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Technical Question For You Eeepc Owners


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I've seen them driving {in xandros} up to 1600 * 1280, but sorry not sure which model. Xandros will detect the monitor if you connect it first then boot, apparently up to the max of the monitor.


Edited by A_Traveller
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Hi Crossy,

With Windows Xp pro and Asus drivers I can use my 1440x1050 extern monitor. :D

I once try with a 1600x1280 but it was a too poor quality to be used. :D

You can find "non standard & non official" display drivers on the eeepc forums,

I see one that *should* allow to use a 2048x1536 resolution ! :D

but these drivers are *very* instable...

Nothing over 1440x1050 in Asus display driver documentation. :o

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