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Amazing The Things You Can Get Done Here


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I decided I wanted a special patch, with a bit patience, it got done, better then I envisioned sometimes he helps to just go with the flow. this was my first try at one I think they did a good job.


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Thailand is listed on it. to my embarssement, I missed Canada and it was to late, I hope they will forgive me for my old age, wasn't done intentionally.

Interesting story I saw a photo of a Veterans day celebartion and that was airbrushed on one of the jackets. I used that image to start the process with. I thought it was very respectful of Veterans. The photo was of an Amercan Rider and that was what was represented. I thought to myself, there are many countries that have lost men and women, to preserve freedom, the deserve recoginition as well. So I used the counties that I have been allies my country. Truth is there are just to many to put on a patch, so I had to it limit to what could be done.

Now that was all they had to work with, I think with what they had to start with they did an amazing job. They had had never done anything like this so it took two months for the computer set up while they were getting other orders out. Now it's easy it's in the computer.

Where at emroddery shop in the Mall, that two sister operate not a big operation at all.

So I would think if you find one of these they can probably do the same thing on a design that you have. But you have to be patient, You have to let go of control, they know what they can do with thier equipment. You may like the results you may not. That the chance you take. But with set up ordering ten of the big ones and 20 small ones with all that it was 3K baht. I will be using several of the big ones myself and I gave the others to a friend, who attends all the bike events does patch trading and sells a few. I didn't want to get into that. Hopefully I will recover a bit of the cost. Doesn't really matter I wanted this.

I will do others now that I understand the process, but those will be personal to me and my life.

You know I could think that freedom is free in my country to, but is it, there are people protecting that way of life 24/7. So someone pays day after day, in some form or another. In this case rocinizing the verteran of all these countries some having paid with thier lives, others being mamied, lives changed forever.

I'm a veteran, but I was lucky never put in the mud and blood. I'm also a retired cop, I have done things that later scared the hel_l out of me, but that was just reactions. I could never undersatnd how these guy faced what they had to do, still don't really. The only answer I can come up with is they did it for eachother.

So this patch wasn't personal just for me, but important to me to recognize these people.

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You know it's amazing the emotions that something like this can bring out in people. Let me make myself clear I prefer that there was never a war anytime. Soldiers don't make wars politicains do and I have no tribute to them.

So I respect all the thoughts even when my intentions are misunderstood. Brainwashed that, so funny, I have also been accused of being brainwashed about my views of Thailand and what happened a few years ago. You know one of things about moving to a foriegn country you actually get to see other views, maybe I ssouldn't have shared my views, of it's time for America to mind it's own business and let the world solve it's own problem. The result of that was I was told by my American friends I had been brainwashed :o So at least I seem to be brainwshed in both directions. I have to admit there was a time that you probably would have been right.

No it's not about any specific conflict, nor any particular relegion. It's about people, the people that were stuck eating the sh-t sandwich. But, each is welcome to form thier own thoughts. But it in the end it's goign to be on my jacket with my thoughts. I'm sure I will get more then one chance to discuss in the future face to face. But isn't freedom really about being able to have your own beliefs?

By the way the reason the other countries are on there is to remove the American theme. Everyone is goign to see what they want to see. that's OK

Thanks for your thoughts guys I'm sure they meant something to you. Hope your tummy settles down

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Ray23 - Good Job.

I assume you did the art work on your computer and gave the shop the image on disc ?

What resolution - pixels x pixels ?

The patch is about 5cm across ?

I counted 9 colors ?

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You know somewhere along the line the entire point go lost. I took a photo to a Thai shop and they did everythings from point A to finish. Which translates to you can pretty much dream up about anything here and get it done. That whats where it started not where it went. Yes in all honesty I'm a bit surprised by the reactions, of taking somewhere else all together and I fell into the trap myself. That I should known better about.

There is another coming a special vent system designed for me home hopefully that won't offend anyone. But I won't bet on it. It might even help to save a bit of money. My idea Thai craftsman engineer and build it.

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Just had a very nice private message from Ray where he swept away any misperceptions I may have had about him and his badge design.

Turns out Ray is a thoroughly decent human being, while I continue to remain contemptible. :o

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You know somewhere along the line the entire point go lost. I took a photo to a Thai shop and they did everythings from point A to finish. Which translates to you can pretty much dream up about anything here and get it done. That whats where it started not where it went. Yes in all honesty I'm a bit surprised by the reactions, of taking somewhere else all together and I fell into the trap myself. That I should known better about.

