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American Election Results 2004


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We are opening a temporary US Political thread here, although it's against the Forum rules and it's not direct Thailand related.

Please avoid bashing! The thread will be closed if it goes too hot.

Enjoy! Thanks!





(CNN): -- White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card said early Wednesday that the Bush-Cheney campaign is convinced President Bush has won re-election.

"President Bush decided to give Sen. Kerry the respect of more time to reflect on the results of this election," Card said at the Reagan Federal Building in Washington. "The president will be making a statement later today."

Bush appeared to be on the cusp of winning a second term, building a popular vote lead of more than 3.7 million votes.

He moved tantalizingly close to winning an Electoral College majority with a lead in the key battleground state of Ohio, though the Buckeye State remained too close for CNN to call. (Electoral College)

Meanwhile, Republicans are projected to retain control of the House and Senate, adding to their majorities in both chambers with strong showings in Southern states. (Senate, House)

In South Dakota, former GOP Rep. John Thune claimed victory over the Senate's top Democrat, Minority Leader Tom Daschle.

So far, Bush is projected to have won 28 states, with 254 electoral votes, and a win in Ohio would assure him of at least 274 votes, more than the 270 he needs for a majority Electoral College.

But the Kerry Campaign early Wednesday refused to concede defeat, insisting that 250,000 provisional and absentee ballots cast in the Buckeye State might change the outcome.

"The vote count in Ohio has not been completed," said campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill. "We believe when they are, John Kerry will win Ohio."

Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell said that by law provisional and absentee ballots won't be counted until 11 days after the election. He said he could not immediately put an estimate on the number of those ballots, but he said 250,000 might not be out of the realm of possibility.

While he said the exact number of provisional ballots was unknown, he said it is "trending toward 175,000."

Blackwell suggested "everybody just take a deep breath and relax."

Kerry's running mate, Sen. John Edwards, said, "We've waited four years for this victory, so we can wait one more night."

Kerry is projected the winner in Wisconsin.

Iowa election officials blamed broken machines, a delay in opening absentee ballots and apparent fatigue for delaying the secretary of state's report of a final count until some time Wednesday.

New Mexico is too close to call and will not release presidential election results until later Wednesday because thousands of absentee ballots remain uncounted, according to a spokesman for the secretary of state.

That leaves Bush with 254 Electoral College votes to Kerry's 252, with Iowa, New Mexico and Ohio still to be awarded.

The key turning point in Tuesday's election came when Bush carried Florida, which the president won four years ago by just 537 votes after a lengthy dispute. This time around, though, there was no question who won the Sunshine State, where Bush's margin was more than 370,000 votes. (Special Report: America Votes 2004)

Very few states switched from the party of four years ago. New Hampshire, which Bush narrowly won in 2000, went for Kerry. Bush has so far carried no state carried by Democrat Al Gore four years ago, although he leads in two, Iowa and New Mexico.

GOP projected to keep control of Congress

GOP candidates are projected to win open Democratic seats in four Southern states and were ahead in a fifth, Florida. The party also is projected to keep vulnerable Republican seats in Oklahoma and Kentucky and to lead in a third, Alaska.

The only GOP setbacks were projected in Illinois, where rising Democratic star Barack Obama took the seat vacated by retiring GOP Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, and in Colorado, where Democratic Attorney General Ken Salazar projected to beat beer magnate Pete Coors in the race to replace retiring Republican Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell. (Senate)

Those results, coupled with the projected Daschle loss in South Dakota, would give the Republicans a net gain of four seats, making the lineup in the new Senate 55 Republicans, 44 Democrats and one independent.

Daschle could be the first Senate party leader to lose his seat in 52 years.

In the battle for the 435 House seats, Republicans are projected to retain their majority, winning at least 226 seats with 10 races still up in the air. (House)

GOP candidates are projected to pick up six Democratic seats -- five of them in Texas, where a controversial redistricting plan pushed by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay redrew the state's map to make it more Republican-friendly.

In addition, two other veteran Texas Democrats forced by the new map to run against Republican incumbents -- Reps. Charles Stenholm and Martin Frost -- also are projected to lose.

Democrats are projected to take a Republican seat in Illinois, where Melissa Bean defeated veteran GOP Rep. Phil Crane.

If projections hold, it will be the sixth consecutive election in which the GOP has held the majority.

Of the 11 gubernatorial races, close contests are expected in Missouri, New Hampshire and Washington.

In Indiana, CNN is projecting a big win for former Bush administration official Mitch Daniels over Indiana Gov. Joe Kernan.

Ballot measures

Six months after gay and lesbian couples won the right to marry in Massachusetts, opponents of same-sex marriage struck back Tuesday, with voters in 11 states projected to approve constitutional amendments codifying marriage as exclusively being between a man and a woman.

California voters, who faced 16 statewide ballot measures, are projected to pass a measure to establish a constitutional right to conduct research using stem cells and to authorize $3 billion for such research.

A ballot measure approving the use of marijuana for medical reasons is projected to pass in Montana.

Colorado voters are projected to reject a proposal to change its winner-take-all to allocated electoral votes for presidential candidates.

A Florida measure to require parental notification before minors can obtain an abortion is projected to passed.

