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Ive been once to Pattaya, never again, its a shithole. I will never go to that place again

Shame really, there are loads of steriod filled halfwits in Pattaya. I bet you would feel at home

Those guys are so funny, I bet I could clean up pattaya all in a day, delivering snap kicks to the head will do the place a lot of good

I can't agree more, the promanade along Pattaya's beach road has the makings of something to be enjoyed by all - sad that it is awash with the detritus that gets washed up in Pattaya.

Lots of human detritus appears to get washed up there too.

Ive been once to Pattaya, never again, its a shithole. I will never go to that place again

Shame really, there are loads of steriod filled halfwits in Pattaya. I bet you would feel at home



The same has happened in many places throughout the world. For many years Majorca was developed to encourage mass tourism, to such an extent that everything was built fast and cheap. After many years of suffering the worst sort of tourists, drunken sunburned youths with sun sea and sex on their minds, the authorities have at last realised that this is not the image they want for the place. Hence, old, shoddy hotels are being buldozed and replaced with smart new complexes. Seedy bars and clubs are being replaced with restaurants and up-market bars. The result has been startling. Majorca is now considered a quality resort and enjoys more or less full bookings.

On the other hand, mainland Spain is going to the dogs. Holiday properties remain unsold now, even at discounted prices. No-one wants to live in such places and so developement has come to a halt, thankfully, some would say. Many miles/kilometres of coast have been destroyed by overdevelopement which now lie empty and idle. If something is not done soon in Pattaya, the same result will be seen, with consequent huge losses by the businesses and industries which rely on the tourists today.


]Ive been once to Pattaya, never again, its a shithole. I will never go to that place again

I would not take any of my friends there unless they really wanted to see the night life. Because everything else is crap. walking down the street is depressing, I felt like spin kicking random people just to cure the bordem a bit

Those guys are so funny, I bet I could clean up pattaya all in a day, delivering snap kicks to the head will do the place a lot of good

I really think you need to lose that urge to spin kick/snap kick everybody - unless of course you are there for Muay Thai. :o

I often wonder why family types go to Pattaya for holidays anyway, considering all the other options available in Thailand.

Yeah,, it should be cleaned up but I mostly blame the travel agents, horses for courses and all that.

If you don't know much of Thailand, everything looks good in the promotion.

If I remember right I saw Pattaya promoted as perfect for families with kids in Austrian.


You should feel quite ashamed for recommending Pattaya to your friend who seem to be looking to take long scenic walks along deserted topically beaches... did you not tell them prior to their trip that that's not what Pattaya is all about?


here are many places to visit and many places to live in Pattaya that are not seedy.Do you go to Pattaya very often my friend,because you have the blinkered horse syndrome

When I was new to Thailand some ten years ago I went a lot to Pattaya. I have friends living there. I know there are many places to visit and much to see in Pattaya. Still, if any of my friends was coming to Thailand for the first time I would absolutely not take them to Pattaya or Phuket for that matter.

Thailand has so much more to offer. I personally like rural Isaan or the Chantaburi area.

I guess Pattaya is not for everyone.

I´m not british and I don´t know what the blinkered horse syndrome implies??

HEY ! Don't lump Phuket in with Pattaya. You can lump Patong in with Pattaya, but where I live is nice, in the southern part of the island. Beaches here are clean, unlike Pattaya, feffejonson I have to question how much time you have spent in Phuket, and if you have not toured the island completely, shut up with that crap.

HEY ! Don't lump Phuket in with Pattaya. You can lump Patong in with Pattaya, but where I live is nice, in the southern part of the island. Beaches here are clean, unlike Pattaya, feffejonson I have to question how much time you have spent in Phuket, and if you have not toured the island completely, shut up with that crap.

Well I lived there for 2 years too many and I'll lump it in - be going down there again soon (briefly, fortunately; fairly often,unfortunately) where the aunt's place in Rawai has been hit several times the past year. Puke-et. Nightmare even in low season.


here are many places to visit and many places to live in Pattaya that are not seedy.Do you go to Pattaya very often my friend,because you have the blinkered horse syndrome

When I was new to Thailand some ten years ago I went a lot to Pattaya. I have friends living there. I know there are many places to visit and much to see in Pattaya. Still, if any of my friends was coming to Thailand for the first time I would absolutely not take them to Pattaya or Phuket for that matter.

