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Kidnap Alert In Khon Kaen


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Yesterday after school a local boy of 10 who was at home by himself doing his homework close to a small local market was kidnapped bound and gagged. Fortunately the boy escaped unharmed and made it back home where the family found him traumatized with his hands still tied together. While there are few details available the police have been over here in force all day investigating with no results.

It is a fact there are active kidnap gangs throughout Thailand, this is nothing new. The only thing anyone can do is just not let there kids out of the site of an adult. The world is full of sickos and here in Thailand they are rarely confronted much less caught. If anyone in KK needs further details send me a phone number in PM. It is suspected the kidnapper has fled the area but could easily just move across town as there is no communication concerning the kidnapping of kids between police agencies, much less any kind of task force. Keep you kids safe and best regards.

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I don't suppose he was missing a kidney as well?.................yawn...................

Listen up this is not a situation to joke about but I expect useless piss artists to respond like***flame removed**on this forum when people are serious so your comment is not shocking or anything, just useless. This situation is a confirmed fact and the police have been over here all day investigating, the investigation is ongoing.

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Yes sometimes they do get caught. My husband's cousin's toddler was kidnapped by a distantly related family member last year. Fortunately for the little girl, a neighbor recognized the litttle girl on the boat leaving the island, the police were notified, the woman was caught as the boat docked on the mainland and the little girl was reunited with her family.

Sheer luck, of course, but thank goodness for it.

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I agree.

What a stupid post,,it is obvious that this fool is not a parent.

Prehaps a kidnapper.

With regards to the Justice system in Thailand please look at my post "A murder" in this forum.

sbk how lucky was that?

MC thanks for the info you have provided us with, I dont live in KK but I share your concern

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I agree.

What a stupid post,,it is obvious that this fool is not a parent.

Please bear in mind that this subject has been repeated on TV many times, seldom, if ever, has there been an 'it happened to my child' post, I can't remember a single newspaper article with any substantial evidence that it has happened.

And it's almost always in Khon Kaen, why is that?

I've got to be honest, if I lived there and had kids I'd be keeping out a watchful eye 24/7.... as I don't I'm split between that and scepticism.

Apologies to the parents of the child that this apparently happened to..... if it happened.

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I don't suppose he was missing a kidney as well?.................yawn...................

You're clearly missing something, and it's not too difficult to figure what it is. :o

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I agree.

What a stupid post,,it is obvious that this fool is not a parent.

Please bear in mind that this subject has been repeated on TV many times, seldom, if ever, has there been an 'it happened to my child' post, I can't remember a single newspaper article with any substantial evidence that it has happened.

And it's almost always in Khon Kaen, why is that?

I've got to be honest, if I lived there and had kids I'd be keeping out a watchful eye 24/7.... as I don't I'm split between that and scepticism.

Apologies to the parents of the child that this apparently happened to..... if it happened.

Maybe Khon Kaen because we are not all that far from the border into Laos ??? :o

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this does seem to be a very different situation to the usual "organ harvesting" kidnap rumours that surface on a yearly basis.

If reports are correct, this poor boy was in his own home when someone tried to abduct him. Thankfully he managed to escape & I hope he recovers from his trauma.

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I can't remember a single newspaper article with any substantial evidence that it has happened.

Like the murder of my wifes cousin ,,I cant see that getting in a newspaper either,,,,,maybe it did,nt happen.

Edited by soihok
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I thank the original poster for the warning.

I dont let either of my kids out of my sight whilst we are out of the house.

Unfortunately, I have to go to work ,,,etc,etc, then I have no control over what happens to them if they are out with Mum at the shops.

It is very alarming to realise that your kid could be snatched from their house, is,nt it?

Thaddeus, for your info ,last year near my wifes folks village a mother and her kid were snatched off the road during the day.

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I thank the original poster for the warning.

I dont let either of my kids out of my sight whilst we are out of the house.

Unfortunately, I have to go to work ,,,etc,etc, then I have no control over what happens to them if they are out with Mum at the shops.

It is very alarming to realise that your kid could be snatched from their house, is,nt it?

Thaddeus, for your info ,last year near my wifes folks village a mother and her kid were snatched off the road during the day.

We are in the same boat, I worry about the kids in my family when it seems some others don't have a clue that horrible things happen here in Thailand. I have seen the work of sickos who rape and murder kids and that goes on every day in Thailand and back in America too, not really breaking news there but I still want to puke when I think about it.

I left out some details about the attempted kidnap here to protect my privacy but if any of the people who have lived in KK for a couple years want to contact me that's fine and I will be happy to give them a proper brief. As far as the boy here he seems fine now and its not known if the attempted kidnapping was some sort of kidnapping gang or some kind of sexual crime but the boy got away unmolested so either way he was lucky. Of course everyone around here is completely shocked that this has happened at all as they are the type who never sees a freight train coming, much less do they have the ability to predict crimes against themselves and family.

Keep your kids safe, that's about all I can say, that and best wishes to the parents who read this.

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As far as the boy here he seems fine now

Good, glad to hear that.

Keep your kids safe, that's about all I can say, that and best wishes to the parents who read this.

