think you mean sick humoured nutters - Mr Stalin

There was a Australian Prime Minister who said "Life wasn't meant to be easy" I think he was fired for daring to tell the truth. :D

Probably Mr. Howard speaking to the last batch of refugees, just before he shipped them to the camp out in the desert.

No Malcom Fraser just before he wined and dined - at McThai (look at your next receipt from the golden arches Thailand for verification of the McThai) :o

edit spelling slip


Anyhow, I kind of regretted my post anyway.


Just a Norwegian sailor that is a bit "touchy" when it comes to Aussie PM's.

(The M/V Tampa incident).

correction . . .for the benefit of whatsoever

I never knew Thaivisa harboured so many (humourless) nutters

Stalin was actually a stand-up comedian. Very funny man. One punch line was "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." It would have them rolling in the aisles.

correction . . .for the benefit of whatsoever

I never knew Thaivisa harboured so many (humourless) nutters

Stalin was actually a stand-up comedian. Very funny man. One punch line was "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." It would have them rolling in the aisles.

I think the Fashion Channel has a message for you :o


Thanks eefoo for picking up my maths. One zero less. Astronomers only observe the sun, they cannot forecast. The 5 billion year projected life is just a wild guess-timate. We have been informed that we have 800 years to go. Russian and Canadian astronomers have for some time been worried that the 12 year sunspot cycle has not come around. The earth cooled .7 degree C last year. As they cannot forecast, astronomers are now guessng that maybe another mini ice- age is on he way. Thanks for allowing my strange syntax to pass, we Hungarians havent mastered you difficult tongue.


I am way too happy today to be sad about the world or everyone else in it! I had 3 reasonable meals, a stubby and 2 slices of toast with butter and vegemite for supper. I got a comfy bed to sleep in tonight (soon). So as far as doom and dispair goes I will worry about that tomorrow....like most of the worlds politican's will! :o

Please, with science today, computers, the genome and it's discoveries coming soon, we live in a time of enlightenment.

Not having been brought up within the confines of classical Christian persuasion, I have never paid much attention to eschatological concerns, I tend to focus on getting through each day. But I did recently read an interesting book, The Long Emergency by James Kunstler, that notes the similarities between folks like Huggybear, who assume that technology will bring deliverance to the peoples of the South Pacific Islands who established the Cargo Cults of the mid-20th Century. It is interesting that humankind often seeks some sort of miraculous deliverance from their woes. There are those, many of whom are highly educated and otherwise intelligent people, who take it on belief (you know like belief in the Tooth Fairy or Baby Jesus) that the combination of the now anthropomorphized 'free market' along with the new abstract God Technos, will bring humanity salvation from the impending end of cheap oil. So it is a new Pantheon leading the way to salvation, Technos and Agoros replacing the likes of Zeus and Poseidon, along with lesser creatures such as the as the Oracle Buffetos, who by the way, is becoming a bit pessimistic.

And they are assisted by believers like Bendix and Huggy who see that all is well in their own little corner of the planet and thus all must be well elsewhere. It reminds me a bit of those who go outside and see that the weather is cold and thus declare that that global warming is a myth and no amount of explanation regarding that weather and climate are two very different things can persuade them otherwise.



I tend to worry a lot about the current state of things--too many people, environmental damage, global warming etc. I think the difference is that when I was younger, I saw problems as challenges. As I get older, I just don't have the energy to take on the challenges--so the current state of things get me a little depressed. As long as the price of beer doesn't go too high, I should be OK though!


The OP made an observation. His friends did also, so he says. He asked a reasonable question. Is was not just one or two things that he referred to as major problems. Why mock him? Why intimate that he is brain damaged or is poisoned by CNN? Has the environment been threatened "since the beginning of time"?

Many wiser than most of us on Thai Visa see disaster coming for a good number of reasons.

How does a closed mind learn?


all of us here in thailand are very lucky. no serious natural disasters. no war. great weather. cheap. it could be a lot worse, remember that! i read the other day about a 7 year old boy who was kept chained in a closet. his parents would come in periodically and slice off pieces of his flesh to eat!!!!! and he was sexually abused, pissed on, etc. etc. so sad, and when i think i have it bad i am going to remember that at least my parents didn't try to eat me! :o

With so many bad events occuring both in Thailand and around the planet mayn people i talk with - both Thais and ferangs seem to have given up hope - lost their way/purpose in life. I am not just talking about the odd pessimist - i mean people who normaly had a rosey view on life.

Earth quakes, floods, new diseases/viruses, economic doom - high oil price, food shortages, massive debt, rumours of war - Iran, dissenfranchised young - young girls and boys turning to drugs, becoming sexualized at such an early age, no respect for parents or authority - who can blame them, etc. etc.

Many of these events seem somewhat biblical in prophecy - last days!!

