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Wanted: Male Cat With Healthy Sexual Appetite

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Our pussy is of the romantic type.

She loves to have a good conversation, enjoying a good glass of wine, sitting by the fire. :D:o

At the moment she doesn't have a partner, so no good conversations either.

Is there any lonely male out there, who could help our pussy through the rainy season?

Please PM me with some details about colour, lenght of the tail and other particularities.

We take care of the wine and dine.

Limbo :D

To avoid misunderstandings: Ou pussy is not looking for a long lasting relationship, actually her thoughts are going in the direction of a quicky with the purpose of getting pregnant. :D

Limbo, you disappear for so long and then come up with "kitty porn hooker" stuff.--Mai Kow Jai How much for a successful mating??

Good to meet you again (mystery man) Mumbojumbo!

First of all: It's not my pussy!

It's a friends pussy.

Not that I don't have a pussy, I do, but I had a vegetarian, sorry veterinarian do some work on her. So candle-light OK, but no polonaise (though I have a very strong feeling that she gets her portion regularly somewhere in the neighbourhood here, but I simply don't consider it my business, I respect the privacy of the pussy)!

I'll ask my friend what it is worth to him.

I mean it is a pussy of which you find thirteen in a dozen, nothing special.

Looks, walks, talks and smells normal, not the kind that goes with the nose in the wind.

I am actually a little bit disappointed in you, that you see profit in this, that you want something out of it. :o

Check first with your cat if he wants to do it voluntarily because in that case I don't see a reason for you to hold up your hand!

OK, gasoline went up, but ....

Limbo :D

Best post in a while .. wonder if the sheriff is going to ding you for "soliciting for sexual acts"? :D

No, no, no, Mr Klikster! :D

This is purely pussy business related to breeding!

My friend, who, I have to admit, is a little bit nuts (though he has a good heart), will install a camcorder of the same kind that is used by the Saint Mary school (opposite this excellent fish restaurant Ek-Oh-Cha at the Rimkok road) to enable the parents to see if their kids hold their hands on the tables and not under the tables during the lessons.

There is absolutely no secret thought behind this request!

Limbo :D


Dear Joel, don't you have a cat?

(Please just answer with yes or no! Don't throw a book at me! :o )


Limbo "the pussy pimp". I told you before "the only good cat is a dead cat". All they are good for is killing dirty mice and rats and innocent birds. The independent, cocky, worthless animals should not walk this earth. Dogs on the other hand, are true pets. Maybe we can have Joel do a book on this subject. I hope the copulation is a failure. :o


I had a cat once (figures!)

My family bought it 'cause my 2 younger sisters were begging for a cat.

As a 12 year old red-blooded American male, I thought it was a bunch of hooey.

My sisters shortly lost interest in the feline beast; fell to me to feed, clean up, etc.

Turns out Juliet (the cat's name) was a hunter. A hard-wired stalking, creeping killing machine.

Being the aforementioned squirt, fascinated with the important issues, concerns and philosophies of that age (do we really die? does heaven exist? where can I get a .22 with a 4X scope?) I quickly became pals with the cat. You are never friends with a cat, only a pal.

I was the only humanoid allowed near when she had her 2 litters (yes, they do eat the afterbirth).

I laughed at her when she ran up a very tall eucalyptus and wanted to be rescued...left her up there overnight; she ran down and launched like a flying squirrel in the Borneo jungle, landed on all fours and sauntered away...cool cat.

I have lived with ladies who had dogs...marvelous creatures very giving of affection, with total loyalty and acceptance, unlike felines.

To my preference however, I value the reserve and independence qualities of cats; something I value in human friends, as well. ;)

I had a cat once (figures!)

I quickly became pals with the cat. You are never friends with a cat, only a pal.

I have lived with ladies who had dogs...marvelous creatures very giving of affection, with total loyalty and acceptance, unlike felines.

To my preference however, I value the reserve and independence qualities of cats; something I value in human friends, as well. :D

It couldn't be presented more beautiful and to the point! Thank you very much Mr. McGriffith!

I am touched by the intense love for felines, a very personal thing, that you don't hesitate to share with us.

What the platonic side concerns, I am sure you would be first in line for the kind of ballgame one preferably plays without a net in the animal world. But things are the way they are ...

Of course, in the morning when I go down to the kitchen, the gin still waltzing with the tonic inbetween my ears and my cat loudly and unceasingly complaining outside as if she hadn't been fed for at least three weeks, I repeat 'of course' I would like to kill her. I deeply hate her at these moments and it is not a good thing to have such an intensive feeling before the morning coffee.

I didn't really want a cat, but she came along and I fed her (it was British Tony's cat, but that we found out about a year later, anyhow Tony, don't hesitate...). I have a kind of precarious love/hate relationship with her.

Concerning "dogs...marvelous creatures very giving of affection, with total loyalty and acceptance":

Why do they allways have to be so big? Is their affection, loyalty and acceptance related to their size?

If I look around in farang-world here in Chiang Rai I see suddenly a lot of Golden Retrievers and other too big hairy monsters. Sorry, only the thought of having such a beast close to me, salivating all over the place, urges me to make a sanitary stop. All these hairs ... ugh.

Why do foreigners, of which many might never have had a dog before in their life, suddenly become BIG dog lovers here in Thailand?

"My dear Teerak, 'pappa' is almost sixty now and feels too old for another child, but wouldn't you like to have a big, big, big dog?".

We know why every second foreigner seems to drive around in a Toyota Fortuner, don't we?

Because it is big? None of the owners would admit it, they will come up with a thousand other reasons, but...

Has the same psychological mechanism of wanting to hide something else that is small also become the leading factor in the choice of dogs?

Please enlighten us, Mr. Mumbojumbo. :D

Limbo :o


Has the same psychological mechanism of wanting to hide something else that is small also become the leading factor in the choice of dogs?

Please enlighten us, Mr. Mumbojumbo. laugh.gif

Limbo neus.gif

no problem here---you??, i just hate cats


Cats are a love/hate thing- much like anchovies on pizza.

My best friends are a couple on a sailboat, on the expat trail, western coast of Mexico. They despise cats....but they're still my best friends.

This is called egalitarianism, I think.... :o

no problem here---you??, i just hate cats

I didn't hear any complaints yet. So far so good! :o

Cats are a love/hate thing- much like anchovies on pizza.

No better way to put it, :D

Limbo :D

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