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Out Clubbing In Bangkok? Be Ready For Drug Test


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Are you attempting to compare the seriousness of running a stop light, or paying a woman for sexual favors, with that of taking drugs?

If you run a light whilst intoxicated with a legal drug like alcohol I would suggest that's a lot more serious than being in a club whilst stoned and hence only a threat to oneself.

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Are you attempting to compare the seriousness of running a stop light, or paying a woman for sexual favors, with that of taking drugs?

If you run a light whilst intoxicated with a legal drug like alcohol I would suggest that's a lot more serious than being in a club whilst stoned and hence only a threat to oneself.

Well...duh! Same thing as if you were cleaning your shotgun in a crowded schoolyard, drunk off your ass.

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Well...duh!  Same thing as if you were cleaning your shotgun in a crowded schoolyard, drunk off your ass.

So you agree with my point then? It would be better use of Police resources to try to reduce the carnage which results from drink driving than perpetuate the sham of pretending to rid Thailand of all recreational drugs which the authorities know full well is impossible and is done as a political expedient.

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Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

So, what's the fuss?  :(

Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

Because they never grow up and still stick to the old habits of their childhood? Always wanna eat candies and never get to sleep although Mom and Pop tell them this is no good for them.


Appears like I am the only one in BKK that has reshuffled his priorities. Rather be with my family than on the strip.

Yeahhhh, everybody must have the same values as you do when they grow up, police should start patrols to see if all lights are switched off after midnight, to save energy, and to protect citizens from their 'unhealthy childhood habits'.

BTW, I think daylight activities such as diving, canooing and mountaineering should be made illegalm as well, they only serve to help people get stuck in their childish desires to play dangerous games "although Mom and Pop tell them this is no good for them". :)

"Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out". :D

:o  You people sound like parrots "Just don't do drugs - Just don't do drugs"

    I believe here in the LOS prostitution, being drunk and despicable in public, and (believe it or not) driving violations are crimes, but I don't hear -  Just don't drink and Prostitute.  It's all crime, in thai law.  Many of you have broken Thai laws while here,  so you shouldn't be throwing stones at any one group of people. 

Absolutely, hold the mirror up to the hypocrites for all to see! :D

I wish one of you "no problem, if you don't like being harrassed don't come to Thailand" guys will get into a problematic situation for a minor offence, 5 hrs overstay, minor car accident with a wired hi-so, etc. , and then I'll tell you: You deserve all the trouble you get, you knew what would happen, if you can't stay within the law, don't come to Thailand! :D:D:wub:-_-

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Well...duh!  Same thing as if you were cleaning your shotgun in a crowded schoolyard, drunk off your ass.

So you agree with my point then? It would be better use of Police resources to try to reduce the carnage which results from drink driving than perpetuate the sham of pretending to rid Thailand of all recreational drugs which the authorities know full well is impossible and is done as a political expedient.

No, I don't agree with your point, you silly <deleted>! The police have plenty of resources to keep an eye on all crimes. Just because they are looking for drug users and dealers does not mean that they can't also look for drunk drivers, rapists, and murderers.

I personally think that drug dealers should be strung up, and users should be locked up.

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I personally think that drug dealers should be strung up, and users should be locked up.

I disagree, this will not be enough to educate and deterr others. Any suspect should receive corporal punishment in public before they are allowed to proceed to be trialed in a court of law. Also, since urine tests are unreliable (people cheat), they should be abandoned. Anybody still clubbing after midnight is a drug user, and if they haven't taken anything that night, they certainly have before then.

Zero tolerance. If you don't like it, don't come here. :o

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I guess the police did not get the word that as of last December, Thailand is 100% drug-free.

...and as of October 31, free of bird flu.... and as of last April 30th, free of strife in the Deep South.

I love Dr. T and his absolutes.... especially when he gives them all specific deadlines.

