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I'm In A Difficult Situation


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Like many here, you've been screwed big time by this girl. She lied to you about her age (she's 17 and you risk jail), she lied to you about her pregnancy test and she is now threatenng you? Well, what I can say after having lived over 22 years in this country is: dump her. fuc_k her off. She is no good. You had clearly told her that you did not want the baby. The lazy bitch deliberately got pregnant. Why? to get herself a sugar daddy for life. Man, get rid of the bitch. The child is her problem not yours!

My advice is to go back to England and send her an allowance once in a while for the sake of the child. 12,000 Baht per year the first 3 years is enough and after the first 3 years you should send her around 2,000 Baht a month. If she's not happy with what you're offereing then tell her to go f*uck herself. She's got hands she can work. And what normally happens anyway is that they will leave the child with the parents so don't worry too much about the child he'll be looked after. But you should definitely not stay with her. As I said before: dump her!

Good luck!

Yes ive been screwed alright and some people on hear try and make out im the bad one! previously during the 4 months i was nothing but nice to her, took her out and showed her i good time and this is how she repays me? by lying and keeping hold of the baby so now its too late for an abortion. Well this morning i left her asleep and went off to shag a 'gik' when i came back she was none the wiser.

She is to blame, its her body not mine. I left her alone and she couldnt even go to doctor for simple abortion, how the hel_l she expects to raise a child?

Now she wants some new clothes because the bump is visable, ive told im not getting her any and she can make do with the ones she got..a little pay back but im going to start to teach her a lesson for her actions.

WOW. It is not often I will turn around full circle, but this seems to be one of those times. At first I heard a genuine cry for help from a guy that really did seem to be the victim of often heard ruse. Now I am inclined to think that you are either a troll, or deserving of your situation. I admire your bravado at sneaking out to get it on with a Gik rather than dealing with the situation you are in first. Real man stuff that and must be applauded.

If you are not a troll then it appears that you have knocked up an underage kid who is now taking the heat for not acting like an adult in a situation that could well be terrifying for her. Before you start hammering on about how she lied (an issue I gave you the benefit of the doubt with before) please bear in mind that anyone who has been here for 2 years as you claim should be able to see that a 17 year old is exactly that, especially a player like yourself. Seems to me that most 17 year olds look a lot younger than they are, for the time that I have been here I am always astounded at how Thai women look at least 3-4 years younger than they really are. So I wouldnt hammer on too much about how you were lied to by someone who most likely clearly looks her age if not younger.

I presume that the fact that she is now sitting around on her arse watching TV annoys you so much derives from the fact that when you met her she held down 4 jobs whilst maintaining your appartment? At 4 months pregnant she will still be battling with morning sickness, and from the Thai women that I have known to be pregnant, none of them altered their behaviour once they found out their new situation. Those that worked, continued to do so. Those that watched TV continued to do so. Is it only now that the bills are going to go up that you suddenly have become annoyed by her complacency?

I wonder if she is threatening you as you claim not because she is a manipulative bitch as some of us assumed but rather because she has realised she has become pregnant to a man of such stature as yourself? 17, pregnant, not from the bar, maybe doesnt want to end up in the bar to support her child, confused, cornered, blamed, shouted at, hormonal, pregnant, immature and undoubtedly scarred. Honey, whoever you are and where ever you are, I appologise for my previous assumptions. Good luck and always strive to get the best for your child.

As for you, well you are about to become a role model to a new life. Act like someone worthy of respect.

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Poor girl. I hope she starts wearing your t-shirts instead of buying maternity dresses and spend the miserable allowance you are giving her on the vitamins instead.

The OP strategy is to make her act. He does everything to force her to go make an abortion/ run away to her parents /jump from a balcony. He is afraid of being proactive and taking the responsibility and thinks that if she does it he will remain sinless. :o

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I have to agree. If this is not a troll the kid is getting the short end of the stick in this deal. The best thing that could happen to him is to be raised by the grandparents

I suggest he check out the prices of formula and diapers then base his monthly payment on that for the time that the baby needs them.

I would also like to ask a question here. Is the OP a falang or is he black like his avatar ??? I do not know for sure how the thais in Isaan look towards blacks but most Thais that i know are prejudiced against dark skinned thais. This could really be hard on the kid when he starts school if he ends up being darker than normal.

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Yea, but you spoke bs when you thought the guy was for real, not when he has proved himself to be a troll, or a selfish bstard.

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I assume (but not 100% sure) you are already out of school and do not have to deal with the insults and bullying that this kid may be faced with in a local village school at the innocent age of 4 or 5 years old.

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Guy should pay up and go broke helping her


First he had just met the girl from pattaya and basically knew nothing about her(not even her age) and already slept with her without a condom, idiots like you are the reason there so much aids around and other disease..

<deleted> 99.9999% of young girls LIVING in pattaya are hookers or wannabe hookers. and u fuc_ked it without condom without knowing her?

Seriously. you owe EVERYTHING YOU HAVE to that baby

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:o:D im tryinmg to point out op is a no good son of a biatch. what r u guys reeding?

all u blleeding hearts r saying its the girls fault. run forrest run! boy was just misinformed, he stuck things in girl that should have never been stuck in. he should be a man and fess up! or the don will come a looking for him with a special present. :D:D

Edited by farang555
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When I come to Thailand in January, I hope to hear that this baby is getting the care that is needed. Or else I will be giving people some early christmas presents. And trust me, 10 years of steroid abuse is no small present.I trust the OP will make the right choice. I wont be in a good mood either after leaving my 10 thousand ickboxing magazines here in Australia

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:o:D im tryinmg to point out op is a no good son of a biatch. what r u guys reeding?

all u blleeding hearts r saying its the girls fault. run forrest run! boy was just misinformed, he stuck things in girl that should have never been stuck in. he should be a man and fess up! or the don will come a looking for him with a special present. :D:D

he already fessed up that he got drunk and did not use a condom on at least one occasion. In my opinion that takes the blame off of the girl and puts 100% of it on him considering the ages involved.Ever since he fessed up that he got drunk and did not use a condom not many people have been on his side.

