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For the last week or so I have had a very bad pain inside my head, it feels very pressurised.

It is behind my forehead, all the way accross.

This isn't a headache I am sure as it doesn't thob it is just there. My forehead is also sore to touch.

It feels like I have head butted someone or something.

Also both my eye lids are disoloured, as if bruised.

In the morning when I wake up I am fine but after an hour or so at work (behind my pc) it slowly starts and by the end of the day the eye lids are bruised again and I can hardly move my head.

I have recently had a physical, my lungs are clear, my hearing is a little poor but my eye sight is 20/20. This physical was done in Singapore as a part of my employment working in hazardous enviromnets.

I am worried it is some kind of tumour inside my head, I know it is not and I am just worrying over nothing but I am at a loss to explain what the pain is and why I have it.

Would stress possibly manifest itself this way?

I decided to relax and drink a few beers the other day but alcohol only made the pain worse.

Any ideas folks?

(By the way, the country I am now working in has inadequite health care)


one more thing, I find that sometimes my vision is blurring. I pressume things are related.


A quick guess

Do you wear or need reading glasses, and have you had your eyes checked recently.

You could need glasses or new prescription.

For the last week or so I have had a very bad pain inside my head, it feels very pressurised.

It is behind my forehead, all the way accross.

This isn't a headache I am sure as it doesn't thob it is just there. My forehead is also sore to touch.

It feels like I have head butted someone or something.

Also both my eye lids are disoloured, as if bruised.

In the morning when I wake up I am fine but after an hour or so at work (behind my pc) it slowly starts and by the end of the day the eye lids are bruised again and I can hardly move my head.

I have recently had a physical, my lungs are clear, my hearing is a little poor but my eye sight is 20/20. This physical was done in Singapore as a part of my employment working in hazardous enviromnets.

I am worried it is some kind of tumour inside my head, I know it is not and I am just worrying over nothing but I am at a loss to explain what the pain is and why I have it.

Would stress possibly manifest itself this way?

I decided to relax and drink a few beers the other day but alcohol only made the pain worse.

Any ideas folks?

(By the way, the country I am now working in has inadequite health care)

Don't know where you are now, but if you worry, why not get a ticket to a country where you can meet a reliable doctor ? I believe that there should have some countries next to where you are, that can provide a better healthcare

Just my opinion

All the best to you, anyway !

A quick guess

Do you wear or need reading glasses, and have you had your eyes checked recently.

You could need glasses or new prescription.

I had them checked only a month ago in a clinic in Singapore. Both long and short eye sight is fine.

This is getting to be too much, I feel like my head is going to explode out the front (sounds stupid I know).


Hi, take a look, maybe you recognize something. Some sites do have a better explanation, try google `sinusitis`

That is interesting as a few weeks ago I had a wisdom tooth infection (I presumed) that left me almost unable to move my mouth.

In a small number of cases, chronic maxillary sinusitis can also be brought on by the spreading of bacteria from a dental infection.

It is the first thing which came to mind readaing about your headache.

I have had it a few times, blurr vision, the feeling that my eys were pushed out of my head and the feeling of pressure inside.

Forehead feels painfull all across.

There are some solutions worth a try. When googling i am sure you will find something that can help.

Or go and see a doctor, they will have " something"

DONOT FLY, no pressure cabins, or altitude differences. That could push it from one cavety to another and is very very painful.


Thank you Carib.

We have a small clinic onsite, I may go and see the Doc.

It will have to be tomorrow now I guess as I am having trouble standing/sitting down, feeling quite dizzy.


wow tuky, get yourself to the doc pretty quick id say. must be plenty of good ones in singapore id say love.

if the booze hurts you, stay off it.

i initially thought it may be your eye sight, but as youve just had that checked it has to be something else.

please dont self diagnose. get yourself the doc and get it sorted out sooner rather than later.


Agree with Donna, especially if it is as bad as you discribe in your last post.

If the `verdict is` sinusitis the sooner you will be on antibiotics the better.

I am worried it is some kind of tumour inside my head, I know it is not and I am just worrying over nothing but I am at a loss to explain what the pain is and why I have it.

Would stress possibly manifest itself this way?

I decided to relax and drink a few beers the other day but alcohol only made the pain worse.

Any ideas folks?

(By the way, the country I am now working in has inadequite health care)

In your particular situation it may be difficult, but, the first chance you have, get yourself a blood test, urine test and possibly an EEG. In the meantime, 80mg of baby aspirin to expand the arteries (let it disolve under the tongue).

If not enough oxygen is getting to your head you will have headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, etc., and if not treated immediately you could very well have a stroke and/or heart attack.

This is not meant to worry or scare you nor is this advice professional. I have heart disease and the symtoms you suggest are similar if not directly related to heart disease. DON'T SMOKE OR DRINK ALCOHOL & NO SALT.

Get your blood pressure checked immediately. If it's higher than normal (don't know your age so difficult to say) If you're over 50 then your blood pressure should be below 140 (systolic - top number). If above this then it could be an indication of heart disease that can be caused by any number of things...

The longer you wait the more danger you put yourself into that can be Irreversible.

The above information is based on my own experience and in no way represents professional advice.

....and don't take any antibiotics until you find out what the problem is, they will interfere with your immune system and could possibly make things worse....

The above information is based on my own experience and in no way represents professional advice.

Thanks for the info mate.

I had all the tests done a month or so ago, that included blood, urine, lung and stomache xrays, HIV and all other STD screen. My blood pressure was normal for my age. I also did lung capacity tests etc etc. Full UKOOA offshore medical and I was found to be in great health.

I do smoke between 20 and 40 smokes a day and drink probably 12 to 16 cans of beer most days.

I am 33 years old, 188cm tall and weigh around 80kg. I do get lots of exercise, mainly climbing stairs (10 flights X 10 times a day) so despite the drinks and smokes I am in good shape.


They call it "The Silent Killer" (heart attacks/disease) because you may not know it's coming. Age is no barrier.

Again, not trying to scare you. You may want to cut down on tobacco & alcohol especially if after smoking or drinking the pain increases. Better yet, stop both for a couple days to see if the pain subsides.

If you don't get tired or winded after all the stair climbing then this is a good indication that you don't have heart problems, but again, I'm not a doctor so get new tests done from a competent doctor or hospital. I've had the same tests done by three different hospitals within 2 days of each other and they all came up different...

Get your blood pressure taken there at the clinic, surely they should have the equipment.



Get on a plane to Singapore and have a thorough check up at a decent hospital, including a CAT scan to rule out the possibility of a tumour.

It's just not worth taking any chances with your life.

Good luck



I had very similar problem last month. After a week or so of terrible headache and blurred vision I had a checkup. Blood pressure was way high?? That was strange because all life have had very low/ too low blood pressure.

Doc gave some meds called pronelol or something like that. After a week blood pressure was back to normal and stopped taking them. I also switched from beer(similar daily intake as you) to bloody mary.

Now all back to normal blood pressure back to 66 from 100 when had headaches.

Not sure if its connected but after drinking beer, even say 1 or 2 big changs, my vision is totally blurred? Strange feeling but its not stopping me:)


I have had those numbing headaches too,

my cholesterol level was high (240) but my bloodpressure low

I had a small seizure upon landing into Thailand last month

a scan revealed 'several lacunar infarcts in the white matter'

Pls get checked and let us know.

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