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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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I'm mystified.

Am I the only man who is really not bewitched and besotted at the the mere thought of a Thai woman?

Frankly, the majority leave me cold, they're just not my faves and I favour the company of European women anyway.

If I holidayed in Mexico or elsewhere in South America it might be a different story as I find Latinas much more attractive.

However, Thailand is ideal for me as a stopover.

As for the Thais, as a sweeping generalisation I would contend that the majority are shallow and self seeking but I know there must be

many nice ones too - I just don't have the time to sort them out.

It's enough for me that they tolerate us on their turf because I enjoy my sojourns there.

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p><p>I never realised I was so handsum u

and lets not forget your legendary modesty, :whistling::D

Smart money indicates inside joke http:/area49.org/homer(underwaer,w)gif' alt='homer(underwaer,w)gif'>

Edited by cobra
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There are a ton of reasons for single guys to come here. From exploring the culture to...

Yeah, that's the ticket! :o

.. and ah, ah, the Temples, yeah, the Temples, that's the ticket, :D Edited by cobra
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Sex is like money, its only an issue if you aren't getting it. As someone who is in a long term relationship, I can say definitively that I am not in Thailand for sex. Of course, it is fun to go outside everyday and see cute Asian girls.

Especially cute Asian girls who flirt with you and are interested in you and smile when you walk by and who you can sleep with if you want to and so on.

"Here for sex" isn't just about prostitutes and quick shag.

Its pathetic that you cant think of any reason to be here besides cheap sex.

Judging from your string of nasty little posts, you seem to be an expert on pathetic. :o

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I'm mystified.

Am I the only man who is really not bewitched and besotted at the the mere thought of a Thai woman?

Frankly, the majority leave me cold, they're just not my faves and I favour the company of European women anyway.

If I holidayed in Mexico or elsewhere in South America it might be a different story as I find Latinas much more attractive.

However, Thailand is ideal for me as a stopover.

As for the Thais, as a sweeping generalisation I would contend that the majority are shallow and self seeking but I know there must be

many nice ones too - I just don't have the time to sort them out.

It's enough for me that they tolerate us on their turf because I enjoy my sojourns there.

I must admit my head doesn't turn like it used to when I first got here, but a recent 6 month business trip to Cyprus and Dubai made me realize how lucky we have it - generally.

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I've read topics where the discussion revolved around all the stereotypes and misconceptions people who have never been here have of Thailand. Most responders on these threads debunk these media manipulated misconceptions. I'm assuming most of the responders on this thread live here, or have visited here. If so, how come there's so much stereotyping and misconceptions of the foreigners who live here, and what their reasons for living here are? There are criminals, retirees, business people, people with nothing better to do, freaks, etc.. who come to live here for a lot of different reasons. More or less stable people , too. I'm sure that there are a lot of sexually obsessed people who come here, too, and a few toilet fetishists. I'm also sure there are many foreigners who came here because they couldn't get laid in their home countries since puberty.

The first time I was here, it was an 18 day "kick out the jams" party, and I had one of the times of my life. I did, but I didn't even have to leave my hotel. The ensuing times where for a variety of reasons. I like sex, but that alone wouldn't bring me half-way around the world. I've been misquoted saying this before, but I'll try again. If the sex industry was all Thailand had to offer, the country would be in a lot more trouble than it's already in.

It's a relatively big country. The OP never asked if foreigners come to Nana, Soi Cowboy, Walking Street, etc. for the availability of sex, because that would be like asking if people go to a whore-house because of the availability of sex.

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so shotine what else does thailand have to offer besides cheap quality sex that would be of interest. i lub guys who says los has a lot to offer a westerner yet dont say what they are.

personally wo the nightlife id stay the hel_l away from here. usa got a lot to offer except cheap quality sex.

Edited by farang555
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What drives me nuts is people that spend a few days in Pattaya or a few nights in Patpong and then assume that i) the whole of Thailand is like that, ii) all Thai women are prostitutes and iii) all farangs are sex tourists (especially single males). That is not to deny that sex tourism is a huge industry in Thailand, but if you think its the only reason people come here (including single males) then maybe its time to crawl outside the bar for a bit of daylight and fresh air.

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according to those guides guys fall in lub with the flower markets, thai boxing,etc.........lol. no one has said sex is all los has to offer btw. 5%-8% of gdp is sex related according to latest statistics.

shotine u need to give specifics if u want to be taken seriously. why stay out of usa?

what amazes me is that there r people who think there r people who think all thai women r hookers. omg have you seen what the majority of thai females look like......lol.

