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100 Things You Didn't Know About Thailand

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....Even if you have have lived here for years and know the market situation, Expat estate agents will still tell you " it's a good time to buy"

More men have their penises severed (cut off, chopped off ) in Thailand by their partners etc. than anywhere else in the world. Often followed by feeding it to a duck or pet or being kept as a trophy.

Thailand No 1

Brazil No 2

Bogner Regis it is then.


Thailand is the only place in the world where in the morning you can drop one single crumb of cookie on the floor, go to work, then come home only to find you can't open the door to your house due to the fact it has been over ran with those itty bitty red ants.

Thailand is also the only country in which a BG tells you she loves you for who you are, doesn't want your money, and it's all true.

A Thai silk cloth maker to The Royal Lanna Court invented the neck tie about 750 years ago. It was only after the death of King Tilokoraj when the brightly colored fashion accessory was allowed to be shown in the outside world that it's use spread to Europe where it found favor in the British Royal family as a fashion item and later The New World - Americas: Where the stripes were reversed due to a cock up with a photocopier and automatic silk loom.

Not a lot of people know that !

Questionable. The tie was originally part of a Croatian military uniform which became a fashion item - hence the name cravat.

The bar girls aren't calling you "Darling" (English)..... they are called you "NaLing" (Thai -> Monkey Face)

You wont find that on Wikipedia !!!

Wrong answer trainee......they are saying "Da Ling" which means Monkey Ass

This is informative.

What else should we not say?


....there are no building regulations requiring condo builders to install "safe" balconey heights,...even if there are they are not being adhered to,.....maybe going some way to explaining the "falling farang" phenomenem.


- Bamrungrad International Hospital is regarded as the world's no. 1 and is the leader of medical tourism in Thailand. Patients come from 150+ countries.

- Bangkok was voted the world's best city for 2008

- Thailand was the only country in Asia which has never been colonized. There's a saying in Thai "We're like tall grasses, we lean towards the wind and follow the winning ally".

- Pattaya, sin city, was formed only because of the American's presence during the Vietnam war.

- Island in Phuket is named after James Bond

A species of albino blind crocodiles live in the open sewers,

:o proof ?

Preserved specimens in formaldehyde along with other curios, ask military guard at west gate, U-Tapao Airfield that you wish to visit Area S7 to view same,

Central department store is the first .........and Chidlom is its first branch.

err, that would be central wangburapha...... :o

If it's true, then I didn't know that and .....never heard of it and never been there, while growing up - except Chidlom branch which used to be called Seelom branch.

There's a Central Silom down near the Narai Hotel; it's been there since the 60s. Was Chitlom earlier? Wangburapha the first, eh? Makes sense.

Is the Wangburaph arcade comprised with three theaters.....King....Queen....Grand situated next to each other ?

It's been so long, my memory is fading.

My sis recalled she once took me ( I was first or second grader, too young to enjoy the movie) to see 'Mogambo' because she was a big fan of 'Grace Kelly'.


Tinklebell…..Oh..you’re older than me then. :o

The 2 popular shopping places in my time were....... Central - Seelom, and Dai-ma-ru as the thai called it.


Had you been to “HappyLand” too?

For those that don’t know….

HAPPYLAND is the first Disneyland in Thailand…..sadly it’s no longer there anymore - located in Bangkapi

The entrance fee was around 7 baths at the time - same same price for both thai and farang

Fact, when I go to the supermarket and go up to the check out chick, all the chicks are checking me out mate!

Expanation: They have never seen a hairless albino urang a tang dragging his nuckles up and down the aisles looking for a sheep before.... :o:D

Roy gsd

The worlds number one 'spin kicker' has announced that he wishes to reside in Thailand :o

Reality check:

The worlds number one "bull S....er! has anounced that he wishes to resided in Thailand

roy gsd

The bar girls aren't calling you "Darling" (English)..... they are called you "NaLing" (Thai -> Monkey Face)

You wont find that on Wikipedia !!!

Wrong answer trainee......they are saying "Da Ling" which means Monkey Ass

I disagree.

หน้าลิง Na Ling (Face Monkey.... literally)

Do you mean :


ดะ randomly

ดา to advance

ด่า to curse

ด๋า basically just a suffix



ตะ to coat/cover

ตา eye

Please write your "Da" in thai script so I can understand what you mean.