There is another coming a special vent system designed for me home hopefully that won't offend anyone. But I won't bet on it. It might even help to save a bit of money. My idea Thai craftsman engineer and build it.

ray - and you have been drinking (or smoking) something - chaimai ?

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This is good to know. I have just about worn out the purple sweatshirt that I wore in many anti-war protest demonstrations, that I had made at a custom t-shirt shop in San Marcos, Texas. I need a new t-shirt, light weight. I want to say things like "Jesus is a Pacifist" and "Why Aren't Christians Pacifist?" I need an illustration, too, along the lines of 'Jesus Wept' or 'Love Your Enemy.' Maybe even "If war is hel_l, why pray and work for it?" It is good to know that my local Thai Buddhist t-shirt shop can make one for me. Thanks, ray23

Here is a picture of some American Christian pacifist wearing that shirt on the 475th anniversary of the founding of the pacifist Free Church


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That's the best you could do for a snappy come-back? Truly lame, you must be having an off day.

Care to comment about the actual content of the O/P's post or just wanna jump on the American Bashing Bandwagon like a mindless sheep-like sock puppet?

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Smoking dope, no but I'm thinking about it :D

What am I trying to say that you can design things and have them made the way you want in Thailand.

Is there a message there, only to me.

The fact is I used the wrong thing to illustrate my point. That lesson was learned and it won't happen agian. I'm about as far away from being a political person that you can be and still be breathing.

I will try to make some photos of other things I have had good success with and maybe that will get the thread back to point. But I really don't think so.

Truth is your guys are more passionate then I am about this. Me I would be happy with the peace statement to, so when you get it done PM the design to me whatever you do don't post it :o

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That's the best you could do for a snappy come-back? Truly lame, you must be having an off day.

Care to comment about the actual content of the O/P's post or just wanna jump on the American Bashing Bandwagon like a mindless sheep-like sock puppet?

I was going to stay way, way away from posting on this thread but you got my attention, Tod.

Right on about commenting on the OP's post and pity poor Ray, eh? Coming from basically a heart space and demonstrating Thai workmanship that someone may be interested in and the sky falls on him. I still haven't seen the reason for it - likely there isn't one but for those who lie in wait for any reason to vent their misery upon another.

As a fellow American however, I am always fascinated when one of my countrymen bemoans America-bashing then displays the very arrogant and belligerent "American exceptionalism" attitudes that demean us all. I don't have to wonder why people bash Americans, all I have to do is read posts like your's and understanding dawns.

Ray, I don't understand it but decent job on the patch and I am glad that you are happy with it. As someone who did his time in the mud and the blood, I thank you for your sensitivity, whether misplaced or not.

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Coming from basically a heart space and demonstrating Thai workmanship that someone may be interested in and the sky falls on him. I still haven't seen the reason for it

Neither have I. Let's get back on topic and leave the war statements, anti-Americanism out of here please. The topic IS about Thai craftsmanship and what can be done here.

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I find it really hard to think of Thailand as a freedom champion. In WW2 Thais just bowed to the Japanese and joined them,later when the Allies won they just pretended that never happened (the Kingdom had been rewarded by the Japanese with various provinces from Cambodia, Burma and Malaysia).

They had good reasons for that but it's the wrong thread. Start a new one and I will be very happy to explain what they were.

Great job Ray. I was about to offer you the caps that match your patch, but as they will be made in China, it may defeat your purpose. PM me if you're still interested.

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Well guys have taken the photos the other items, but getting photos to upload today just ain't happening we had a major storm come through the phone lines are suffering. Is there a way to upload directly from a CD?

Well I'l be darned they are there, just didn't show up on my end. These are some more examples from the shop. They are not me designs. Guy with an idea and they made them they qaulity patches. Remember to do this they had to program the computer and do the art work in the compute, not a simple process I would think. For those of yuo who don't know there are motorcycle events all over Thailand sometimes as many as three in one weekend. Some guys rade these fo others othre guys selling them. So it can be a hobby or a business.



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Boots Well these boots are made for riding so Nancy Sinatra missed on this one. Are they for my Macho image no, if you put rain gear on whnen riding in the rain yorr feet will stay nice and dry with these. They are four years old and cost me whooping 500 baht, custom made. The guy has stand on piece of paper he does a outline of your foot. From that you get a perfect fit, so perfect that have to have a zipper up the side to get on and off. They were made in a literally a hole in the across form the bus depot in Udon. I had my doubts on this one, but the guy knew his craft, best fitting shoes I have ever owned. Believe me there are craftsman in this country.


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It never fails to amaze me how a subject gets hijacked or digresses into absolute drivel.