Gambling is another hot ballot issue, with six states deciding 13 measures.

--CNN.COM 2004-11-03 at 18:30 PM

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We are opening a temporary US Political thread here, although it's against the Forum rules and it's not direct Thailand related.

Please avoid bashing! The thread will be closed if it goes too hot.

Enjoy! Thanks!


Thanks George, you are a legend.

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another 4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :o:D

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Reckon it's interesting that the only pro-Bush American expats I know are in the Oil/Offshore industry.

Every other passport owning American seems to have an entirely different view all together. What industry are/were you working in, Boon Mee?

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :o  :D

Hey- hey, settle down there Jock and go change your kotex, it will make you feel better. Don't worry so much about the safety of Americans,. :D

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :o  :D

I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

The world is now at war for another 4 years and 50% of the US population is to blame for it.

I would also call myself a Canadian if I was a yank! Good Luck, you guys are gonna need it!

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :o  :D

I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

The world is now at war for another 4 years and 50% of the US population is to blame for it.

I would also call myself a Canadian if I was a yank! Good Luck, you guys are gonna need it!

Tornado I do wonder where you are from and how much education you have, if you think California is a state that is an "educated business sector" as you call it, the state is half full of perverts and the rest are a bunch of under educated hollywood actors who add nolthing to society except leach money from the public and do everything in excess including drugs, you tell me this is not true. Read up some and maybe you will be able to express and post an educated opinion.

Thanks again George for leaving this thread open.

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Reckon it's interesting that the only pro-Bush American expats I know are in the Oil/Offshore industry.

Every other passport owning American seems to have an entirely different view all together. What industry are/were you working in, Boon Mee?

I know a number of pro-Kerry American expats in the Oil/offshore industry. So what? I am American and was pro-Bush myself and in the Electronic Manufacturing business. So what?

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Oh yea it's Thai related. Just too bad I didn't know which thief to vote for. Haven't ever met or heard of any politcal person yet that wasn't or isn't a thief. Just like an attorney.

How do you get rid of all the politicians?

Kill all the attorneys!!

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :D  :D

I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

The world is now at war for another 4 years and 50% of the US population is to blame for it.

I would also call myself a Canadian if I was a yank! Good Luck, you guys are gonna need it!

Tornado I do wonder where you are from and how much education you have, if you think California is a state that is an "educated business sector" as you call it, the state is half full of perverts and the rest are a bunch of under educated hollywood actors who add nolthing to society except leach money from the public and do everything in excess including drugs, you tell me this is not true. Read up some and maybe you will be able to express and post an educated opinion.

Thanks again George for leaving this thread open.

Well thanks for the flame there GR - nice one! :o

If you do not think New York and LA are not the hub for business in the USA, you would be mistaken. Now toddle off and read Forbes! It has piccys too :D

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My gf just got home, Shes Thai. I told her that its looks like the monkey is gonna get back in. Shit man you should have seen her face. Not happy! We are waiting on Ohio. But we/I have to accept it. This world of ours is gonna get worse. I cant believe it. :o:D

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I have been following BBC and CNN today with great interest. Isn't it time for US to change the constitution to count popular votes instead of electorital votes?

Bush is the true winner with more than 3,000,000 votes!

No, I am no a Bush fan, neither an American, but I say that this stone age voting system is not really fair...

Still hangning chads and striking voting machines. Don't they have computers over there? :o

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :D  :D

I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

The world is now at war for another 4 years and 50% of the US population is to blame for it.

I would also call myself a Canadian if I was a yank! Good Luck, you guys are gonna need it!

Tornado I do wonder where you are from and how much education you have, if you think California is a state that is an "educated business sector" as you call it, the state is half full of perverts and the rest are a bunch of under educated hollywood actors who add nolthing to society except leach money from the public and do everything in excess including drugs, you tell me this is not true. Read up some and maybe you will be able to express and post an educated opinion.

Thanks again George for leaving this thread open.

Well thanks for the flame there GR - nice one! :o

If you do not think New York and LA are not the hub for business in the USA, you would be mistaken. Now toddle off and read Forbes! It has piccys too :D

Not flaming you at all Tornado, a spade is a spade to me. :D

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Don't they have computers over there?

yes they do in some states. But do you know? There is know paper trail. So how can you believe anything that these people say. USA the only superpower left, The land of the free. #### OFF. I still need a drink.

Can you pass me a beer babe?

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The election has re-affirmed my belief that America is truly the Land of Opportunity.

A lack of intellect, ethics and rational policies along with the inability to correctly pronounce the word "nuclear" are no bar to high public office. What a great country!

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Just discussingb this thread with the missus. She still cant believe it. She even turned CNN off so as not to listen to the shit. Shes Thai! Just goes to show. USA . Should be be. UAS. U Are Stupid. I hope you can live with yourselfs.

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Just discussingb this thread with the missus. She still cant believe it. She even turned CNN off so as not to listen to the shit. Shes Thai! Just goes to show. USA . Should be be. UAS. U Are Stupid. I hope you can live with yourselfs.

Watching CNN also with my wife (yes she is Thai). She doesn't seem to be having the same emotional problems your's is having. If Kerry had been the "projected" winner I wouldn't be CRYING like you appear to be. Lighten up.

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