I write "ass" as ตูด(Dtuud) , which as you can see is clearly not close to "Da".

But I only read/write/speak Bangkokian thai...maybe you are referring to a Northern or North Eastern colloquialism ?

Trainee over and out.


The bar girls aren't calling you "Darling" (English)..... they are called you "NaLing" (Thai -> Monkey Face)

You wont find that on Wikipedia !!!

Wrong answer trainee......they are saying "Da Ling" which means Monkey Ass

I disagree.

หน้าลิง Na Ling (Face Monkey.... literally)

Do you mean :


ดะ randomly

ดา to advance

ด่า to curse

ด๋า basically just a suffix



ตะ to coat/cover

ตา eye

Please write your "Da" in thai script so I can understand what you mean.

I write "ass" as ตูด(Dtuud) , which as you can see is clearly not close to "Da".

But I only read/write/speak Bangkokian thai...maybe you are referring to a Northern or North Eastern colloquialism ?

Trainee over and out.


:o Kiakaha, Some of us need help too in Thai Language forum.

May be is Do Ling.

Do = Look


The Guinness Book of World Records has certified that the true name for Bangkok:-


is the longest place name in the world.


Thailand is the second biggest market for utes, next to America.

P.S. A satang has only token value, you can't buy anything with 1 satang.


:o True Facts:

One of the most sucessful newspaper advertisement campaigns advertised a special fare to Thailand from the U.S. for the 1976 winter season. By chance (it was planned well ahead of the actual appearance) an advirtsement for a Thai International special winter fare to Bangkok ran in newspapers in Chicago, Illinois in a Sunday newspaper during one of the coldest snowy weekends . The ad merely showed an Thai girl on a beach, dressed in a bikini, with the only text reading, "Pattya, Thailand. January 15th, 1975. Temperature 95 degrees Fahrenheit".

The advertisment happened to coincide with one of the worst and coldest snow storms in Chicago's history. In the first three days, the airline had several thousand requests, and all flights were fully booked for weeks.


In 1977, a Thai English language business magazine ran an ad sponsored by Thai Chamber of Commerce which simply said:

Civilized men don't make War. They make love instead.


(I have no idea what they thought they were advertising)


The Guinness Book of World Records has certified that the true name for Bangkok:-


is the longest place name in the world.

Some people dispute this, because as you can see the above is a subjective transliteration from native script into alphabetic characters.

But the place name "Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenua

kitanatahu" in New Zealand is in its native character set. It is also in common use(ie: on road signs), whereas the above thai name is not (Bangkok, Krungthep กรุงเทพ and Krungthep Mahanakhon กรุงเทพมหานคร are the place names in common use ).


:o Okay, so it's stuff i googled....but I'd heard it before anyhow.

How old is the Thai Air Force?

In February 1911 the Belgian pilot Charles Van Den Born displayed the first aircraft in Thailand at the Sa Pathum Horse Racing Course. The Thai authorities were impressed enough by the display that on 28 February 1913 they dispatched three officers to learn to fly in France, at the time a leading aviation country. The three officers (Major Luang Sakdi Sanlayawut (Sunee Suwanprateep), Captain Luang Arwut Sikikorn (Long Sinsuk) and First Lieutenant Tip Ketuthat) learned to fly and on 2 November 1913 returned to Thailand with eight aircraft (four Breguets and four Nieuports). They are today regarded as the forefathers of the Royal Thai Air Force. In March of the next year they moved from Sa Patham airfield to Don Muang.

Which makes the Thai Air Force at least one of the oldest in Southeast Asia.

The bar girls aren't calling you "Darling" (English)..... they are called you "NaLing" (Thai -> Monkey Face)

You wont find that on Wikipedia !!!

Wrong answer trainee......they are saying "Da Ling" which means Monkey Ass

I disagree.

หน้าลิง Na Ling (Face Monkey.... literally)

Do you mean :


ดะ randomly

ดา to advance

ด่า to curse

ด๋า basically just a suffix



ตะ to coat/cover

ตา eye

Please write your "Da" in thai script so I can understand what you mean.