I think the OP was trying to say, (hey! and I can accept criticism) that you can get things done here that would be extremely difficult if not impossible in Farangland.

On this point I totally agree. I have traveled and lived abroad (from UK) most of my adult life and the few times I’ve been back and tried to get anything done that was slightly out of the ordinary it was next to impossible.

Here and other non Farang countries you will always find someone to make or fix things that you will find impossible back home. An example on one of my returns to UK I wanted to have an extra battery on a split charging system in my 4x4.

I did all the wiring but just needed to have a bracket welded under the hood (bonnet) to hold the extra battery. Simple job except in the UK.

On the other point that seems to have taken over the original OP is about freedom. As I understand the patch says someone has paid for your freedom, well you can’t argue with that.

Those that think they are “free” without someone having paid something are ignorant spongers living in cuckoo land.


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Lights Assembly;

Ok first lets get the disclaimers out of the up front

No the bike is not an extension of my penis :(:D:D:D:D

The exhuast is not so lid that it breaks the nieghbors widows when I start the bike

I don't ride at 200 Klms an hour, I'm a defensive rider, the most prciuos peson in the world is on the back of this bike whenever it goes out, my wife.

No I don't get drunk and run around it as matter of fact I seldom drink.

No I'm not a motorcyle gang member only official group I have rode with was the CMA. O if anyone want to know a waht that is PM me and I will telll you. Otherwise we are going to be back rioght where we started.

So here I am in Thailand about six years now, don't drink so bars are not exactly a lot of fun for me. tried bowling loved it, back would not let me do it same or golf, tennis no way. Kind of limits your activities to forums, that can be dangerous to your mental well being :o

So the wife and I tour Thailand on the bike, sometimes with friends. We go to bike events from time to time. And slowly but surely we are getting the different festivals, Dan Sai. Pii Ta Koon a few weeks ago I was great. Was having so much fun I actually had a couple beers when go back to the hotel. Been to the festival of lights in NKP abssolutley Beautiful some of the most friendly and gracius people I have met. Reminded of he Udon of Old

But the fact is motocycle riding is dangerous, even more so at night when people can't see you well. All four of the light are on when the bike is running, there are actually two sets of turn signals to the rear. About a visiable as yuo can possible make it. Modified by a mechaninc here in Udon, another hoel in the wall weher a guy knows his business. I don't remember the cost but it wasn't much. I had an idea a Thia engeneered it and made it happen


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Sizzy Bar and Back Pack:

As I said we tour, this is a concept from the old biker days in the states referred to as a sissy bar, IE the passenger afraid of falling off the back. What does it do well makes the wife feels safer, she actually will lean back on that and go to sleep happens everytime after lungh. Also gives me a place to attache the back pack, we have two the other one is much larger you can easily get enough clothes in it for a ten day ride. They have velcro attached to them so easy to get on adn off. The othre one still has the original harness. So you walk up to the bike and just put it on from there instead of bending over, Bad back remember.

This sissy bar has been modified and used on three different bikes unfortunatley in the last one I lost the rack he made. Next bike we will start all over. He makes these out I/2" steel square or round bar depending on what you want. It is then chromed the back pad is added, cost about 4k baht.

This guy had never made anything like this, so off we go poor wife trying to explain something to this mechanic that she had never seen before lots of pointing at things I saw in the shop bunch of grunting. He mesaure some stuff on the bike and makes a template on his garage floor using chualk two weeks later, it done. Done right and looking good. You know it would be hard to explain just how hi guy really is, his formal training is in art. Bu his father wanted to have a job that made money so he ened up a mechaninc, doesn' speak a word of english another one those hole in the wall things. the guy is a true craftman takes pride in his work.

The seat we had modified with four inches more foam on the wifes seat she is a short little lady, but now she can look over my helmet and see as much as I do. Not sure that was such a good idea, she back seat drives now, :o seat mofication 100 baht you got another hole in the wall. he also modified the back packs intersint trying get across the idea of a velcro, but it worked.

What I have learned from all this don't cut the little shops short, just because they don't have expensive surrondings doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing.

I've had done a lot of custom airbrush work here but I think this is enough for guys to get the idea of the thread

I'll add the vent system when it's finished next week or when he gets it done :D

So thats it for me what about you guys anyone else ventured out into the custom work field here?



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I never liked the colorful decal graphics that came on my first Honda CBR150, and I scratched one side in a wreck. The Thai partner tried removing them with a hairdryer at home, but then took them to a shop. Both sides, hundreds of square centimeters, all cleaned off for 100 baht.

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