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Philippine Discontent

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Over the years now, the Filipino population have blamed everything from Natural Disasters to lack of work and income on the president of the day.

I have spent years in the Philippines and actually own property there and I have tried time and time again to argue the case that majority of the problems in the country are caused by the peoples ability to listen to the church and not common sense and multiply like rabbits.

It cannot be Arroyo's fault that world oil prices are high, nor that the price of staple foods has risen dramatically (as it has all over the world). I cannot see how a young married couple in their mid twenties can have 3-4 children and expect a comfortable life.

It is about time that a Government issued a challenge to the Church to preach a much more sensible approach to life in these troubled times.

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Agree with you only partly.

I lived in the Philippines for quite a while too, and even had a long term relationship there and have worked with civic groups to help the poor, etc. .

It's true that many families irresponsibly multiply like rabbits even if they can't afford to feed/school their children, and then blame it on everyone else except themselves (like "it's the fault of the elite rich Filipino upper classed for not giving us more money); (Yes folks, the ignorant farangs on this forum may not know it, but there is a pretty sizable Filipino "hi-so" too, just like in Thailand)

and then even more irresponsibly, a lot of these poor spend a hel_l of a lot more on softdrinks and cigarettes than on their own children's educations... and then blame their upper classed and government again for not "helping" enough.

(And if you confront them with this, you again hear ridiculous reasons like "it's the fault of the rich upper classed owner of the softdrink/cigarette company, for advertising it to the poor." Gee, have you ever heard of "self discipline"? Oh, I forgot, it's the fault of the rich too for not teaching them self discipline! Go figure...)

It's also true that the Church bans contraception.

HOWEVER, I don't believe that the people avoid contraception just because the Church bans it.

The vast majority of the people don't give a rat's arse as to what their Church teaches about contraception (except abortion, which they are vehemently against and so am I, and which I don't classify as contraception);

and their non-use of contraception especially condoms is due to other "more human" reasons. :o

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HOWEVER, I don't believe that the people avoid contraception just because the Church bans it.

The vast majority of the people don't give a rat's arse as to what their Church teaches about contraception (except abortion, which they are vehemently against and so am I, and which I don't classify as contraception);

and their non-use of contraception especially condoms is due to other "more human" reasons. :o

Huh? Even those people that believe in access to abortion would never call an abortion contraception. C'mon.

There is a major problem with unwanted pregnancy and STIs in the Philippines because one body, the Church condemns taking precautions. With no edcation and no support, condom use is a disaster.

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Even good Catholics practice birth control in North America and Latin America. One of the world's largest decreases in fertility, 1975-2000, was in Mexico, a Catholic country. Maybe the Filipino bishops are too powerful. The government cannot issue edicts to the priests, but they can have the courage to do what is best for the country.

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I agree most of the problems in PH stem from the influence of the church. The country has been stuck in a rut for decades and will not move forward while the church maintains so much control of education, the press and public opinion, which gives them tremendous political power.

There is no divorce in the PH, which has a tragic effect on many ppl's lives. Girls and boys are made to sit separately in school and in some areas women are not allowed to ride motorbikes. There is also very little religious tolerance, making it difficult to solve ongoing Muslim insurgency.

Besides East Timor, the PH is the church's only Asian country, so they're keen to see the population grow. Every year the PH sends thousands of young, English speaking Catholics overseas to help spread the pope's word. So I can't see things changing.

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Even good Catholics practice birth control in North America and Latin America. One of the world's largest decreases in fertility, 1975-2000, was in Mexico, a Catholic country. Maybe the Filipino bishops are too powerful. The government cannot issue edicts to the priests, but they can have the courage to do what is best for the country.

do you even know, what a 'good catholic' is? a good catholic listens to the pope, the substitute of the LORD on earth. otherwise he's just a simple christian. and the pope's intentions (endloesung!) about 'birth control' are quite clear! no more muslims, please (although he prefers to use different doublespeak) ..... and don't use condoms! if you're killed by AIDS, don't worry, coz heavens are open to all martyrs..............disgusting (imagine john lennon!)...................

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HOWEVER, I don't believe that the people avoid contraception just because the Church bans it.