Thailand has so much more to offer. I personally like rural Isaan or the Chantaburi area.

I guess Pattaya is not for everyone.

I´m not british and I don´t know what the blinkered horse syndrome implies??

HEY ! Don't lump Phuket in with Pattaya. You can lump Patong in with Pattaya, but where I live is nice, in the southern part of the island. Beaches here are clean, unlike Pattaya, feffejonson I have to question how much time you have spent in Phuket, and if you have not toured the island completely, shut up with that crap.

Sorry. My bad. Writing Patong would have been more correct. No need to be so brusque.


Why do people like o try and kid themselves about Pattaya, keep an eye out and you might find the statue of Lots wife. Pattaya is a complete debauchery, that's all it ever was and ever will be. That's why people go there for the fun, and for the chronic mongers, actually live there.

So when inviting family to visit you in your new paradise just be honest and upfront about it all, tell them you have discovered a new vigor in life and are now a card carrying monger. Keep them in the hotel during the day so the surrounding filth isn't seen and then do the night time tour to the bj bars, boy-a-go-gos, soapy massages and a couple of snake and razor blade shows etc.

And of course be careful of any deranged beefcakes trying to actually lift their muscle sodden legs high enough to snap kick peoples heads, that would be more of a turn off than all the bars.


here are many places to visit and many places to live in Pattaya that are not seedy.Do you go to Pattaya very often my friend,because you have the blinkered horse syndrome

When I was new to Thailand some ten years ago I went a lot to Pattaya. I have friends living there. I know there are many places to visit and much to see in Pattaya. Still, if any of my friends was coming to Thailand for the first time I would absolutely not take them to Pattaya or Phuket for that matter.

Thailand has so much more to offer. I personally like rural Isaan or the Chantaburi area.

I guess Pattaya is not for everyone.

I´m not british and I don´t know what the blinkered horse syndrome implies??

HEY ! Don't lump Phuket in with Pattaya. You can lump Patong in with Pattaya, but where I live is nice, in the southern part of the island. Beaches here are clean, unlike Pattaya, feffejonson I have to question how much time you have spent in Phuket, and if you have not toured the island completely, shut up with that crap.

Sorry. My bad. Writing Patong would have been more correct. No need to be so brusque.

I was going to comment that Karon and Kata beaches as well as Phi Phi are truly world class resorts with pristine beaches and pretty even development. I don't find myself wanting to live there but I was impressed during my most recent trip.

I don't know what sector of the government is responsible for much of Pattaya's development as well as Bangkok's but the workmanship is all too often incredibly poor. I don't understand why they have these shining consumer beacons like Siam Paragon and Gaysorn mall that from what I can tell are well built and attractive then a block down the road slabs of concrete are jutting out all over, water is pouring off a roof and a soi dog is licking some exposed wires while rats gnaw at the random bags of debris since there's no trash cans.

Who builds these consumer and shopping meccas vs whomever seems to be responsible for the general infrastructure.

I find Pattaya beach to be amongst the worst I have ever been too, generally unattractive layout, polluted waters and all kinds of riff raff about. Sure it's great if you want to pick up a freelancer but take my family there no way.

Patong is dirty also but its very clean if your comparing it to Pattaya. Pattaya does not even compare

is that because you have visited and snap/spinkicked all the lowlifes out? If you are truly built like your avatar, theonly thing you could spin kick would be their kneecaps. :o

Patong is dirty also but its very clean if your comparing it to Pattaya. Pattaya does not even compare

is that because you have visited and snap/spinkicked all the lowlifes out? If you are truly built like your avatar, theonly thing you could spin kick would be their kneecaps. :o

Do you include yourself as a lowlife ?

What has spinkicking (whatever the <deleted> that is?) got to do with the photo ?

Have another Chang Bruce !

Patong is dirty also but its very clean if your comparing it to Pattaya. Pattaya does not even compare

is that because you have visited and snap/spinkicked all the lowlifes out? If you are truly built like your avatar, theonly thing you could spin kick would be their kneecaps. :o

Do you include yourself as a lowlife ?

