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Is Thai Gold A Good Safe Investment?

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What are your views on buying gold?

Thanks for any advice

Thai gold is only good if you sell it in Thailand

Better to buy from a well know shop in Chinatown (Yaowarat)

If you buy jewellery, you will paid few hundred extra for workmanship

If you buy lingo, the gold’s carat content will be a bit better.

Gold is not a bad thing to have, when you have spare money, kind of buying a different asset!

If you looking at gold going up, and Thai baht losing steam, something could be made there.

Storage is a problem; I will not like to lose sleep over it.

Many other posts has been done regarding gold in thaivisa

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Obviously linked to gold prices globally so has the Similar risk profiles. Many Thais like this as a store of value and/or investment.

Advantages/disadvantages over and above a global investment route:

- Plenty of Thai gold shops around to trade.

- Convenient and easy to do so.


- Spreads are wider on buying/ selling, more like spreads on buying currency notes

- Difficult to sell outside Thailand

effectively you might call Thai gold retail/ small persons investing

BTW On selling you will often get the best deal if you can take it back to the same shop you bought it from. The Thai gold shops often offer a bit less if you didn't buy it from there... :o

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No but go back to 71 (38 years) from 32 to 960 you have 3,000 % return..

I think you may end up having a similar decade long wait on equity markets if this gets ugly.

that's why i don't own equities :o

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I should have noted that I am aware of the Naam school of risk aversion :o..

But the sheeple are still rinking the 'broad spread of equity' portfolio method of investing..

...and are happy when they are able to "average down" :D

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Gold... Solid investment

it was indeed a solid investment for those who bought five years ago. whether it will be a solid investment five years from now remains to be seen, though the short term outlook does not look bad as the subslime :o crisis is by far not over.

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Gold... Solid investment

it was indeed a solid investment for those who bought five years ago. whether it will be a solid investment five years from now remains to be seen, though the short term outlook does not look bad as the subslime :o crisis is by far not over.

Gold is indeed a solid investment, it is quite dense and heavy, yes I am certain very solid :D It just isn't a very good investment especially right now at the top of the bubble. Gold will drop back below $400/ounce in a year or two, but you don't want to buy it then either because it will likely wallow there for many years. Maybe 8-10 years from now gold will begin another run, now that will be the time to buy!

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Just a point oe so on the question of owning Thai gold. Do you wear it on your person while walking around at 0200 in low traffic areas? Will you wife/GF have physical access to said gold? Will extended family have access to area where gold is located? Will extended family have access to your wife or girlfriend? Do you or your partner gamble? Do you or your partner drink a lot (pass out or forget what happened last night)? Do any of extended family gamble and/or drink to excess? Do you associate with people who run short of money frequently? Do you associate with people who may covet what you have? Do you have safe storage for gold and insurance to cover theft/loss? If 90% of your answers are no, go for it.

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I look at physical gold as an insurance policy more than an investment. It's price will fluctuate in a chaotic and therefore unpredictable manner, so if purchased regularly using cost-averaging it can be viewed as an insurance premium. I would never sell regardless of how high the price goes, because it could always go higher - much higher. It's only use is a last resort - the calamity (which could take many forms, any of which I hope never happen) which I am insuring against.

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VegasVic "Gold will drop back below $400/ounce in a year or two"

What do you base that statement on ? Just curious.

I would expect as the dollar plummits, gold will skyrocket.


Edited by INTJ
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Gold jumps again today.


I think it will hit at least $1500 an oz as the dollar folds. Americans might hope otherwise but the dollar is a sinking ship, worse is to come and under these conditions gold can only continue to appreciate.


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"go back to 71 (38 years) from 32 to 960 you have 3,000 % return.. "

No you do not, unless you live in Fantasyland. You have 38 years of inflation, and that will deflate your return to around 275%. All in all, pretty mediocre performance.

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"go back to 71 (38 years) from 32 to 960 you have 3,000 % return.. "

No you do not, unless you live in Fantasyland. You have 38 years of inflation, and that will deflate your return to around 275%. All in all, pretty mediocre performance.

