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Getting Married In Thailand

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I know its a way off for me, but curious..........

What happens at a thai wedding, ie farang-thai?

What does the farang wear?

What is to be expected?

What are the do's and dont's?

Can any one fill me in on their experiences? What was your day like? what happened.

Cheers just being noisey!!!! (i know spelt nosey wrong but have been spelling it wrong for so many posts now, why break the tradition!)


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You are expected to give lots of cash

Don't wear black

Do lots of wais all day

Have water poured on your head

Go to party

Everyone drinks the whisky, leaves their money and pisses off home by 9pm

Hope this helps.

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Can any one fill me in on their experiences? What was your day like? what happened.

Well, last ones I have been to, in Issan have been quite boring.

I am certainly not prudish, but standing around with a whole lot of drunk men swigging very cheap whisky from a bottle making all sorts of statements in dialects that aren't normally spoken, etc etc.

My wife's sisters wedding, the family is expecting to have a donation from me, I think I will stay at home that week.

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Get ready to sweat with the traditional costumes. If you don't have one a shirt with a tie is okay but make sure both of it is not white nor black.

Have lots of cash in your pocket - Baht 100 to 1000. If it goes by the tradition, they have 2 "gates" for you to go to before meeting your wife at her house. Those gates means cash. You might get your feet washed up in milk before you enter the house too!

Yep! do alot of wais, even to the people you don't know but don't wai your wife. That's what they say. And always keep a smile intact to your face no matter what.

At the temple, wai all the people you see especially the monks. if you don't speak fluent Thai, leave the talking to your wife or her family members to do it. And follow what ever your wife do while getting blessed by the monks.

Above it all, ask your future wife what's the protocol like i.e how to get blessed form her parents, the elder brothers or sisters if she have and other stuffs. To be safe, make a practice run on how to bow down with your wife in private for this accasion.

Explorer :o

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It cost me about 120 baht.....All in at the Amphur.

I got married legally...Never mind these Bhuddist weddings, they mean SFA.

Then have a party afterwards.

Know where you're coming from Claire, as we only did the registry thing, albeit for 275 baht; although, may go through the ceremony someday for her to gain more face for her family.

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It cost me about 120 baht.....All in at the Amphur.

I got married legally...Never mind these Bhuddist weddings, they mean SFA.

Then have a party afterwards.

Exactley, these weddings are just a show so as the rest of the village can see you giving her parents loads of money (well the 2 weddings i've attended already were).

I had a blessing in the temple by the monks on the morning of my wedding which was a christian wedding in the Marriott in Pattaya.

My wife was completely against a village wedding, we brought them all down to Pattaya. :o

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Just for the record. My wife is very religious and I stand by her.

And remember....There's more than one way to skin a rabbit.

Flashing the cash! I don't think so. It's a bit like telling everyone you can afford a retirement visa etc.....Doesn't make you a better person?

Claire. :o

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Flashing the cash! I don't think so. It's a bit like telling everyone you can afford a retirement visa etc.....Doesn't make you a better person?

Claire. :o

My, you are a cynical person, who appears to know little of Thai customs.

Wealth is important, even if it is illusory, like the fake gold bars on show in some


At a traditional wedding the groom has to pay for entry to the brides house and for

other little services.

The bride price shows how much he values the bride.

It is shame that you did not have the traditional wedding, as it would have helped you understand.

Lastly, weddings and retirement visa's are totally unrelated.

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I wore a traditional costume, which we rented for the day.

That is interesting, I always thought (well at least in this part of Issan) that the brides family was supposed to give the groom Mai Thai to get married in, then all you need is a clean shirt.

At my wedding we had all the traditional stuff, no temple, my wife is not that into Buddhism, so we had the obligitary booze and the eventual fights at the end of the day. :o

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