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Chalong: Atms, Groceries/food, Bicycles?


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Hi everyone,

I will be in Chalong on August 4th. This is my second time to Thailand and first to Phuket. Travelling from Canada.

I will be there for about a year, my first month of accomodations is set, but I'm going to do some groundwork to find a good deal while I'm there.

Anyway, I have a few questions and am hoping I could get some good advice:

1) Through the research I've done in regards to banking, etc., it still seems that the safest option for someone that is not pulling lots of cash out per month, is to simply use ATMs to pull out cash, but have the debit card attached to an account with a lower balance to avoid any potential ATM scam. I have looked into the ATM charges for my bank, and based on my usage and budget they are acceptable for me. Is still the best option vs. setting up a Thai account? Any other options.

2) In terms of groceries. Where can I find a good deal on foods in terms of groceries such as yogurt, almonds, lean meats, etc? I know there are many options in terms of restaurants and many are affordable, and if I go to central I get better options, but would like something nearby if possible in Chalong. Would love to pay more "local" prices if possible too.

3) And lastly, this is an odd one. Are bicycles allowed to be ridden on the same "side walks" and such that people walk, or do they need to hit the streets like motorbikes?

Thanks in advance for your help.... the banking thing is really making me wonder as I want a secure option. Obviously there are atm scams in different places so I'd like to avoid this.


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As you have already been to Thailand before there is probably little to know about Phuket that is different from BKK etc ..

1) Plenty of ATMs - check to make sure no added on card readers and/or people spying on you. Usual precautions.

2) TOPS (in Central) for your better quality produce.

3) PMSL ... sidewalks in Thailand ... surely you know better!! (There are no sidewalks as such - just join the death race like everyone else - helmet up).

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I live near Chalong, so maybe I can help.

1) You don't say what you'll be doing here for the year you will be in residence, but getting a personal bank account locally may take some doing. It's bizarre, since your ATM card would presumably only let you draw out what you've got in your account, but there it is. A good paralegal may have contacts in a bank to smooth the way, provided you have sufficient documentation, but simply walking into a bank and asking for an account will not likely get you far. Using ATMs to draw on your foreign account is fine. Make sure your bank knows that you will be drawing money out abroad, and in SE Asia specifically, so that they don't block your card at some inopportune time. The biggest scams seem to be readers attached to the machines. We haven't had a problem with this in the Chalong area, but in areas where it has been a problem, the readers appear to be attached to machines that are not right at banks, so I try to use bank-based ATMs whenever possible, even for my Thai bank ATM.

2) TOPS is a good supermarket, but doesn't charge "local" prices. You rarely see Thais shopping in there unless they are with their farang husbands. Both TESCO and Big C are more frequented by Thais, meaning they probably have lower prices on things like fresh meat (I'm not a meat eater so I don't do price comparisons). I've never shopped at Carrefour in Patong. Unfortunately, we will soon have a TESCO right here at the Rawai/Chalong boundary, so in time you'll have big supermarket prices in your local vicinity.

3) As mentioned above, you'll just have to join the traffic if you ride a bike. I know people who do ride bikes regularly, and they are still alive, so just gather up your courage and join the flow. There are very few pedestrians in the Chalong area.

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Most banks from the western world will charge an "international fee" every time you use your atm to draw cash here in Thailand. I know for mine in the states, it's $5.

So, it is probably best for you to open an account here with a Thai bank and draw on it at any ATM machine easily. Yes there are scams to watch out for. Perhaps going to the ATM at your bank could be more safe than one in a rural or unlit area.

There is a good supermarket (although not for lean meat i don't think so) near Chalong circle on the way to Kata on the left. It sets back a bit near a new hamburger place. I don't know the name but they have a lot and they have great prices. Perhaps someone on here knows the name. It is a supermarket.

As others said: bicycles are on the roads. sidewalks are full of obstacles (and i do mean full) Have fun. enjoy your year in Thailand.