Or is it just me!

I've heard this from other people recently. There is a lot of negative news in the TV, internet, radio, and newspaper media.

Yes, it can cause one to be cynical, negative, and even stressed, to some degree.

I recently read a positive thinking article and it suggested not to read/view negative news reports too much.

Also, we cannot stop a typhoon that kills people, an earthquake, economic problems, or suicide bombings. We could possibly volunteer or donate, or give private thoughts and prayers, but we cannot do much to 1. stop it, and 2. right the wrong of it.

I am a news junkie, but I try to seek a balance of neutral and positive media reports, to balance out the negatives we are bombarded with.


The end of the world is nigh, soon I shall die... dam_n!!

I wanted to live forever with a bionic tool for shagging all those ladies :o

correction . . .for the benefit of whatsoever

I never knew Thaivisa harboured so many (humourless) nutters

You should know better :o


all of us here in thailand are very lucky. no serious natural disasters. no war. great weather. cheap. it could be a lot worse, remember that! i read the other day about a 7 year old boy who was kept chained in a closet. his parents would come in periodically and slice off pieces of his flesh to eat!!!!! and he was sexually abused, pissed on, etc. etc. so sad, and when i think i have it bad i am going to remember that at least my parents didn't try to eat me! :D

All of us here in thailand are very lucky :o I think the story you describe is fairly unique so dont consider yousrelf lucky.

PS are you from planet X

The OP made an observation. His friends did also, so he says. He asked a reasonable question. Is was not just one or two things that he referred to as major problems. Why mock him? Why intimate that he is brain damaged or is poisoned by CNN? Has the environment been threatened "since the beginning of time"?

Many wiser than most of us on Thai Visa see disaster coming for a good number of reasons.

How does a closed mind learn?

Correct - just an observation! However, it is interesting to see the response from those who live in the security of thier ignorance.

Re. being poisoned by CNN. I certainly dont get my views from mainstream media such as CNN, BBC, or the biggest joke - Fox. I did give the BBC some credibility some time ago - that was untill it anounced the collapse of 'building 7' some 26 minutes before its actual collapse - and has now lost the video footage (the most important peice of film of the 21st century)

With so many bad events occuring both in Thailand and around the planet mayn people i talk with - both Thais and ferangs seem to have given up hope - lost their way/purpose in life. I am not just talking about the odd pessimist - i mean people who normaly had a rosey view on life.

Earth quakes, floods, new diseases/viruses, economic doom - high oil price, food shortages, massive debt, rumours of war - Iran, dissenfranchised young - young girls and boys turning to drugs, becoming sexualized at such an early age, no respect for parents or authority - who can blame them, etc. etc.

Many of these events seem somewhat biblical in prophecy - last days!!

Or is it just me!

One persons misfortune is quite often another persons good fortune in my experience, dont worry be happy as the song says

roy gsd


If you have "Power Point". you can read this. Its really worth it. And I changed the name to protect the innocent.

Unfortunately it wouldn't let me upload the file.

Let's turn this around.

More people have more money in their pockets than ever before. According to the news last night, over 650,000 new millionaires were created last night. There are now more than 10.1 million millionnaires globally. Almost half the new millionaires are in countries which - 20 years ago - were economic basketcases (India, China and Brazil).

The standard of living for the average Joe is vastly superior to what it was even 20-25 years ago. Today, electronic goods, dvds, personal computers, labour saving devices of all sorts are found in homes which, a generation ago, couldnt have dreamed of them. Our definition of the poverty line has increased drastically.

People have much better access to healthcare, and life expectancy has increased all around the world. Techology and science have revolutionised people's lives.

Even the number of people around the world described as living in extreme poverty (under $1 a day) has decreased substantially, although at 860 million it is still too many. There is no food shortage. There is plenty of food to go around. Ridiculous situations like paying US and European farmers to destroy their produce when people in Africa go hungry is a fault of global governance, not a sign of food poverty.

Wars? What wars? The world is more peaceful today than at anytime in recent history with fewer armed conflicts. What we have, though, is a new media age which makes it seems like things are in turmoil.

Armageddon and doomsday prophesying, my arse.

We've never had it so good.

Of course there are problems. Environmental issues and the rise of Islamic jihad are two of them, but get a grip people.

Well Mr spandex - Biggest drop on Wall Street today since the great depression, oil at 142 fiat dollars and rising. Less conflicts on what planet? Populations getting richer - on what planet?

Those including your goodself who have reaped the benifits of this wonderfull time could soon be carrying your money in a sack to buy a sack of rice! 10.1 millionaires counts for shit. 95% og the chinese e.g. live on less than $200 per month - and things aint cheap (thats over 1000 million)..

When you say we - you obviously mean the lesser evolved, self important, brain dead - without a consiounce


Do you know that the ancient Druids used wood from the Holly tree in their spells?