Edited by farang555
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It sounds like the posters who are not here for sex and living out in the jungle with their ex-bargirls, with a fan and maybe a flush toilet are forgetting their roots. Many are now living on the largess of their parents by way of a small allowance or have a small pension and cannot even afford cheap sex. They forgot how they got here and instead of contributing to Thai society they try to get by on a few hundred Baht a day. They spend every waking hour worrying about their visa status while developing thin skin as it relates to visitors in their adopted country. They do not remember back when they went on vacation to relax and have some fun. They are now the moral compass of society here if we listen to them. They are very sad, unhappy people who use their meager funds for internet access to denigrate a segment of the population who have every right to be here. I suggest that they save the money for something positive like getting those irritating tattoos removed from their wives' backs. :o

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It sounds like the posters who are not here for sex and living out in the jungle with their ex-bargirls, with a fan and maybe a flush toilet are forgetting their roots. Many are now living on the largess of their parents by way of a small allowance or have a small pension and cannot even afford cheap sex. They forgot how they got here and instead of contributing to Thai society they try to get by on a few hundred Baht a day. They spend every waking hour worrying about their visa status while developing thin skin as it relates to visitors in their adopted country. They do not remember back when they went on vacation to relax and have some fun. They are now the moral compass of society here if we listen to them. They are very sad, unhappy people who use their meager funds for internet access to denigrate a segment of the population who have every right to be here. I suggest that they save the money for something positive like getting those irritating tattoos removed from their wives' backs. :o

Brutal, but I like it!

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Amusing in some aspects*, but ...

(* grantbkk's post above )

instead of contributing to Thai society

Thai society or Thai economy ?

You're not suggesting sex tourists are champions of social justice, I hope :D ?

a segment of the population who have every right to be here

Their "right" to be here would seem to reside largely in their wallets, no ? Or is it some kind of moral right :o ?

Edited by sylviex
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Amusing in some aspects, but ...
instead of contributing to Thai society

Thai society or Thai economy ?

You're not suggesting sex tourists are champions of social justice, I hope :D ?

a segment of the population who have every right to be here

Their "right" to be here would seem to reside largely in their wallets, no ? Or is it some kind of moral right :o ?

Guess it depends on the morals, yours or theirs?

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"Twas you who attributed this right to them, so was hoping you might explain it.

(I know you didn't mean to be taken very seriously)

P.S. sorry, I mixed up grantbkk and bkkjames

My comments refer to grantbkk's post (I think :o:D )

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The question was... and I quote (for the nitpickers)... 'Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?' I don't think the OP asked... and (since I'm not allowed to quote, here's a misquote)... what state the country would be in without it. Nor would I put words into his mouth as some have.

Focussing on the well known areas is logical since it's far more visible for the purposes of estimating than it is outside those areas. Since he asked for 'farangs', one might look where the 'farangs' are concentrated. No?

It's pretty obvious that those who have homes in Samui or who are outside the red light districts are here for reasons over and above sex. Just as it's obvious there are those, working, for whom sex isn't in the job description, yet nevertheless partake. That's why my estimates were 15%, etc.. and not 100% which I might obviously have concluded had I asked everyone in the 'Bang-Em-A-Go-Go.'

Of course you can find 'farang' sex seekers outside the hot spots but if someone is here for sex, which is the OPs question, they are not going to find it in the Bangkok women's knitting circle.

Many young women in Thailand see that 'farang' men are more responsible than Thais, for instance, by still taking care of a child after a breakup. So they take jobs in areas where farangs can be found. Then there are the parents in poor villages who see a new house being built with 'farang' money and want the same, so push their daughters into trying to 'bag' a foreigner. One can assume easy sex is part of this agenda. I have been approached by female staff in Robinsons and asked, not only whether they can help choose a shirt, but do I have a g/f? This isn't unusual. What % of the total that is, who knows? Many ladies working in massage, bars and shops have come from the bar girl scene. However, they are still where foreigners congregate.

Women I have spoken to tell me that they came to the known 'farang' areas because it's the only way they could meet foreigners and also learn English. Foreigners, too, are going to congregate where they are not going to get into language difficulties and where all the amenities are geared towards them.

Saying Thailand isn't just the sex bazaars (Bugger me. Another misquote) may be true but for the purposes of foreigners seeking sex, I would say looking at Thailand as a whole, would yield results which aren't material.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what % of farangs seek sex outside those areas? 1%? More? Less?

I stand by my previous estimates.

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so shotine what else does thailand have to offer besides cheap quality sex that would be of interest. i lub guys who says los has a lot to offer a westerner yet dont say what they are.

personally wo the nightlife id stay the hel_l away from here. usa got a lot to offer except cheap quality sex.

