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Is Anybody Bored Here? Feel Like They Are Stuck In A Rut?

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...LETS ROB A BANK ?? :o

good idea. should be a sperm bank where there is a lot of frozen liquidity.

About robbing a bank, try this commerical. Very funny :D

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As a kid, I used to spend my holidays in my grand parents farm. You never get bored in a farm, there is always something to do.

A few years ago, I started feeling bored in Bangkok too. Nothing much to do, spending our days in the mall was not my idea of fun, and so much time wasted in traffic jam. I was almost feeling happy on the way to the airport going back to work in China.

Then we bought this piece of land near Korat. It's not a farm, more a big garden. Our Bangkok friends ask us what we do there, there is nothing to do, no shopping mall, no restaurant, no movie theatre ... I don't really know what we do, but all I can say is we wake up quite early, usually no later than 6:00, and we are always very busy, no time to get bored. And when it's time to leave, we always have a huge list of things to do for when we come back.


The UK must be like San Francisco. Beautiful place but the people...

Naam: Very funny! "I humbly beg to disagree..." :o

Personally, I consciously reassess my lifestyle and living situation periodically. I'm not talking just when I have a hangover but a clearheaded assessment of the choices I have made regarding where and how I live. I try to be objective and factor in everything I can think of to make the process valid. Since I'm retired and healthy I can live almost anywhere. I choose to live in Bangkok and plan to remain here for the foreseeable future. I can complain about the political unrest, corruption, rising cost of alcohol and live with the stigma that goes with retiring to Thailand. All of that can be filed under gossip or talking points. The only thing that has a physical effect on my lifestyle is the Dollar/Baht exchange rate.

I have many friends here that I enjoy and live a conformable stress free existence. There are several places I could start over that have been mentioned many times in TV but here is where I choose to live. I am a "B" type personality that does not have to by busy every minute. I am never bored but I have a sense that I may be missing something. Maybe I'll catch it on the next reassessment.

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Says a man who lives in Saudi ? Guess the UK most seem great from there .The UK and Ireland have their advantages ,but some of us are sick of the place and moved out .

VAT does have that effect on some people Arthur, suspect the VAT man is the only one sorry you left the uk

Roy gsd :o

Sorry I disagree, it is.

Added to which it will bleed you dry. People moving out in their droves, not many to Thailand though

The statistics confirm more want to enter the uk than are leaving, dont knock it too much , you might just need to return some day.

Roy Gsd

Sorry I disagree, it is.

Added to which it will bleed you dry. People moving out in their droves, not many to Thailand though

The statistics confirm more want to enter the uk than are leaving, dont knock it too much , you might just need to return some day.

Roy Gsd

Yes,but they are not brits are they !!

Sorry I disagree, it is.

Added to which it will bleed you dry. People moving out in their droves, not many to Thailand though

I'm agreeing. It's a shit hole. May not look like it visually, but yes it is a hel_l hole of a place. The next 12 months is going to be a very testing time for the UK. That's a story for another forum.

Do you honestly think that Thailand will escape or are better equiped to deal with the worlds current economic problems?

Dream on....

Roy Gsd

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Oh, its not! And here is me thinking it was a sh*t hole of a facist police state. Although i am not surrounded by rag heads

Sorry I disagree, it is.

Added to which it will bleed you dry. People moving out in their droves, not many to Thailand though

The statistics confirm more want to enter the uk than are leaving, dont knock it too much , you might just need to return some day.

Roy Gsd

Yes,but they are not brits are they !!

No, but a large amont of them are european, just like us brits are. Those that are not european or brits now are quite likley to be brits in 5 years time though. :o

Roy Gsd

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Oh, its not! And here is me thinking it was a sh*t hole of a facist police state. Although i am not surrounded by rag heads

As you dont appear to like foreigners and you dont like a Police State, what the hel_l are you doing in Thailand? :o

Roy Gsd

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Oh, its not! And here is me thinking it was a sh*t hole of a facist police state. Although i am not surrounded by rag heads

It has been my very good fortune, and I would add privilege, to have lived and worked in many countries around the world, experiencing the culture and getting to know the people I work with in these places in a way that only working in a country/culture can really allow.