I write "ass" as ตูด(Dtuud) , which as you can see is clearly not close to "Da".

But I only read/write/speak Bangkokian thai...maybe you are referring to a Northern or North Eastern colloquialism ?

Trainee over and out.


Someone has already mentioned further back in the thread - dagling or dargling or maybe daagling??? meaning baboons arse face or something?

The bar girls aren't calling you "Darling" (English)..... they are called you "NaLing" (Thai -> Monkey Face)

You wont find that on Wikipedia !!!

Wrong answer trainee......they are saying "Da Ling" which means Monkey Ass

I disagree.

หน้าลิง Na Ling (Face Monkey.... literally)

Do you mean :


ดะ randomly

ดา to advance

ด่า to curse

ด๋า basically just a suffix



ตะ to coat/cover

ตา eye

Please write your "Da" in thai script so I can understand what you mean.

I write "ass" as ตูด(Dtuud) , which as you can see is clearly not close to "Da".

But I only read/write/speak Bangkokian thai...maybe you are referring to a Northern or North Eastern colloquialism ?

Trainee over and out.


Someone has already mentioned further back in the thread - dagling or dargling or maybe daagling??? meaning baboons arse face or something?

I dont know issan slang or northern/southern slang, but i'd need to see it(dag, dahk, dark ??) written in thai script to get an understanding of the exact pronunication/tone.

I have definately heard หน้าลิง (na ling) on several occasions though.Without a doubt.

Maybe the gals mix it up for their own amusement. You could pretty much put any -ะ or -า syllable (a , aa) before the ลิง (ling) , and all non thai speakers would still be none the wiser :D

Thailand's national flag, ceremoniously raised each morning at 08.00 hrs and lowered at 18.00 hrs in every town and village, is composed of five horizontal bands of red, white, and blue. Outer bands of red representing the nation enclose equal inner bands of white evoking religion. The blue band, occupying the central one-third of the total area, symbolizes the monarchy. The harmony of design expresses the complementary nature of these three pillars of the Thai nation. The tri-colored flag, first introduced by King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) in 1917, replaced an earlier design which featured a white elephant on a red background.

Which was the flag of Siam & the Siamese people, known as the land of the white elephant.

Early European visitors derived the name Siam from the Malay word Sayam, the natives called themselves 'Thai' meaning free, and their country 'Muang Thai' Kingdom of the Free.


The "Dak-Ling" = expression is a mixture of Lao and Thai words.

'Dak' - Lao for ass (bottom) and 'Ling' - Thai for monkey.

Used by girls from the North East were Lao/Thai are native languages. Lao used at home and Thai within schools.


Real fact, the country that is spelled "Laos" is pronunced "Lao" as the S is silent.

Well, I've seen on here through the years people say they thought a secretary or someone in their office called them "Kee Nok" which of course means bird shit, but what they in reality said was 'Kee Ngok" which means "cheap charlie" when they didn't want to buy or pay for something "Farang Kee Ngok".

Whatever the spelling it still means bird shit, and the implied meaning of bird shit farang, amongst others is cheap charlie, the great unwashed, low class tourists etc. When used jokingly between friends/work associates it is only mildly offensive. When delivered with venom, it can be considered a genuine insult.

Farang kee nok can also supposedly also mean feijoa according to a kiwi mate - feijoa is another type of guava (maybe not even available here?), as used in the flavoured vodka, the name of which escapes me. Tell me that's not useful info.

Edit: brand is '42 Below'


Wrong association. The fags are Krongthip.


See link above for photo (illegal to display photos of fags in public forum?)

Krungthep is the short name of a kilometric official name Krungthepmahanakorn

Krungthepmahanakorn Amornrattanakosin Mahintrayuthaya Mahadilokpob Noparat Rajataniburirom Amornpimarn Awatarnsatis Sakatadtiya Wisanukamprasit. (by ProfessorFart Post 2 in Bangkok, Where did the name come from?. Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and expat life)

Bankoks real name is KRUNGTHEP named after a packet of fags.............or maybe not

Thailand imports chili - even with prodigious amounts already being grown in the kingdom, Thailand's requirement for chili has to be supplemented with imported prik!

Thai chile peppers originated in Latin America, as did squashes, maize (corn), chocolate, other foods.

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