These naughty chickens don't want to obey! Don't they know that they get killed all, if they do not do what Dr. T orders? :D

Ooops, wait, they don't know anything! They forgot to put them some TVs in their cages :o

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Well...duh!  Same thing as if you were cleaning your shotgun in a crowded schoolyard, drunk off your ass.

So you agree with my point then? It would be better use of Police resources to try to reduce the carnage which results from drink driving than perpetuate the sham of pretending to rid Thailand of all recreational drugs which the authorities know full well is impossible and is done as a political expedient.

No, I don't agree with your point, you silly <deleted>! The police have plenty of resources to keep an eye on all crimes. Just because they are looking for drug users and dealers does not mean that they can't also look for drunk drivers, rapists, and murderers.

I personally think that drug dealers should be strung up, and users should be locked up.

No need to resort to abuse private dick - unless you want to change your nickname to public dick perhaps? Thailand has one of the highest road tolls in the world per head of population and the police DO turn a blind eye to drink driving so don't try to make out their resources don't need prioritising or Thailand would be imho unique amongst all the Countries in the world. I wonder how many people die on the roads with alcohol being a contributory factor compared to the number of people who die from drug overdoses?

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These naughty chickens don't want to obey! Don't they know that they get killed all, if they do not do what Dr. T orders? ohmy.gif

Ooops, wait, they don't know anything! They forgot to put them some TVs in their cages laugh.gif

But now they have proved that they are not prepared to listen to reason, they will justifiedly all be killed.
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I personally think that drug dealers should be strung up, and users should be locked up.


I wonder how many people die on the roads with alcohol being a contributory factor compared to the number of people who die from drug overdoses?

and i wonder how the number of assaults, injuries and deaths with alcohol as a contributory factor compare to those with illegal drugs involved.

could it be that alcohol is one of the most violence-associated drugs. :o

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Yeahhhh, everybody must have the same values as you do when they grow up, police should start patrols to see if all lights are switched off after midnight, to save energy, and to protect citizens from their 'unhealthy childhood habits'.

BTW, I think daylight activities such as diving, canooing and mountaineering should be made illegalm as well, they only serve to help people get stuck in their childish desires to play dangerous games "although Mom and Pop tell them this is no good for them". :D

"Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out". :D

Hi Stroll,

just wondering what values lie in partying, drinking, drugging and banging your brain out? Is this the mordern world or just Pattaya philosophie?

Nope, if everyone actually pursues a healthy lifestyle and not wasting their lifes this ain't any good at all. No heart attacks, no AIDS, no alcohol related deaths... darn this would result in a total overpopulation. Okay, let just everyone destine their own destiny and stick to the rule you just get what you ask for. But... please no moaning, crying, begging etc. when the shit hits the fan due to own improper life-style. No pity for the 40 years old alcohol and Viagra loaded no-brainer dropping dead while shagging in tropical climate like there is not gonna be a tomorrow or the dude that gets caught with his pockets full of dope. Agreed?

Gotta rush now 'coz a mountain dive in my canoe is next on my schedule. Mom and Pop are 9,000kms away and I just can't resist the temptation. But if I survive I definetely go for a stroll in the park afterwards. :D

Take care and don't forget to buy a flashlight so you can read that filthy magazine under the blanket after police switched the light off. Don't worry I'm gonna stick up for you and promise not to tell Mom. Oh, I get excited and already feel the pimples of my youth start growing back on my forehead (just shed 30 years in a blink of an eye) :o

Cheers (Tschuess),

Richard :D

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Anybody still clubbing after midnight is a drug user, and if they haven't taken anything that night, they certainly have before then.

Wow. That's one of the most narrow-minded, inaccurate generalisations I've ever heard. You obviously know a whole lot about clubbing and drugs.

Staying up after midnight without chemical enhancement really isn't hard, you should give it a try sometime. :o

Random urine-testing is a blatant violation of privacy rights that wouldn't be tolerated in any other country. It's not going to get rid of the problem, it's just going to drive it underground where it can't be monitored.

