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Thailand's Tobacco Control Is Exemplary


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Thailand's tobacco control is exemplary

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has selected Thailand as a role model for other countries in areas of tobacco-control consumption.

Armando Perugo, the coordinator of WHO's national capacity building tobacco free initiative, says Thailand is chosen because the country has long experience and very good resources in tobacco control.

Another role model chosen by WHO is Brazil.

-- The Nation 2008-07-10

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When I came to live in Thailand ten years ago, there was much more smoking to be seen, both up-country and in Bangkok.

So it seems that their control is working.

Whether they are 'best' is not something that I have any grasp of, as I don't travel abroad enough to get a 'feeling'.

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Maybe answering myself, but the WHO Tobacco Framework lists the following criteria:-

The core demand reduction provisions in the WHO FCTC are contained in articles 6-14:

  • Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco, {in Thailand?} and

  • Non-price measures to reduce the demand for tobacco, namely:
    • Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke;
    • Regulation of the contents of tobacco products;
    • Regulation of tobacco product disclosures;
    • Packaging and labelling of tobacco products;
    • Education, communication, training and public awareness;
    • Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and,
    • Demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence and cessation.

The core supply reduction provisions in the WHO FCTC are contained in articles 15-17:

  • Illicit trade in tobacco products;
  • Sales to and by minors; and,
  • Provision of support for economically viable alternative activities.

Hm... OK I can see some 'hits' but price, sales to minors, illicit trade are all still considerable issue here.


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OK I looked at when it was first posted and thought I'd be Micky Finned and it was April 1, but it's still here. So can anyone explain the rationale here?


Same rationale as Bangkok being voted best city in world travel poll. :o

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I quit exactly 7 months ago and must admit that not seeing people smoke everywhere has contributed a lot to my success, especially after a meal. I rarely go to bars. They are still debating back home about taking the cigarette boxes out of sight when that s been done here already. Funny when so many things here like road safety etc. are 40 years behind...

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I quit exactly 7 months ago and must admit that not seeing people smoke everywhere has contributed a lot to my success,

>>>Wow, really?

especially after a meal.

>>>Wow, wow, ....... really, really ?

I rarely go to bars.

>>>mmm....really, if that's ur conversation not surprised about that, really :o

They are still debating back home about taking the cigarette boxes out of sight when that s been done here already. Funny when so many things here like road safety etc. are 40 years behind...

>>>That's not funny Tony....... that's hilarious :D ,............ I mean you suggesting only 40 years ?

Fact is Thailand seems to be up to speed on smoking control.

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The other day I was wondering if it was just me or are less people smoking in Thailand these days. As a former smoker I have to agree thats it's a lot easier to quit when one isn't exposed to it all the time. While far from smoke-free, Thailand has come a long way in the last few yrs.

Now if they can just stop burning all that garbage...

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One feels more able to cope with packing up cigarettes if there is some smoke free zones.I get fed up sometimes when i go to a bar with a couple of friends ans there first thought is do they allow smoking,if not they go.My reaction to that is to stay at the bar and meet up later when they have had a ciggiey.

No problem with smokers but a problem when they keep choosing which bar we frequent,and i stopped 4 years ago here in Pattaya when cigarettes were 30baht.

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