Personally i do not give a shit about him and his infantile way of dealing with the situation ( going out with his mates and screwing his gigs) and blaming her for not getting an abortion. My concern is the kid. Then you , falang5555, came back with a comment about how you were being abused. Boo Hoo for You. By the way. If you want us to pretend that you are not Blizzard then you should try to change you manner of posting.

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When I come to Thailand in January, I hope to hear that this baby is getting the care that is needed. Or else I will be giving people some early christmas presents. And trust me, 10 years of steroid abuse is no small present.I trust the OP will make the right choice. I wont be in a good mood either after leaving my 10 thousand ickboxing magazines here in Australia

On this occasion I am with "The Don" - let him have 10 minutes with the OP :o

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When I come to Thailand in January, I hope to hear that this baby is getting the care that is needed. Or else I will be giving people some early christmas presents. And trust me, 10 years of steroid abuse is no small present.I trust the OP will make the right choice. I wont be in a good mood either after leaving my 10 thousand ickboxing magazines here in Australia

Welllllllll, when Don gets to thailand. people are gonna stoop and bow. When Don gets to thailand. He's gonna teach them what they don't know now. He's goin to thailand. He's gettin his coat.

he's going to thailand. that big talkin man. Go on to thailand and do all you can.

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i was being abused. the guy apologized!

maybe the don would like to pay wolfie a visit and snapkick that chip off your shoulder :D:D:D:o:D

What chip ???? i agree with you that the guy is scum but i do not like your pandering for sympathy.

As for Don, I also was trained in the martial arts but since i am getting a little long in the tooth and a little big in the belly, i would have to decline the contest. Besides i believe, as do many thais, in Mr colts philosophy that the 45 is the great equalizer.

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i have a friend like this who had not one but two kids with his ex girlfriend in farang land. she did not want to give them up for adoption, and he decided that made him justified in giving her no help whatsoever. he took off and doesn't talk to his kids or support them at all. they grew up (they're now teeneagers) without a father, living on government assistance, dealing with serious mental illnesses in their genetics (from him)... while my friend went on to make loads of cash and live the high life as an international sex tourist. he still pats himself on the back for that decision to this day. i think this is the utmost in selfish and irresponsible behavior, and recently this and other aspects of his personality have led me to finally see that my friend is a total loser. if you ejaculate into a woman without a condom, you are 50% responsible for the results, no matter the circumstances. & that is that.

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Whatever else is going on here on this topic, it's quite clear that the difficult situation in which the OP finds himself is entirely of his own doing, and putting the blame on a 17 year old girl is disgusting. He should deal with it in a responsible and adult manner, all the rest is bull. :o:D :D


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OP, just pay her off and continue your growing up process.

The thought of …18 yrs of child support and….. a chance of sitting on her butts and do nothing,

sure sounds better than a one lump sum payment?

LOL. Try asking a Thai - what would you rather have - 5 million baht today, now in your hand, or 500,000 baht per year for the next 20 years. What do you think 90% would say?

I'm betting on the 5 million option.

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In a situation like that I would 'put my foot down'.

We have all (or most of us) had the lies, the deceit, threats and manipulations from the ladies.

I would tell her straight that she cannot rely on you for the next 18 years for support and maintainence for the baby.

That you will not support her.

That you will not live with her.

That you do not love her.

Then, tell her she can have an abortion with a pay off, or nothing and that she can threaten you all she likes.

Stand up to her with a straight face and make sure she believes you.

Hopefully she will have the abortion. That way you are both released from the situation. And both learn from it.

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I disagree- you can not force a woman to have an abortion and think that is ok. You both have to work towards a compromise that is satisfying for you both.

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Well i dragged her down the hospital to have a chat with the doctor, had all the scans etc and have been told the baby is too fully grown for an abortion at this stage (its illegal in Thailand etc etc and the baby could survive when taken out or something) and that i should just start to prepair for the baby. Doctor even suggested i buy some vitamin tablets for her to make her feel stronger (not being funny but she could have avoided this situation so why should i feel sorry for her and buy her vitamins).

Anyway she is back at the house now and just sat watching tv, ive already told her im out again tonight with my friends and she needs to get used to it. Been talking to her and the best she will get off me is 1000 baht a week for support if we seperate ( 4,000 month isnt bad considering alot of Thai's only earn 6k) she will need to get herself a job and pay for her part of the deal, if she contacts the police im focked but so is she as she will never get nothing. Scans and doctors talk came to like 2,500 baht total rip off, i will pay for the medical fees when she gives birth and also baby clothes etc, from then on its 4,000 baht month (pretty generous i think).

What a heartless bastard you are. You come to this country and treat this girl like shit. People like you should be burned. You stick your dick unprotected without thinking of the consequences. Now, that she's pregnant you think it's her fault. You're ruining her life and the baby's life and you need to learn to take responsibility for your actions. You think she wants your money..... If she was that desperate for money why was she not a bar girl when you met her? Maybe, she was just trying to protect the baby from abortion that's why she didn't tell you she was pregnant initially. She's only a minor, but I have a feeling that she's 100 times over more mature than you are, you prick! In my eyes it makes you worst than a scumbag. Congratulations..... You've ruined two lives in one stroke. You must feel really proud.

Guys like you don't deserve to be born with a dick.

Edited by GracelessFawn
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