&lt;deleted&gt; I've already said several times, and you keep ignoring and asking the same questions!

- Scanadanavians - many love escaping the cold plus welfare covers them for pension/home ownership here

- many of the friends LOVE Thai beaches - cheap close and warm compared to NZ

- sailing here

- medical tourism - fact

- business - MICE, work, consulting, checking out factories, sourcing products

- nightlife: USA is a terrible place for clubbing; it costs a fortune and in LA anyhow where i was there you have to leave at 2am anyway; for drum and bass over the last year you could see a big name act almost monthly; pendulum just last week for instance of the same entry fee as a single drink in a UK pub (and no 50 pound entry fee!)

- dining: many people love seafood; singaporeans often come up specifically to eat seafood for a night, then fly home the next day

- relaxation in someplace different to where we grew up

- something different to look at than at home

- muay Thai camps

- shopping

- price of many, many things

- buddhism

- plenty of people do come for cycling, golf and sport tours or sorts

If i ask why someone would go and stay in Australia, and reduce it to just 1 thing it will sound just as stupid as the classic response to why would anyone want to come to thailand for the temples ahahahahha.

OK let's try it - why would anyone want to go to England to sit in a pub? Why would anyone want to go to America, to check out the court system? Why would anyone want to go to Australia, to see a crocodile????!

The whole point is Thailand has a bunch of stuff to see, and that's why many many familes come visit. Some people come for sex some people come for something plus also sex and some people, somewhere, probably do come just to see temples (i haven't met any I can think of offhand).

Please tell me that the Canadian guy who bought a condo at Sukhothai for what was it, 200 million baht, and all those other rich sods investing big time in property here are coming for the sex only or for that matter that sex is even part of their decision process. I could really really enjoy rolling on the floor for a laugh.

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u listing tourist things. those things dont make people want to live here.

anyway i want shotiimes list of why weterners want to live here.

ps. temples r smoke and mirrors. ive been coming to los for 5 yaers and havent even gone to one..........lol. i think most go only if included in tour package.

i doubt a whole lotta peple go to los to further their careers, and those get sent here dont count.

Edited by farang555
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Steve, I may be in error, but wasn't the Sukhothai apartment purchase from an individual who has a Thai wife?


PS Just to be clear, I'm not linking the purchaser to this thread per se, but simply noting that my understanding was that the purchase was driven by a long term family context.

PPS Doing other things but a multitasking :o search noted this though this may not be the individual you were referencing

Published on Dec 24, 2007.

"We sold one of our nine penthouses at Sukhothai Residences on Sathorn Road for Bt313,000 per square metre," Benjamine Cha, who heads HKR International's Thai projects, said in a recent interview. "The buyer is an American investment banker who is married to a Thai lady," he said, while keeping the identity of the buyer confidential. The unit sold for about Bt136 million last week.From The Nation

Other sales have been to Asian based and focused business people I understand. Edited by A_Traveller
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"Twas you who attributed this right to them, so was hoping you might explain it.

(I know you didn't mean to be taken very seriously)

P.S. sorry, I mixed up grantbkk and bkkjames

My comments refer to grantbkk's post (I think :o:D )

Sorry for the poor wording of my post. By contributing to society I meant somebody contributing anything positive as related to Thailand. Certainty money has something to do with it. Helping sell noodles with the wife is borderline. By say "...right to be here", I was referring to those law abiding persons who are here legally for any reason. There are people here illegally and for criminal purposes should be hunted down and excluded.

I think a very small percentage of people live here for the sex only. The ones that are may be of the criminal element. Bar owners who are in fact running brothels or actively participating in the sex industry? Where shall they be placed on the moral scale? I don't think many will disagree that child sex predators must be dealt with swiftly and harshly. They are the one group that are here only to slake their thirst for young flesh.

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"Twas you who attributed this right to them, so was hoping you might explain it.

(I know you didn't mean to be taken very seriously)

P.S. sorry, I mixed up grantbkk and bkkjames

My comments refer to grantbkk's post (I think :o:D )

Glad to hear that, wouldn't want to have to explain it :D

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"Twas you who attributed this right to them, so was hoping you might explain it.

(I know you didn't mean to be taken very seriously)

P.S. sorry, I mixed up grantbkk and bkkjames

My comments refer to grantbkk's post (I think :o:D )

Glad to hear that, wouldn't want to have to explain it :D

Nor should you have to. Thanks.