Seconded..... as the guardian of a nine year old step-daughter until recently, that's all you can ask.

I didn't mean to sound disparaging earlier and I apologise if it came across that way (text on a screen is a very poor means of communication)

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Sorry to open an old tread, but i am interested, i live parttime in Khon Kaen too.

Any news?

If I were to speculate was has happend, it seems to me that a message has been sent, to this boy's family, hence he got away to his home with his hands tied. "We can get to your family"


This has occured here in my country, in the chinese community.

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Sorry to open an old tread, but i am interested, i live parttime in Khon Kaen too.

Any news?

If I were to speculate was has happend, it seems to me that a message has been sent, to this boy's family, hence he got away to his home with his hands tied. "We can get to your family"


This has occured here in my country, in the chinese community.

Investigation completed, no conclusion, no arrests, not much of anything as today is another day in Thailand and life is cheep. As far as this not making the news or anything that's just typical as its not much of a story when you have blood and guts photos for the front page of every newspaper everyday of the year. This happened around the KKU campus and is a isolated incident, however, anyone with kids should be well aware that kids must be supervised here.

The true amount of rape and kidnap in Thailand is undocumented but from what I have seen its much higher than in America or Europe. When a uncle rapes a niece here nobody is interested in putting them in prison whether they are just a field worker or a high income earner. Its common throughout Thailand to just overlook such things because of financial considerations but I will not comment any further on that in writing. For the skeptics who have no fear, I wish you safe passage but just because you have walked in the jungle and failed to smell the scent of death does not make it (The Jungle) any less deadly.

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For the skeptics who have no fear, I wish you safe passage but just because you have walked in the jungle and failed to smell the scent of death does not make it (The Jungle) any less deadly.

That's a little bit morbid isn't it?

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Whilst it is good you have reported this unfortunate incident, what worries me is how negative you about living here. I am no WEEKEND WARRIOR but consider myself fairly 'streetwise' and to suggest this is a violent area comes as a surprise to me. I live in a small village with people with a great sense of community spirit and they help each other (including me, the only ferang!).

I appologise for the above, if you have led a sheltered life and don't know what its like in other countries. Maybe you should consider relocation, unless you are 'on the run'. I hear Cambodia is affordable.


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A friend working for an NGO says there are many unresolved child kidnappings in Thailand but that police tend not to take the reports seriously. I believe UNICEF or one of the other big organisations monitors the reports and whether the children are recovered.

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Whilst it is good you have reported this unfortunate incident, what worries me is how negative you about living here. I am no WEEKEND WARRIOR but consider myself fairly 'streetwise' and to suggest this is a violent area comes as a surprise to me. I live in a small village with people with a great sense of community spirit and they help each other (including me, the only ferang!).

I appologise for the above, if you have led a sheltered life and don't know what its like in other countries. Maybe you should consider relocation, unless you are 'on the run'. I hear Cambodia is affordable.


Sorry but I'm a realist who tries to deal with facts, not a fantasy life. I have been to Cambodia more than twenty times and lived in Thailand for 6 years. Not that it matters but I have been to Bhurma in the last 6 months and was in the Philippines for a time just up to the coup there when Estrada was jailed and was there for the build up including strikes and a string of murders from high crime rates. I do not consider myself naive at all but I can tell you this, death comes quickly and without warning in the land of smiles for those who are. Just go spend the night at a regular size hospital and see for yourself how many beaten and raped women mixed in with hacked and stabbed persons and other victims of violence show up in the middle of the night then get back to me. In general Thai people are not violent but the few who are make up for that, not to mention the alcoholism. Best of luck to you anyway.

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A friend working for an NGO says there are many unresolved child kidnappings in Thailand but that police tend not to take the reports seriously. I believe UNICEF or one of the other big organisations monitors the reports and whether the children are recovered.

The police are not interested in much of anything that involves people who do not have money. Its the same in America but here its just in your face. It is impossible to know exactly how many victims there are here and there is no government agency that's interested to know so what to do?

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Hi MekongCombat

I fully understand the violent examples you put forward. There is alcohol related violence in most (so called) societies and I cannot honestly comment on the Khon Kean area because (after reading your post) THANKFULY, I DONT LIVE THERE. I wonder if other posters who know that area or live there, feel the same way as you?

If I were in your sandels, I would seriously consider getting my wife a GUN instead of a hammer.

Live long and prosper!


edit: due to bad speelink

Edited by Dave the Dude
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I agree.

What a stupid post,,it is obvious that this fool is not a parent.

Please bear in mind that this subject has been repeated on TV many times, seldom, if ever, has there been an 'it happened to my child' post, I can't remember a single newspaper article with any substantial evidence that it has happened.

And it's almost always in Khon Kaen, why is that?

I've got to be honest, if I lived there and had kids I'd be keeping out a watchful eye 24/7.... as I don't I'm split between that and scepticism.

Apologies to the parents of the child that this apparently happened to..... if it happened.

So does the fact similar stories have appeared before make it alright for "MORONS" to make sick, demented comments?

I am a resident of Khon Kaen with 2 children. I would love to meet the "IDIOT" who made such a sick comment.

OP, please keep us informed with any updates.

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