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Wow.  That's one of the most narrow-minded, inaccurate generalisations I've ever heard.  You obviously know a whole lot about clubbing and drugs.

Staying up after midnight without chemical enhancement really isn't hard, you should give it a try sometime. :o

Random urine-testing is a blatant violation of privacy rights that wouldn't be tolerated in any other country.  It's not going to get rid of the problem, it's just going to drive it underground where it can't be monitored.


Well said..!

Some people are just to ignorant or plain stupid to understand this though....

I pitty them.

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Perhaps my use of the English language isn't all that good after all. I was in 'silly mode', I thought it was obvious I was mocking Dick's attitude with this:

Anybody still clubbing after midnight is a drug user, and if they haven't taken anything that night, they certainly have before then.
And I brought alcohol into the discussion, to show that other drugs are not more harmful. Comprende? :o
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Hi Stroll,

just wondering what values lie in partying, drinking, drugging and banging your brain out? Is this the mordern world or just Pattaya philosophie?

I suggest it is a personal choice of lifestyle more than anything else. Would that be alright with you or do you insist I'll be tucked up in bed at midnight? BTW, could it be that some folks just like to have a night out occasionally, whether located in Pattaya or elsewhere?
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Hi Stroll,

just wondering what values lie in partying, drinking, drugging and banging your brain out? Is this the mordern world or just Pattaya philosophie?

I suggest it is a personal choice of lifestyle more than anything else. Would that be alright with you or do you insist I'll be tucked up in bed at midnight? BTW, could it be that some folks just like to have a night out occasionally, whether located in Pattaya or elsewhere?


I just worry about you that you get carried away with the clubbing. Okay, on a Friday and Saturday you get an extra hour but not later than 01.00 am (but only if you have been a good boy during the week :o).

Oho, Pattaya is surely not the best location to be in Thailand but anyway surely nothing wrong with an occasional night out as long as there is no dope involved and the booz level is still low enough to keep yourself under control and out of trouble.

Decency is surely the name of the game in everything and eventually will keep unpleasant brown colored company out of your back 'coz I guess it is no secret anymore that those loud, foul mouthed drunks and pot-heads of any nationality are actually NOT Thailand's most appreciated type of individuals.

Neverheless, I can just not share the way of thought to classify it a lifestyle to generally make the night to your time of activity while sleeping the day away because humans are surely not created to be <deleted>' bats. Also, if someone needs constantly alc or even dope to get going this can barely be descriped as proper human lifestyle particularly if you are out of your teen years.

There is an obvious difference between aging and maturing that, however, quite some people appear to have difficulties with. That's why there are such things like laws, police and punishment for misbehaviour. Occasionaly, the naivety of supposed to be grown-up adults is just breath-taking and some dudes seem to be on their path to contribute personally to that amazing Thailand campaign by outing themselves as unbearable buggers of the human species. This may be fine but unfortunately they have choosen Thailand to be their stage and if this is not appreciated by the government they even get ticked off in their unbelievable ignorance.

Stroll, no there is nothing to say about occasional partying within the rules but if people see this to be the only reason to come to Thailand well, then there seems to be something wrong. Guess no one likes a bunch of freaks invading one's front yard, shit on the meadow, fart and then head back to their holes. To compensate for the damage they leave a buck or two and then everything is supposed to be alright until they show up for the next party.

Ever tried to get to bed early and then hit a park in the early early morning hours? No doubt, you will be amazed about the other Thailand and the other Thai people you may come across. It is just a darn pity that this part gets constantly overlooked and only Thailand's (Bangkok's) backside is always carried out in the world. Can the people calling Thailand their home be blamed for not appreciating that the country gets so often mixed up as the whore and shit house of the world??

Also people like Stickman and Trink tend to look only with one eye while fellows like Roger Crutchley have a much much better eyesight. May it be that the first mentioned ones are just "night owls" while Crutch roams the place at bright daylight?