This has offered me the opportunity to experience various cultures and to observe my own response to these cultures (and the response of other expats).

It has been my experience that there is a great deal of good in every country/culture I have worked in, moreover that there are a great many good and kind people in all the places I have worked.

But I have also observed that not everyone gets to see these good things, some, like "whatsoever", lack the necessary respect for others that might allow him to see beyond blind prejudice - I only wonder what real experience of Thailand his and bigots like him have?! - Given that such strong disrespect for one group of people is unlikely to exist alongside a respect for another group.

Perhaps it’s a disappointment for some, but I'm having a great time here in Saudi - I believe that what makes that possible is the same respect for others that gives me a great time in Thailand or indeed in the UK.

So while 'Whatsoever' is not surrounded by 'Rag heads' he is presumably surrounded by Thais.. and they have my sympathy.

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Oh, its not! And here is me thinking it was a sh*t hole of a facist police state. Although i am not surrounded by rag heads

It has been my very good fortune, and I would add privilege, to have lived and worked in many countries around the world, experiencing the culture and getting to know the people I work with in these places in a way that only working in a country/culture can really allow.

This has offered me the opportunity to experience various cultures and to observe my own response to these cultures (and the response of other expats).

It has been my experience that there is a great deal of good in every country/culture I have worked in, moreover that there are a great many good and kind people in all the places I have worked.

But I have also observed that not everyone gets to see these good things, some, like "whatsoever", lack the necessary respect for others that might allow him to see beyond blind prejudice - I only wonder what real experience of Thailand his and bigots like him have?! - Given that such strong disrespect for one group of people is unlikely to exist alongside a respect for another group.

Perhaps it's a disappointment for some, but I'm having a great time here in Saudi - I believe that what makes that possible is the same respect for others that gives me a great time in Thailand or indeed in the UK.

So while 'Whatsoever' is not surrounded by 'Rag heads' he is presumably surrounded by Thais.. and they have my sympathy.

I doubt that they would want your sympathy Guesthouse.

This forum is getting boring. This past 2 weeks has seen the worst assemblage of postings I've seen in the 5 years or so I've been looking in. Maybe TV should consider shutting down for a week or two (save for Visa Forum) and see if anybody has anything new to talk about.

Better still Sir, why don't you make an informative contribution?

Or is criticism easier to come by?

At least the OP put the finger on the most common ailment among farangs in Thailand - boredom.

If it's not your problem perhaps you have the answer already.

Why not set up your own thread with some helpful pointers - just for a change?

I must admit I have some sympathy with lannabirth's view. Let's face it - there are only so many topics than can be discussed here, and they get rehashed time and time again. However, the difference between TV now and two years ago is that we used to have more posters who could hold their own in a good verbal joust, add humour and bring new points of view across.

Sadly, all those members have either been banned or have left for other forums because they're tired of being told that calling someone and idiot when they are palpably an idiot is wrong.

Remember the terryx, Jet Gorgon, November Rain and their like? The forum is a much duller place without them and their ilk.

And - let's not beat around the bush - look who they have been replaced by . . . .

'Ey up, I'm still here - part time.

But seriously Bendix, you and lanna and a few others, despite your flair for turning a phrase, really don't contribute much to

stimulate erudite discourse among among the unitiated.

This forum is getting boring. This past 2 weeks has seen the worst assemblage of postings I've seen in the 5 years or so I've been looking in. Maybe TV should consider shutting down for a week or two (save for Visa Forum) and see if anybody has anything new to talk about.

Better still Sir, why don't you make an informative contribution?

Or is criticism easier to come by?

At least the OP put the finger on the most common ailment among farangs in Thailand - boredom.

If it's not your problem perhaps you have the answer already.

Why not set up your own thread with some helpful pointers - just for a change?