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There is a good supermarket (although not for lean meat i don't think so) near Chalong circle on the way to Kata on the left. It sets back a bit near a new hamburger place. I don't know the name but they have a lot and they have great prices. Perhaps someone on here knows the name. It is a supermarket.

K.L. Mart

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Yes, some banks make opening a bank deposit account almost impossible (need workpermit etc), however you should be able to open an account with the Siam Commercial Bank or the Kasicorn Bank (Thai Farmers), both just after Chalong Police Station, without too much trouble.

Not much in the way of fresh produce in K.L.Market.

TOPS at Central too expensive for me, just pass by 300m and go into Big C on the left. Better still carry on 800m and Tesco/Lotus is on the right side of the bypass road.

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You can setup an account at Kasikorn with just your passport...Siam also let u set up accounts...dont try Bangkok Bank or any of the major ones as they will ask for a work permit. to setup an account with a Visa electron card will cost you 300baht.

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Being canadian too w/ canadian standards, i will advice you to never go to K.L mart or you will feel as if you were living in Congo or any other remote area of africa..

It's a real dirty dump with nothing fresh, xcept a pound of fresh dust on everything..

Stick to big market, the small supermarkets are FAR from what you have in bangkok.

Big C/lotus are dead cheap anyways, the chicken and ground beef is pretty decent, almost as good as foodland

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Alright everyone, thanks very much for your advice. Seems like a few good options.

haha, and yes, I was just hoping the "sidewalk" situation would be a little different. I hear driving is simply "epic" in phuket.


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Being canadian too w/ canadian standards, i will advice you to never go to K.L mart or you will feel as if you were living in Congo or any other remote area of africa..

It's a real dirty dump with nothing fresh, xcept a pound of fresh dust on everything..

Stick to big market, the small supermarkets are FAR from what you have in bangkok.

Big C/lotus are dead cheap anyways, the chicken and ground beef is pretty decent, almost as good as foodland

Nuffin wrong with KL Mart.

Has stuff most others do not stock.

Big C and Lotus may be cheaper, but gas and time outway any savings, unless buying really big.

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Alright everyone, thanks very much for your advice. Seems like a few good options.

haha, and yes, I was just hoping the "sidewalk" situation would be a little different. I hear driving is simply "epic" in phuket.


"I hear driving is simply "epic" in phuket."

Where I come from the term "epic" means something great. The surf was "epic", the concert was "epic"...this ice cream is "epic"..etc.

Driving here? Epic? Not sure where you are from OP but the driving here is not "epic". It's dam_n frustrating and there have been several threads on how crappy people drive here. People speeding on small sois, three-wide on a two lane turn, middle of the lane drivers so they can go to either side at their convenience but not let anyone pass.........no, the driving here is not "epic", it's dangerous.

And if you are on a bicycle, be sure to strap on the helmet.

Best of luck.

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I have to agree, K.L.Mart is a total dump, complete with grumpy staff, dusty old products, absolutely zero air circulation. It's one of those places that was built for aircon, but they don't turn it on, so it is hot as the hubs of hel_l in there. I think I lost at least a kilo of sweat just trying to pick up a few last minute items. I seriously doubt they have anything fresh in the store, especially fresh produce/meat. My gf reckons places like that turn off the fridges at night to save money(which helps explain the sour milk they sell).

Personally, I can't wait for the new Tesco to open. After being ripped off and sold out of date products by surly Thais for yrs at filthy mom and pop stores, I only shop at supermarkets that use price tags(unless forced to while out in the sticks).

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ya i forgot to add this. they dont have price tags at KL.mart

i bought stuff once there. 4.5k baht

for the same price i get ALMOST 3x more stuff at big C or tesco.

bunch of crooks and again the people swearing only by mom and pop's places are just wannabe thais looking to fit in.

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My last comment about K.L.Market was rather mild. Being polite ....