What has spinkicking (whatever the <deleted> that is?) got to do with the photo ?

Have another Chang Bruce !

There's a history behind MidasThailand's comments which you are obviously oblivious to.


I went to Pattaya once, never again.

There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.

I went to Pattaya once, never again.

There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.


But true I was amazed when I saw that they put all the families who did this trip round Thailand [in 8 days :D ] out of the bus in Pattaya to spend their last days at the beach [looking in Shock when in Walking street at night...!!!]

Jomtien would've been a better option to bring your friends to I guess...


I had to laugh. I was walking in Pattaya one night and I saw this muscle bound ape try to spin kick someone in the head. The other guy was older and smaller, and he beat the living crap out of muscle man !

I'm not a very big guy at all, but one of the deadliest people I've ever met was even smaller than me. He was my unarmed combat instructor during a French Commando training course I did years back. All the instructors were Legionnaires, from various places around the world. The course was taught in Germany, as many of the instructors weren't allowed into France

I had a good chuckle one night. 3 platoons (2 French, 1 Canadian) were herded into a room and told we had just been "captured". We were going to be transported to a camp behind "enemy lines" (which was actually a training base inside France, across the Rhine river.) The French soldiers all sat along the walls, heads down, looking defeated already. The 32 Canadians were clustered in the center of the room, plotting our escape (I was the 2nd smallest guy in our group, but still bigger than 2/3s of the French soldiers).

Suddenly, the door opens. 32 Canadians step forward, preparing to rush the guards. Into the doorway steps the unarmed combat instructor (we called him Doctor D, because his last name started with a D, and had like 12 consonants after it).

32 Canadians take a step back. Dr D takes another step forward. 32 Canadians step back. Nobody wanted to be the first, or second, or even third person to face him.

Then he smiled. :D

Anyone foolish enough to try snap kicking him to the head would have had a bewildered look on their face when he ripped their leg off and beat them to death with it.

Of course, anyone trying to do that in Pattaya would probably quickly find themselves getting sh*t-kicked pretty quick and crying for the police to come save them. :o


Patters is fun city, but anyone expecting a world class beach destination is mental. I wouldnt set foot in the waters or on the beach itself. Apart from that negative aspect Pattaya is wonderful place.

As for Mr Spin kick to the head, he'd soon fine rebar/2X4 smashed into his head. :o


I think the thai government have heard phnom penh is doing well and are imitating it ,the road down from jomtien to s pattaya is now like a moto x track,.and yes the whole place is a mess, those that dont think so must be from beirut !. not the place for familes or in fact any pedestrians,.

I went to Pattaya once, never again.

There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.


But true I was amazed when I saw that they put all the families who did this trip round Thailand [in 8 days :D ] out of the bus in Pattaya to spend their last days at the beach [looking in Shock when in Walking street at night...!!!]

Jomtien would've been a better option to bring your friends to I guess...

Perhaps his friends werent gay ! :D

I thought everyone knew pattaya is a resort mainly for single sex seekers,and i doubt if any of them give a toss ( pun intended ) about the roads etc, .so the government are in fact catering to their intended,.

One of the points i tried to make in my OP was that the TAT promotes Pattaya as a family seaside destination. I have seen many Indian, Korean, Arab etc etc. familys coming off the beach and one cant help but wonder how this goes to promote Pattaya or indeed Thailand.

What is the point of spending thier budget promting a false impression - surely non of these people/familys would return or indeed promote the place!

Would you care to explain?!

gh, i,m surprised at you. read it slowly. makes perfect sense to me .


i have to agree with an earlier post - pattaya is the LAST place on earth i would go for a family holiday. thailand yes, but pattaya, no!!

saying that, if my missus was open-minded (and she wouldn't be my missus if she wasn't :o ), and the kids were 16ish+, then yeah, maybe i would, just to show them how other parts of the world are.



As for Mr Spin kick to the head, he'd soon fine rebar/2X4 smashed into his head. :o

A few more spins and he'll be so dizzy he'll just fall over on his own.

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