No where did I say that was inflation adjusted..

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"No where did I say that was inflation adjusted.. "

Exactly, and that's a huge point that you missed. Not accounting for inflation is a fundamental mistake. Regardless, you believe that tripling your money, in real terms, is great performance over a period of almost 40 years. Frankly, it's terrible performance.

If you invested a 100,000 USD in Apple Computer in 1982, when Apple went public, adjusting for inflation and stock splits, you'd have about 2.5 million USD. That's a 2500% return in real terms. If you compare gold over the same time period, your 100k USD gold investment would be worth 50,000 USD (adjusted for inflation).

I'm not sure why you, and the other goldbugs are so infatuated with this metal.

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I'm not sure why you, and the other goldbugs are so infatuated with this metal.

all goldbugs are infatuated with this metal. the infatuation is justified for those who bought gold a few years ago. others (like me) are infatuated with different assets they hold, which have provided the same but rather steady returns and this over a much longer period. to each his own :o

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As an investment, gold is better in the short-term, rather than the long-term. LivinLOS has the opposite view, and he's welcome to it. Ignoring inflation is a good way to prevent yourself from getting wealthy.

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"No where did I say that was inflation adjusted.. "

Exactly, and that's a huge point that you missed. Not accounting for inflation is a fundamental mistake. Regardless, you believe that tripling your money, in real terms, is great performance over a period of almost 40 years. Frankly, it's terrible performance.

If you invested a 100,000 USD in Apple Computer in 1982, when Apple went public, adjusting for inflation and stock splits, you'd have about 2.5 million USD. That's a 2500% return in real terms. If you compare gold over the same time period, your 100k USD gold investment would be worth 50,000 USD (adjusted for inflation).

I'm not sure why you, and the other goldbugs are so infatuated with this metal.

Sure there were always some winners.. But what about the losers..

All the buy and hold squawking heads on CNBC over equities for general public retirements funds.. While gold has done 3000% since 71 whats the dow done ?? Not sure but I am guessing 1000 to 12000.. So less than half as good yet how many of the population hold gold v hold spread equity ??

Lastly I am not infatuated with gold.. Its a trade.. Its a trade thats tripled my assets in a few years. Its a trade that looks good in a high inflation, stagflation environment. The credit bubble was obvious, the USD direction was obvious, gold was just one of a few trades to benefit from that..

When this cycle shakes out (and I think a long way down from here) gold will no longer be a play.. I bougth gold when everyone said it was madness, I will probably buy equity and real estate when they ares similarly hated as investments.

BTW I am more bullish on Silver then Gold currently.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Go for Thai Gold. Bought and sold nationwide. Solid investment.

the chaps who bought gold 28½ years ago and starved to death won't agree! :o

The chaps who bought gold when this thread started won't agree either!



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Go for Thai Gold. Bought and sold nationwide. Solid investment.

the chaps who bought gold 28½ years ago and starved to death won't agree! :o

The chaps who bought gold when this thread started won't agree either!




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Go for Thai Gold. Bought and sold nationwide. Solid investment. Better than 12k in US and can be changed for cash very easily. Best buy in ingots instead of finished jewelry.

extremely solid. price of underlying fine gold on july 11 (date of above post) $ 925/ounce, price today $ 786/ounce. loss 15% in one month and 5 days, annualized loss = 101%


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Go for Thai Gold. Bought and sold nationwide. Solid investment. Better than 12k in US and can be changed for cash very easily. Best buy in ingots instead of finished jewelry.

extremely solid. price of underlying fine gold on july 11 (date of above post) $ 925/ounce, price today $ 786/ounce. loss 15% in one month and 5 days, annualized loss = 101%


Well I for one was entertaining the idea of buying gold as an investment but I have to be honest and admit I really dont know much about the risks so this thread is very informative...........Thanks chaps

As an aside, what would a first time investor with approx 300,000 bht consider investing in and how would they go about becoming a more informed investor in said investments........ I really want to try and make this money work rather than just leave it in the thai banks

Thanks for your advice and time guys


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