I post a thread occasionally and respond plenty too. I shouldn't have associated what I was talking about with boredom. What I really meant is, of late, the threads have been of much poorer quality and IMO detrimental to the quality of the site. I put it down to the number of banned members who have returned under different guises and just don't give a shit anymore. I guess the mods and admin will sort it out in time.

I must admit I have some sympathy with lannabirth's view. Let's face it - there are only so many topics than can be discussed here, and they get rehashed time and time again. However, the difference between TV now and two years ago is that we used to have more posters who could hold their own in a good verbal joust, add humour and bring new points of view across.

Sadly, all those members have either been banned or have left for other forums because they're tired of being told that calling someone and idiot when they are palpably an idiot is wrong.

Remember the terryx, Jet Gorgon, November Rain and their like? The forum is a much duller place without them and their ilk.

And - let's not beat around the bush - look who they have been replaced by . . . .

Right. The wheat's been thrown out with the chaff, but somehow the latter seems to find it's way back.

But seriously Bendix, you and lanna and a few others, despite your flair for turning a phrase, really don't contribute much to

stimulate erudite discourse among among the unitiated.

True, very true.

I guess it's because there is so little ROI. It's rather like casting pearls before swine.


Not bored but could be. I don't socialize much and am more into 'being' than 'doing'.

Boredom and listlessness could be due to your senses being 'sated'. It takes more and more to excite and stimulate and there is less and less interest. You've heard all the jokes. Tried all the beers. Are tired of all the girls. Your food may not be helping since it may be making you overweight, addicted and docile. If you aren't exercising you may be lacking in zip and vitality.

If you walk how do you see the world? Are you absorbed with the beauty of nature or is your mind consumed with the argument you had with the spouse, the spat you had on ThaiVisa, or how miserable you are?

The Hindus believe there are different stages in life. You would go through the earlier ones, accumulating family, status and wealth, then at some point you would commence your spiritual life, buggering off into the forest to meditate and eat figs. In today's modern world we have lost or given up that option.

Seekers will tell you that the inner world is far more interesting than the outer. Spiritual practices, getting closer to nature, escaping sensory overload. These provide a whole new world of experience. What went on in their lives before was just preparation for the spiritual journey, which commenced around the age of 50.

For some, a spiritual life is very rewarding. If you've spent your life in the Three Ferrets you won't know what I'm talking about. At times when I'm not standing on my head or chanting in a cupboard... like the 'swine' I am... I go online foraging for a few pearls.

Why not use some of your life experience to help others. Surely there are voluntary organisations that you could join? Why not become a host on globalfreeloaders or hospitalityclub.org and entertain travellers to Thailand. I can tell you from experience you'll find their 'get up and go' inspiring. :o


Not bored but could be. I don't socialize much and am more into 'being' than 'doing'.

Boredom and listlessness could be due to your senses being 'sated'. It takes more and more to excite and stimulate and there is less and less interest. You've heard all the jokes. Tried all the beers. Are tired of all the girls. Your food may not be helping since it may be making you overweight, addicted and docile. If you aren't exercising you may be lacking in zip and vitality.

If you walk how do you see the world? Are you absorbed with the beauty of nature or is your mind consumed with the argument you had with the spouse, the spat you had on ThaiVisa, or how miserable you are?

The Hindus believe there are different stages in life. You would go through the earlier ones, accumulating family, status and wealth, then at some point you would commence your spiritual life, buggering off into the forest to meditate and eat figs. In today's modern world we have lost or given up that option.

Seekers will tell you that the inner world is far more interesting than the outer. Spiritual practices, getting closer to nature, escaping sensory overload. These provide a whole new world of experience. What went on in their lives before was just preparation for the spiritual journey, which commenced around the age of 50.

For some, a spiritual life is very rewarding. If you've spent your life in the Three Ferrets you won't know what I'm talking about. At times when I'm not standing on my head or chanting in a cupboard... like the 'swine' I am... I go online foraging for a few pearls.

