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Democrat Party May Face Dissolution


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Democrat Party may face dissolution

BANGKOK: -- The future of Democrat Party could look uncertain as Election Commission (EC) member Prapan Naikowit on Monday said an EC investigative panel was looking into the electoral fraud allegation against Deputy Democrat Party leader Witoon Nambut.

Prapan said the EC had once reviewed the electoral fraud case against Prapan who had been accused of distributing movie tickets while he was campaigning for the general election.

However, the EC found that the investigation file was incomplete and needed more evidence so it instructed the provincial EC to further investigate the matter.

Prapan downplayed that Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was pressuring the EC by giving a comment during "Talk Samak Style" that the Democrat Party may also face dissolution.

EC chairman Apichart Sukhagganond however said the EC did not leak the information regarding the electoral fraud case against the Democrat MP and he did not know how Samak knew about the case. He said the EC has yet to receive the investigation file from Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Election Commission.

He denied that the information was leaked to bargain over possible dissolution of the ruling parties.

The EC resolved on Friday that Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya parties be dissolved because their executives were involved in election fraud during the 2007 general election.

The EC will ask the Constitution Court to dissolve the Chart Thai and Matchima following its ruling.

The People Power Party is expected to meet the same fate after the Supreme Court affirmed the red card against its former deputy leader, Yongyuth Tiyapairat.

-- The Nation 2008-07-15

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Anyone want to remind Sunrise for the millionth time that the EC was appointed BEFORE the coup?

Maybe mods should make it a sticky as he's apparenly cannot to remember it, too busy posting.

Wow, are you insinuating that every commission appointed before the coup is free from corruption and political and financial self-interest?

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...Hmmm let's think ?? USA is unfair system as you need millions of dollars to stand as a candidate ,for a start!....I think proportional rep is the "ideal" so that would rule out UK..... any ideas guys? this so called constitution is just a wobbly jelly thats gonna slide off the plate sooner or later !! ha ha

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what is stopping Thailand having a look around the world at a political system that is tried and tested and successful and adopting it.?

what do you mean? which one is tried, tested and successful?? if you're serious about this, please name your favorite!

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thats the question.... I think there are some readily available systems in Scandinavia or Australia but I'm no expert so I'M asking for those in the know to supply info....if u don't askquestions u don't learn :o......I know more about the ones tht are not fair or don't work including Italy

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:o .....eerrr you kinda skiped over a bit sunrise... like tanks rolling in the streets ,coups ,corruption ,extrajudicial killings,AND YES MY fav NO PRESS FREEDOM now u didn't think I'd fall for your reasoning that quick did you? Edited by dee123
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and press freedom sunrise or have you run away from that too?

No way! As I've suggested reading Supinya (press freedom activist) in the Nation interview from yesterday's paper where she warns about the ultra-conservative PAD and their FOX NEWS look-alike ASTV network.

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...oksunrise i'llgoogle that and see what its about,... I'd ask you but IGET THE FEELING YOUR NOT NEUTRAL LIKE MYSELF,....im only interested in freedom for all people right or left....ps sorry for shouting....unfortuneately though as there is no press freedom at the moment in Thailand reading the Nation is a waste of time

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...oksunrise i'llgoogle that and see what its about,... I'd ask you but IGET THE FEELING YOUR NOT NEUTRAL LIKE MYSELF,....im only interested in freedom for all people right or left....ps sorry for shouting

No need to apologize, we're all friends here!

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the subtlety(lack of) of Thai propaganda is astonishing, from era to era since 2nd world war no less......Its time to wake up! there would be absolutely no harm in aquiring the advisory skills of European bradcasters BBC CHANNEL 4 AND OTHERS WHO COULD GUIDE THE PROCESS WITHOUT ANY FRICTION bar losing face.

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Witoon is perhaps being targeted as he is one of the main Democrat faces in the Isaan region, and they couldn't dislodge him during Thaksin's time as PM.

He was yellow carded in a previous election but local sentiment was that even though he'd dished out freebies, it really wasn't fair of rivals who'd been using the same tactics to make an issue out of it. I think it worked in his favour and, despite a personal appearance by Mr.T, I seem to remember he won the re-run a little more comfortably than the first time.

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....a constitution that doesn't encompass a legitimate "NO STRINGS" ie sponsor or govt independent press freedom bill is worthless. Its allways seemed tome as I've watched the Thai politicians prancing around their "Senate" that allthey are really doing is playing grown ups and haven't a clue what real democracy is. now thats off my chest I'm going to go and sit in a dark room for a while.

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What happens when all the parties are dissolved?

Thailand becomes a Judiocracy (some would say it already is). Ironic really that you can criticise the elected politicians in the Lower House, you can criticise the partially elected Senate, but you can't criticise the unelected judiciary (or their decisions) on pain of a contempt of court charge.

Judicial Coup anybody?

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what is stopping Thailand having a look around the world at a political system that is tried and tested and successful and adopting it.?

what do you mean? which one is tried, tested and successful?? if you're serious about this, please name your favorite!

I would suggest the Swiss model:

- unites 4 different language groups

- proven democracy for over 700 years

- government is elected by parliament, each minister for 4 years. If he doesn't perform, he will not be re-elected.

- strongly decentralized federation, giving regions their own parliament and government (with restricted jurisdiction)

- all political parties involved in government. In fact there is no real opposition.

