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Baby Stroller


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Um, you can't even comfortably move a single stroller around anywhere in this country because you're running into things, and you're going to attempt it with one that's twice as wide.. I'd say that's a brave attempt! :o

I don't think strollers work in this country; most certainly not for outside use anyway, due to uneven pavements, obstacles, too bright/strong sunlight, etc.

(You might find limited use for them as a semi-mobile place for kids to sleep, and for strolling around department stores..)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes,... I was just hinking that. I sat in a cafe overlooking the street, near MBK shopping centre with my two kids yesterday and watched parent after parent after parent with strollers struggle to negotiate the bumpy pavements, random steps, squeeze past street vendors, etc. Then there wes the inevitable toddler who refused to go in his push chair. Mom ended up pushing the chair, holding the toddler, shuffling with the shopping bags .... I couldn't help wondering "In BKK, why do they bother?" It's just as pointless in Paris, as I remember with my own sprogs. Back-pack carriers would be so much more practical (well, not with two ...) Do they actually sell those here?

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Yes they sell those chest / back carriers here, as for strollers perhaps they are not practical on pavements of Silom / Sukhumvit, but for quiet strolls around gated communities or inside vast shopping malls they look fine.

As for the big air filled tire jogger type strollers I have been looking a lot recently but have only seen the single seat versions of these.

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not sure how old the kids are but a single stoller with an attached buggy pod (afold up attachment seat) could work if you had a baby & a toddler/older child? As to where you can get one of those in BKK I have no idea but just giving you a suggestion :o

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not sure how old the kids are but a single stoller with an attached buggy pod (afold up attachment seat) could work if you had a baby & a toddler/older child? As to where you can get one of those in BKK I have no idea but just giving you a suggestion :o

stroller was the biggest waste of cash of all the thinks i bought in preparation. for the kid. go cheap. you wont need it long.

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WE had a large buggy when we arrived in BKK, was too big for the pavements, binned it and brought a maclaren stroller - used this for 2.5 years with no problems, sure the pavements are not great but you manage and it is needed in some of the larger shopping centres - i also used a baby chest carrier up until about 18 months - but it can be hard work in the heat - try walking around chatachuk with the kind in a carrier for 5 hours, then you sweat!!

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We have always used a maclaren too & it is the best in terms of easy to fold up, can get in boot or front seat of taxi & can be collsped or put up with one hand whilse hodl ing wriggly baby in the other :o & is light enough to carry up stairs but there is no way I could have carried my son in the chest carrier beyond 6 months, just too heavy & too hot :D

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I've used a three-wheeled Mountain Buggy (easy to collapse) for my son and still do on occasions ... best investment I ever made. Have used it heaps in Bangkok ... it all depends on where you go and what you want it for. Mountain Buggy don't have suppliers in Thailand but they do sell in shops in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia so perhaps if you are traveling there you'd be able to pick on up. (They have double and even triple buggies).

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