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How Many Tv Posters Are Using "poor Taste" Avatars?


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In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

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In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

"With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality"

This is why I don't use one. I am not as dumb as my avatar looks ya know.

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In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

You seem like a sensible chap. Would you please list the proscribed avatars.

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The pandor's box of taste and fashion has been opened.

But before we get too far, who is to be the final arbiter?

And what is the ruling definition of good and bad taste?

Personally I don't get offended by avatars, they are only little images people choose for a variety of reasons and not just because they have any relevance to the person.

I chose a punk cat 'cos I like cats and punk music.

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Stalin as an avatar is certainly in poor taste, in my opinion, as is a Hitler or any number of other avatars. And yes, that does reflect something about the member.

But I do believe in freedom of speech. Anyone is free to tell bendix his Stalin avatar reflects poorly on him, and he is free to tell anyone that it does not or that he doesn't care.

I am not defending Stalin. Far from it. But I do defend bendix' right to use Stalin's image if he so desires. (I may not understand his decision, but I defend his right to make that decision.)

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Stalin as an avatar is certainly in poor taste, in my opinion, as is a Hitler or any number of other avatars. And yes, that does reflect something about the member.

But I do believe in freedom of speech. Anyone is free to tell bendix his Stalin avatar reflects poorly on him, and he is free to tell anyone that it does not or that he doesn't care.

I am not defending Stalin. Far from it. But I do defend bendix' right to use Stalin's image if he so desires. (I may not understand his decision, but I defend his right to make that decision.)

yes right....free internet.....we can choose

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We are not talking about illegal or proscribed avatars, merely distateful ones.

Vox Populi decides what is in poor taste.

"Naming and Shaming" is merely a stategy to influence someone's behavior. :o

They are free to continue the behavior but are now aware of social approbation.

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In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

So tell me OP . . what does the selection of my avatar tell you about my personality? That I have a penchant for 5 year plans and collectivisation? That I'm inclined to break military pacts? That former comrades hiding in Mexico better steer clear of ice shops?

Politically correct bullshit . .

Censorship of avatars . . . . unbelievable. How our exiles at the 'other place' must be laughing at this one!

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Some might consider my avatar to be in bad taste of a different sort.

what is it (Flag i know) but what does it mean? For what does it stand?

Thanks :o

It's the logo of the mighty Swindon Town F.C. :D

Some may question my taste in choice of football club to support.

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We are not talking about illegal or proscribed avatars, merely distateful ones.

Vox Populi decides what is in poor taste.

"Naming and Shaming" is merely a stategy to influence someone's behavior. :o

They are free to continue the behavior but are now aware of social approbation.


If public opinion is an arbiter of good taste, I'm a banana.

And as for social approbation? What are you? Some kind of moral majority influencer?

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Yes that durian is highly offensive to me.

Umm, I was referring to the other kind of 'poor taste'....


1579, from L.L. sarcasmos, from Gk. sarkasmos "a sneer, jest, taunt, mockery," from sarkazein "to speak bitterly, sneer," lit. "to strip off the flesh," from sarx (gen. sarkos) "flesh," prop. "piece of meat," from PIE base *twerk- "to cut" (cf. Avestan thwares "to cut"). Sarcastic is from 1695. For nuances of usage, see humor.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

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In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

I dont think people are offended by a pic of Hitler playing a banjo, or a pic of Stalin.

Please confirm how you are qualified to make such a foolish statement ( apart from being a fool that is) as you have above?

Quote "There is no question that the avitar one selects offers an insight into the posters personality".

Personally I dont have an avitar and neither do many others on the site, where do people who choose ( or cannot be bothered) not to have an avitar fit into your claims regarding posters personalities?

I am sure that in some cases posters might like to kid themselves they have an avitar of how they percieve themselves to be but frankly how people would like the world to see us is rarely the way the world see's us at all.

As you have referred to some of the avitars here and I dont know the people using them personally, a bit tongue in cheek of me I know but I suggest the following alternatives to your theory.

The person using the Joseph Stalin avitar could possibly be a pussycat in real life who like many are under the thumb at home.

The person using the banjo playing Hitler could possibly be be a frustrated banjo player.

From what you have stated it would appear that you see yourself as some sort of agressive fighting fish, in reality people who know you might consider you a goldfish type of caracter.

As for the person using the avitar of the" sex and mystic " occultist, he could have just be suffering from too much consumption of " acid" in his younger years.

Alternatively they might just have a sense of humour...............

Roy gsd

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So tell me OP . . what does the selection of my avatar tell you about my personality? That I have a penchant for 5 year plans and collectivisation? That I'm inclined to break military pacts? That former comrades hiding in Mexico better steer clear of ice shops?

Politically correct bullshit . .

Is it politically incorrect to call a spade a spade?

You are, as noted ,a graduate in Political History and obviously conversant with the details of Stalin's political career. The question then becomes why you would choose to associate yourself with him.

Censorship of avatars . . . . unbelievable. How our exiles at the 'other place' must be laughing at this one!

You are free to continue to promote 'Ol Joe but please take notice that it is offensive/in poor taste to many, especially those that know the history.

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