Why not use some of your life experience to help others. Surely there are voluntary organisations that you could join? Why not become a host on globalfreeloaders or hospitalityclub.org and entertain travellers to Thailand. I can tell you from experience you'll find their 'get up and go' inspiring. :o

You are not one of the guys that hangs outside of Nana with the bibles are you?

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

Britain has become an undesirable place to live. A country where crime is given low priority, expensive and the moral fiber of the nation has been smashed to pieces.

Unfortunately Thailand is no longer the low cost fun playground it used to be. Many of the anything goes policies that attracted foreigners here in the first place have long been eroded.

In Britain once over 50, one is expected to be at home, wearing slippers in front of the fire with a cup of hot coco and the Labrador at the feet. Outings to be no more than feeding the ducks in a park or joining an old people club for whisk drives.

For many retiring to Thailand was an alternative exciting new life style, a dawning of a new era in our later years. These days’ retiree residents are being transformed into computer junkies and TV addicts.

Yes, living in Thailand certainly can become boring, especially as so many of the social pursuits are being eroded away or becoming financially out of reach.

You are not one of the guys that hangs outside of Nana with the bibles are you?

You're not one of those guys that opens his mouth and sticks his foot in it are you?

There's no comparison between fundamentalist Christians throwing 'sinners' on the fire... and meditation and yoga, which is widely accepted in the west, is not forced on people, and is beneficial. And no, I don't really spend my life chanting in a cupboard. It's just a bit of journalistic licence.

Having spent 7 years on an Algarve hillside and travelled to many countries I know what it's like to get bored. I signed up to the two sites I mentioned and had a steady stream of interesting visitors, and am still doing it in Thailand. It's a great way to break up the tedium and make friends. One inspired me to travel around the world, including India where I observed the Hindus, hence the comment. Obviously misplaced.

The point is the same. For men who have time on their hands, they can be at a loss, as the OP intimates. They'e done the family bit, ticked the booze and birds box. What else are they going to do? I offered some ideas, which may not interest you but others may be able to relate to. Especially as last year, directly opposite my house, a 40 year old guy commited suicide. '<deleted> is there to live for?' was one of his last words.

Maybe you want to run the smear routine again?


In Britain once over 50, one is expected to be at home, wearing slippers in front of the fire with a cup of hot coco and the Labrador at the feet. Outings to be no more than feeding the ducks in a park or joining an old people club for whisk drives.

Yes, living in Thailand certainly can become boring, especially as so many of the social pursuits are being eroded away or becoming financially out of reach.

feeding ducks, a fire place, a Labrador, hot cocoa, old peoples club = financially out of reach in Thailand? are you feeling well? :o

In Britain once over 50, one is expected to be at home, wearing slippers in front of the fire with a cup of hot coco and the Labrador at the feet. Outings to be no more than feeding the ducks in a park or joining an old people club for whisk drives.

Yes, living in Thailand certainly can become boring, especially as so many of the social pursuits are being eroded away or becoming financially out of reach.

feeding ducks, a fire place, a Labrador, hot cocoa, old peoples club = financially out of reach in Thailand? are you feeling well? :o

You have knocked down what I said as rubbish, out of interest, explain why?

I wouldnt say i get bored i just accept that my life is in the slow lane now i have retired and savour every second.When you feel like that always remember if you have your health you can do anything my friend.

I agree with you entirely poshthai. I am retired the same as you.


i really do think that boredom is a state of mind. what i mean is, someone could be busy from the moment they awake to the moment they go to bed, and be bored. whereas others could sit on a porch with a fag and a beer all day long and be completely content.

and my point is....?? dunno, really :D

smile everyone, and be happy




"Only those who want everything done for them are bored."

Nice thought. Boredom and depression are very selfish states of mind.

I feel more stuck in the moment than bored. I was planning on leaving a month ago, and just can't seem to make a move.


I think boredom is a disease of the unimaginative and the unintelligent. Granted, I can no longer afford to do some of the things I once enjoyed (travel, scuba dive and more), but that doesn't mean my days are empty. More often than not I run out of time long before I've run out of things I want to do.

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