Well Thailand, keep going and the broom handy.

Heaps of regards,


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my point is the falang drug takers are the minority

anyone who has spent time in thailand knows the majority of yaba usage is the thai population.

Why go for high profile busts in the falang areas...or are they the only ones we hear about???..

A week doesnt go by without an article in pattayamail about another bunch of young thai boys picked up with guns etc.

IS it the media picking up these stories because the busts in falang areas get more international interest.....or the fact that their are busts going on everywhere?

forget the war on drugs ....how about a war on guns!!!

but why pick on the falang areas.

Thaksins war on drugs is won perhaps!!!! :D

you would think more suitable uses of the polices time could be found.....how about all the teenage boys carrying gus for a start.

Cos that is where Farangs are taking drugs!!!

You know about Teenage boys carrying guns because you see it on the news after they are arrested.

Just say NO to drugs. :o

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Piss test in the middle of Nana Plaza last night. They had the big table and were handing out piss bottles, must have had a few of the GoGos locked down for victims.

I used the evil trick of putting a phone to my ear and pretending to talk to someone in earnest. Just walked past the whole mess and out in Soi 4 without acknowleding anyone.

They are serious, my committment as a good guest is to learn their rules and live by them. When the rules shift or get grey, pay my fine and move on. When it gets too expensive to live well, move farther.

Carry your passport and don't do drugs.

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That was a nice escape, sounds like one really has to be one's guard. Even for a simple night out. I wonder if they doing all this nonsense down in Pattaya?

Why do you have to be on guard... ? If you're not doing anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about.... :o

play the game, follow the rules.... :D

totster :D

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play the game, follow the rules....  :D

totster  :D


I sit at the bar, mind my own business, pay my bill at 12:30 am and before

I can finish the drink, lights on, urin control until 4:00. But I wanted to leave 12:40. :D

Now what can I do to go home on time, which rules to follow that I do not have to

stay til 4:00? :o

Perhaps, it is safer to have a drink in one of the girlie-bars, and leave with a take-out around 11:00. Maybe that's what the government wants.

I try to explain this to my wife. :D

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I just worry about you that you get carried away with the clubbing. Okay, on a Friday and Saturday you get an extra hour but not later than 01.00 am (but only if you have been a good boy during the week :o).


Neverheless, I can just not share the way of thought to classify it a lifestyle to generally make the night to your time of activity while sleeping the day away because humans are surely not created to be <deleted>' bats. Also, if someone needs constantly alc or even dope to get going this can barely be descriped as proper human lifestyle particularly if you are out of your teen years.


Stroll, no there is nothing to say about occasional partying within the rules but if people see this to be the only reason to come to Thailand well, then there seems to be something wrong. Guess no one likes a bunch of freaks invading one's front yard, shit on the meadow, fart and then head back to their holes. 


Ever tried to get to bed early and then hit a park in the early early morning hours? No doubt, you will be amazed about the other Thailand and the other Thai people you may come across. 

I disagree, Herr Wachtmeister.

It is amazing how you mix an attitude of righteous morality with prejudice and ignorance against those who differ from you. Myself being someone who is awake at odd hours and appreciate the availability of a drink out after you've gone to bed, preferably without being subjected to any tests, causes you to come out with comments about 'bats', 'bunch of freaks' against myself and associates and question if I ever experienced Thailand with its daytime acrivities.

What a knobhead! Frankly, it is none of your business what I choose to be, and the suggestion there is something implicitly 'wrong' with me or others, just because we are enjoying ourselves at times and in ways which don't fit your understanding of 'maturity' is arrogant, misguided and dangerous.

I don't take your comments personally, since you don't know me, and your allegations would quickly be discarded, I'd like to think.

You remind me of my 20 year old daughter who occasionally 'patrols' the house after midnight and makes snide remarks when she finds me in front of the computer with a bottle of Mekhong. Guess who I consider to be 'immature'?

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