Holly-wood is the biggest spellbinder there is. Along with other media it entrances and bewitches the masses, with whatever propaganda, mind-control or 'spells' the elites can conjure. Be it Global warming, Bird Flu, Alien invasion or End of The World scenarios. (see HAARP weather control). It's a deliberate strategy to bind you up with fear and render you powerless.

The elites are working to a script that seems to have 2010 as an end point. They are acting out prophecies that they themselves inserted into the Bible and other 'discovered' documents. I don't believe the end of the Mayan calendar means the world will end. I just think a new calendar will begin, to reflect a new Order... with the elites having culled a large chunk of the global population. Nice thought.

There is no food shortage. Improved agricultural methods have increased yields 100-fold in recent times. The world is swimming in oil. There is no over-population and mankind occupies less than 1.5% of the planet's surface. I believe the world can safely accommodate 33 billion people right now.

These are contrived crises, just the latest in a series which most people fall for. You know when they are spinning a pack of lies, the media and movies work overtime to implant satanic/zombie/apocalyptic/alien/plague-type scenarios into your mental hard drives. When they aren't drenching us in violence, that is.

There seems to be an accelerated push for global rule going on. The Hollywood spell called '9-11' has allowed them huge advances. We just sit there, mouths open, entranced.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in such things as prophecies. The elites who run the world do.

Not sure what the future holds for Thailand. If the above is correct then there are sure to be economic crises, probably floods and hurricanes, maybe another tsunami and an attack on food and rice supplies throughout Asia. Mass starvation anyone? Perhaps they will give us a killer Bird Flu in the innoculations to prevent it. An attack on Iran creating the Christian v Islam war that will draw in the Russians and Chinese? We can speculate all day long.

One thing you can be sure of.

Taxes will be going up. :o

all of us here in thailand are very lucky. no serious natural disasters. no war. great weather. cheap. it could be a lot worse, remember that! i read the other day about a 7 year old boy who was kept chained in a closet. his parents would come in periodically and slice off pieces of his flesh to eat!!!!! and he was sexually abused, pissed on, etc. etc. so sad, and when i think i have it bad i am going to remember that at least my parents didn't try to eat me! :o

OMG thats horrible.Which country was this in and i assume they have got life or death penalty.Is the boy ok????

QUOTE (girlx @ 2008-06-26 23:35:00) *

all of us here in thailand are very lucky. no serious natural disasters. no war. great weather. cheap. it could be a lot worse, remember that! i read the other day about a 7 year old boy who was kept chained in a closet. his parents would come in periodically and slice off pieces of his flesh to eat!!!!! and he was sexually abused, pissed on, etc. etc. so sad, and when i think i have it bad i am going to remember that at least my parents didn't try to eat me! sad.gif

All of us here in thailand are very lucky dry.gif I think the story you describe is fairly unique so dont consider yousrelf lucky.

PS are you from planet X

what? i definitely DO feel very lucky and happy that such terrible things have not happened to me... though very sad that they do occur in the world- mostly in eastern europe lately!

here is a link to the story... & another one

and here is the story of one of the abusers, who was originally thought to be one of the victims because she was disguising herself as a 13 year old(?!)... she also has a Myspace profile


Well Mr spandex - Biggest drop on Wall Street today since the great depression, oil at 142 fiat dollars and rising. Less conflicts on what planet? Populations getting richer - on what planet?

Those including your goodself who have reaped the benifits of this wonderfull time could soon be carrying your money in a sack to buy a sack of rice! 10.1 millionaires counts for shit. 95% og the chinese e.g. live on less than $200 per month - and things aint cheap (thats over 1000 million)..

When you say we - you obviously mean the lesser evolved, self important, brain dead - without a consiounce

You see, whatsoever, this sort of reply is what happens when you don't use your critical faculties.

It was not the biggest drop on Wall Street since the great depression. It might have been the biggest 'numerical' drop but at around 4% it's hardly a catastrophe, is it? And it pales compared to the 22-23% one day drop in October 1987. But - hey - why let facts get in the way of a (stupid) argument.

And what happened after 1987? Markets rebounded and have since surged to new highs. Share price falls are not a tragedy, they are an opportunity.

95% of Chinese live on less than $200 per month? Sure, I don't doubt that? What's your point? Just twenty years ago they would have lived on less than a quarter of that.

It's called perspective. You might want to get some.

Anyway, you continue being depressed and full of woe. I'm very happy for you.

Because the Bible tells me moral decay, economic crisis, wars, and natural disasters will occur in the last days. I believe that this is true.

Is this a troll?? If not... you're already dead mate!! ... in the sense that you've chosen to incapacitate your organ for independent, intelligent thought. Thus any discussion with you is a waste of time.


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