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True - Getting A Bit Faster ?


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I wouldn't rejoice just yet. For me, True has never really been very consistant. Some times the speeds would be awesome and at other times abyssmal. There could be some truth to the fact that school has started... during the day kids are in school (which probably don't use True's network) and therefore there is a lot less load on game shops (which mostly DO use True's network) and at home.

True has been increasing bandwidth steadily, which is good news. The bad news is that nearly all of that increase has been given to corporate accounts, with very little allocated to the ever increasing demand from home users. So, even though True now has about twice it's previous international bandwidth, we home users now have about 1/5 of the effective speed we used to get.

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They are doing something. My line was worked on Monday morning. After that all tests have been at or above my 512 speed. Suspect they are adding multiplexers to the system so we are probably not sharing with as many so may not last. But also see that have a new TRUE dedicated lease line of 145mgs and are adding bandwidth almost weekly.

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Yesterday, the speeds were so-so. Then suddenly no traffic was coming through the modem and I had to disconnect manually. That left my userID hanging in True's system, which meant that my login was rejected. Had to call True to get it fixed.

Today, speeds are OK. Except that suddenly the international traffic suddenly ceased (local traffic still OK) for a few seconds, which cut off some P2P transfers. Very annoying, and this is not the first time. One day it happened 4 times, for about an hour each time.

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The speeds today seemed to be OK, BUT... I have expereinced the *($%$(%&$# annoying international disconnects (with local links still working) 4 times. Maybe more, since I wasn't monitoring the whole time.

Good speeds aren't worth much if my downloads/uploads keep getting reset every couple of hours. Why is it that True can't do anything right? Is the management trying too hard to emulate the three stooges?

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