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Almost no one is here only for sex, but the flirting and attention from females and certain knowledge that sex is available if they want it is the main attraction that brings them here and keeps them here. There are beaches all over the planet. What keeps all these guys going to these particular beaches? :o

And that sums it up very well. I'd say this question has been answered.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Steve, I may be in error, but wasn't the Sukhothai apartment purchase from an individual who has a Thai wife?


PS Just to be clear, I'm not linking the purchaser to this thread per se, but simply noting that my understanding was that the purchase was driven by a long term family context.

PPS Doing other things but a multitasking :o search noted this though this may not be the individual you were referencing

Published on Dec 24, 2007.

"We sold one of our nine penthouses at Sukhothai Residences on Sathorn Road for Bt313,000 per square metre," Benjamine Cha, who heads HKR International's Thai projects, said in a recent interview. "The buyer is an American investment banker who is married to a Thai lady," he said, while keeping the identity of the buyer confidential. The unit sold for about Bt136 million last week.From The Nation

Other sales have been to Asian based and focused business people I understand.

I wasn't singling him out, but with a Thai wife, you really think he is buying to live here for the sex? He is married! Hello, that means no more sex ever for him 5555

GOod point ;-) and I should have remembered this. This isn't the highest price acheived for a condo anymore though in Thailand, I've heard of another building selling a unit presale for more than this.

Farang 555

OK, so now we are talking about why a farang would possibly live here; so not tourism stuff.

Try some of the following:

- I can earn more than I can where I grew up (I make something like 25% more than what i would earn in NZ or Australia for the same sort of job - ok I am not strictly a farang foreigner, but I do earn local wages; some of my expat mates earn more here than they would at home, including some teachers)

- I set up a business here which makes more sense than setting up somewhere else (a bunch of boat builders for instance, or a windsurf company, a design company - a few I can think of)

- I can save more here than working someplace else

- I want to live somewhere so I can train muay Thai non stop

- I hate the cold

- I want to retire somewhere cheap with a decent cheap healthcare system

- I want to travel Asia, Thaialnd is a nice base

- I like lots of things about Thailand

- I am married to a Thai/I have Thai friends/I work regionnally but like a bunch of the things same as what tourists like

- I am a monk/buddhist and like the Thai style of buddhism

- I am a ad agency creative and I appreciate some of the great work coming out of Thailnad for the region

- I like THai culture/outlook on life

- an escape emotionally from some other country (I will be honest and say I get really sad living where I grew up, because I am constantly reminded of someone important to me that is now dead)

I may not be the heaviest hitter in my own arena but some who are include the guys working for Cobra and CMI, Starboard and the rest of the guys who come out here related to the windsurfing industry. Lawyers, teachers, doctors.

It is a bit of a backwater compared to say London. But has it occurred to you that the average generalist can soar here whereas they might crash and burn in London or New York?

If you say you are actually Dr Paul Wang now or Jerod Diamond then this is about the time that I start to consider your points valid but right now you are sounding a bit like a sex tourist slash permanent visa runner with some desire to suggest that the only reason every other farang guy is here relates to shagging hos.

not that there is anything wrong with that....well actually there is, but anyheeow.

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sorry steve but ulysses post that winnie quoted seems to have hit it on the head on why guys keep returning.

people can soar here ?. maybe if you alredy r esrtablished u can but for the avg schmoo? why is it when people can ask about careers in los most recommen d fougettabouttitt!

i appreciate yr attempt to give mundane reason why people choose to live here but those reasons apply to many asians countries.

what is unique to thailand that its neighbors dont have.

stevie u may be the exception to the rule, no problem u can still live here!

Edited by farang555
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Grantbkk, thanks for clarifying.

what is unique to thailand that its neighbors dont have.

Possibly not all that much, but everyone's heard of Thailand as a cheap, tropical country in which to live or holiday. If you'd suggested taking up residence in Cambodia, perhaps even just 5 years ago people would have looked at you very oddly, with Pol Pot being the first thought to come to mind. This is changing, of course.

Bali and some of the other islands near Australia were also well-known destinations, also sunny and cheap.

How many of the foreigners living here are retirees ?

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people can soar here ?. maybe if you alredy r esrtablished u can but for the avg schmoo? why is it when people can ask about careers in los most recommen d fougettabouttitt!

Surely the answer, then, is to avoid being an 'avg schmoo'?

By the standard of your posts to date, I'd say aspiring to be even a below avg schmoo would be a bit of a stretch.

Hey Stalin,

Don't forget under your system everyone is equal and there is no single person controlling the means of production.

So....perhaps you should outsource some of your workload to our pal Farang555; I am sure he is as equally capable as yeeeow.

Ya blo00dy commie.


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