- the present Constitution dates of 1878, has been amended several times, though

- 100'000 people can request a vote to amend the Constitution

Maybe not the best system in the world, but so far

- no military coup (in fact, the military is quite weak, every citizen is a soldier)

- no corruption in police

- not much corruption in politics

- separation of power works, Courts are totally independent. There is non "Constitutional Court" above the parliament. Federal laws cannot be challenged by courts.

parliament effectively controls the government (by electing it)

But then again, Swiss people would never accept a monarch (everybody is equal), and perhaps Swiss people are mostly too critical about themselves, low self-esteem, things you don't see here in Thailand.

Did I mention that I am Swiss? :o

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First PPP breaks as many laws as they can, then they scream "judiocracy". What is "judiocracy" anyway? Rule of law?

Is that what they want to dispense with?

Of course they will never admit that simply following the laws is the best solution to prevent this sort of crisis in the first place.

PPP is trying to initiate "denial of service" attack when the number of cases is so high that the judiciary can't cope with it or consequencies are unacceptable, like dissolution of all political parties.

Which brings us back to PAD "new politics" underlying idea - elected politicians are a total disgrace and the less we have of them, the better, and the underlying reason for that is people who elect them. And these people are not Swiss (in light of the latest post above).

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Anyone want to remind Sunrise for the millionth time that the EC was appointed BEFORE the coup?

Maybe mods should make it a sticky as he's apparenly cannot to remember it, too busy posting.

Does anyone want to remind Plus that Prem was PM for the Democrates for 8 years, go figure!

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Anyone want to remind Sunrise for the millionth time that the EC was appointed BEFORE the coup?

Maybe mods should make it a sticky as he's apparenly cannot to remember it, too busy posting.

Wow, are you insinuating that every commission appointed before the coup is free from corruption and political and financial self-interest?

I don't think it is worth wasting our time debating with Plus, he is more one eyed than cylops.

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.....eerrr you kinda skiped over a bit sunrise...

Let's leave slagging the ultra-conservative PAD mongrels for another thread!

And I don't even think I would call them "ultra-conservatives". you may have the general, the artist and the goody 2 shoes, but you've got the megalomaniac egotistical failed Thaksin competitor self server that is running the whole show.

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What happens when all the parties are dissolved?

Thailand becomes a Judiocracy (some would say it already is). Ironic really that you can criticise the elected politicians in the Lower House, you can criticise the partially elected Senate, but you can't criticise the unelected judiciary (or their decisions) on pain of a contempt of court charge.

Judicial Coup anybody?

if that means that faking, cheating and braking the law is not possible even for the rich?

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...the political jargon and gobbledygook that one has to troll through when reading a Thai news paper to try to get an insight of what is happening is nowhere nearer now to explaining the truth of each event behind Thai politics.This overiding of laws by different sections of the heirarchy has been going on for years,which muddys the water and everyone is presumed corrupt and so corruption trickles down the power line......you lot can debate your "PPP" and your phoney generals but unless you reconise the fact that what you are reading and what you are watching is fake you can huff and puff all you like because your heading up the wrong way of a one way street. If you take offence to to me persisting with this argument of no press freedom wothless constitution/judiciary ect whatever whatever whatever then stop for a minute and think about what could be achived if only you lot were given correct impartial infomation......by the way as hardly anyone seems to want to discuss press freedom ,...where do you get all your insight and knowledge from? the BBC? BOOKS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OR are youjust political junkies who don't want to stop the debate?

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.....eerrr you kinda skiped over a bit sunrise...

Let's leave slagging the ultra-conservative PAD mongrels for another thread!

And I don't even think I would call them "ultra-conservatives". you may have the general, the artist and the goody 2 shoes, but you've got the megalomaniac egotistical failed Thaksin competitor self server that is running the whole show.

Yes good point. Sometimes I feel that the whole PAD movement just exists because Sondhi didn't get a good deal from Thaksin back in the early days... He became the loser and so he became very bitter... Sondhi doesnt care for Thailand or its people. Its obious with the lack of PAD policy or ideas. He is just as you said a Egotistical loser who has devouted his life to revenge....

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Anyone want to remind Sunrise for the millionth time that the EC was appointed BEFORE the coup?

Wow, are you insinuating that every commission appointed before the coup is free from corruption and political and financial self-interest?

Does anyone want to remind Plus that Prem was PM for the Democrates for 8 years, go figure!

What has it got to do with EC being appointed while Thaksin was still the PM?


And Prem has never been a Democrat party member.

Have you both got a whiff of that 2 ton marijuana batch that was burned recently or what?

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.....eerrr you kinda skiped over a bit sunrise...

Let's leave slagging the ultra-conservative PAD mongrels for another thread!

And I don't even think I would call them "ultra-conservatives". you may have the general, the artist and the goody 2 shoes, but you've got the megalomaniac egotistical failed Thaksin competitor self server that is running the whole show.

Yes good point. Sometimes I feel that the whole PAD movement just exists because Sondhi didn't get a good deal from Thaksin back in the early days... He became the loser and so he became very bitter... Sondhi doesnt care for Thailand or its people. Its obious with the lack of PAD policy or ideas. He is just as you said a Egotistical loser who has devouted his life to revenge....

how would you know?

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