But just to be clear.... IT IS THE WORST SUPERMARKET IN THE AREA. Expensive, dusty, hot, zero service. I have no idea how this place has survived for so many years. Talk about sleepy hollow.

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I have to agree, K.L.Mart is a total dump, complete with grumpy staff, dusty old products, absolutely zero air circulation. It's one of those places that was built for aircon, but they don't turn it on, so it is hot as the hubs of hel_l in there. I think I lost at least a kilo of sweat just trying to pick up a few last minute items. I seriously doubt they have anything fresh in the store, especially fresh produce/meat. My gf reckons places like that turn off the fridges at night to save money(which helps explain the sour milk they sell).

Personally, I can't wait for the new Tesco to open. After being ripped off and sold out of date products by surly Thais for yrs at filthy mom and pop stores, I only shop at supermarkets that use price tags(unless forced to while out in the sticks).

When I first arrived on the island, some ten years ago, KL Mart had a cheese counter only Central could dream of. And then the superstores started up and KL and their ilk lost a lot of business. So go easy on them. I am absolutely pro consumer choice, and would balk at paying over the top prices (not ALL of which can be found in Thai run sores, by the way :o ), BUT, give them a break, you don't have to shop there, and they've been trying to keep in business, against all odds, for a very long time now.

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I have to agree, K.L.Mart is a total dump, complete with grumpy staff, dusty old products, absolutely zero air circulation. It's one of those places that was built for aircon, but they don't turn it on, so it is hot as the hubs of hel_l in there. I think I lost at least a kilo of sweat just trying to pick up a few last minute items. I seriously doubt they have anything fresh in the store, especially fresh produce/meat. My gf reckons places like that turn off the fridges at night to save money(which helps explain the sour milk they sell).

Personally, I can't wait for the new Tesco to open. After being ripped off and sold out of date products by surly Thais for yrs at filthy mom and pop stores, I only shop at supermarkets that use price tags(unless forced to while out in the sticks).

When I first arrived on the island, some ten years ago, KL Mart had a cheese counter only Central could dream of. And then the superstores started up and KL and their ilk lost a lot of business. So go easy on them. I am absolutely pro consumer choice, and would balk at paying over the top prices (not ALL of which can be found in Thai run sores, by the way :o ), BUT, give them a break, you don't have to shop there, and they've been trying to keep in business, against all odds, for a very long time now.

they have NO competition for a few kilometers.

Put the AC on or at least fans, dust the shit off everything so we can breathe(pay some random thai woman to do it for 500baht if you're so poor)

pay 1000baht more a month to keep the cold products fresh during the night and people are gonna start buying them again

and put people who actualy look like they care about being alive at the counter.

and remove the rat poo from the dog food area.. i was looking at bowls for my dogs and some of them had rat poo in

theres about a million thing they could change without spending much to increase profit. K.L mart is run by a bunch of tardsaqs with no business knowledge...

They do have very expensive 'Beer Laos' though which lotus doesnt have... thats about it.

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My last comment about K.L.Market was rather mild. Being polite ....

But just to be clear.... IT IS THE WORST SUPERMARKET IN THE AREA. Expensive, dusty, hot, zero service. I have no idea how this place has survived for so many years. Talk about sleepy hollow.

They have large Snickers bars for 27 baht. Not the tiny 1/4 size ones you get in 7/11 for 22 baht. I'm eating one now. Good stuff.

THey also have good prices on most everything they sell if you compare. I had a pleasant experience there although i've only been in there 4 or 5 times.

Maybe i'll get mad someday but I didn't expect Lotus when i went in and was pleasantly surprised.

The Thai stores that bother me are the ones where the girls sit and stare into their makeup mirrors are seem to always say Mai Mi! no matter what you ask for and don't even look up. I asked for a certain brand of sweet milk in KL and the man there walked me all the way to the back of the store to show me where it was. I like that kind of service.

But hey, to each his own.

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