The vast majority of the people don't give a rat's arse as to what their Church teaches about contraception (except abortion, which they are vehemently against and so am I, and which I don't classify as contraception);

and their non-use of contraception especially condoms is due to other "more human" reasons. :o

Huh? Even those people that believe in access to abortion would never call an abortion contraception. C'mon.

You're right, but during elections, the Catholic Church attacks political candidates who promote contraception, and labels them as "abortionists" even if they are pro-contraception but anti-abortion. (Ex. pro-condom senator Juan Flafier; not sure of spelling)

This actually supports my earlier point.

The reason the Catholic Church in the Philippines has to mislead the voters by labeling contraception proponents as 'abortionists' is because the Church knows that if they merely label the particular candidate as a 'contraceptionist', the people will still vote for him because the population is generally NOT against contraception... but very against abortion. :D

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The Philippines has one of the most useless and corrupt political systems in the world, and you are blaming poverty on the church?

They can't even open a stupid airport because of incompetance and greed. The Catholics might be old school, but the filipnos would be able to feed those babies if the economy wasn't in the toilet. You begrudge the people because they drink too much soda pop, wow.

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The Philippines has one of the most useless and corrupt political systems in the world, and you are blaming poverty on the church?

They can't even open a stupid airport because of incompetance and greed. The Catholics might be old school, but the filipnos would be able to feed those babies if the economy wasn't in the toilet. You begrudge the people because they drink too much soda pop, wow.

Okay, fine. I agree with your clearly implied point that most of their poor should continue to spend more on soda pop than on their children's educations. :o

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the philippines are the one country which sends more of their citizens abroad than any other country. think about that! the catholic church has done 1% good and 99% evil to the world. it is highly addictive and should be banned immediatelly and everywhere. we would get rid of most of the evil hellpriests in this world (imagine?)..........

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The truth is that there are many institutions and individuals that can be blamed for the problems in the Philippines. First, let's consider the government. The Philippines are considered by the United Nations to be the most corrupt country on earth. Hundreds of billions of pesos are skimmed from the country's coffers every year...and it doesn't matter which party is in power, which person is President. Recently one Chinese company withdrew from a multi-million dollar public works contract because it said it was losing money due to the illegal payoffs it was making to government officials. Incredible. As long as there is such widespread corruption in the Filipino government, there will never be an efficient way of making life better for the 85 million Filipino citizens.

Second, let's consider the Catholic Church in the Philippines. The latest statistics show that 85% of Filipinos are Catholic. The latest projections show that by 2050, the population in the Philippines will have doubled to 170 million people. The Catholic Church is the most powerful non-governmental entity in the Philippines and the biggest landowner. And unlike the United States, where there is separation of church and state, there is no such agreement in the Philippines. The Catholic Church tries to give the appearance of neutralism in national elections, but it is only a facade. Just prior to election day, priests will openly discuss the pros and cons (according to the Catholic Church) of each local, regional and national candidate. As a result, virtually every office holder in the Philippines must kiss the feet of the Catholic Bishops in the RP. If you think the Catholic Church is going to give up its power base, you are sadly mistaken.

This would suggest that change in the Philippines will be hard to come by. The people in power...from the government to the church...don't want change. So the situation will continue to fester. As a result, the only real alternative for most Filipinos is to find a way out...and each year thousands do find a way to leave. Sadly, the greatest export the Philippines has is its people.

Now a brief word about the Muslim situation in Mindanao, which is an issue that goes back well over 100 years when the Philippines absorbed the sultanate of Morro. There are three insurgent groups currently active in Mindanao -- the Abu Saayef (a Muslim terror group with loose ties to Al Qaida); the <deleted> or Morro Independence Liberation Front (the largest of the Muslim groups with more than 2,500 fighters but who are currently in a truce with the Filipino government); and the New Peoples Army (a Communist group operating in the central highlands around Davao). The <deleted> wants the Filipino government to cede portions of the Sulu archaepelago to their group so that it can become an independent Muslim territory. The problem is that it is unconstitutional for the government to give away any Filipino land to any other entity. Where all of this is heading only God or Allah (depending on whose side you are on) knows.

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To illustrate my point about Catholic Church interference in local Filipino politics, there is a story in today's Philippine Star about a city councillor in Quezon City who has been threatened by a group of priests that he won't be given communion because he wrote an ordinance encouraging birth control among the city's young people.

The full story is at www.philstar.com.

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