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Interesting Letter Regarding Drug Crime In Pattaya

libya 115

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"living with consequences" - obviously can mean criticising them or changing them and of course publicising them.

S.E. Asia is a developing area and it's governmental institutions are at best unstable and rudimentary.

It is only right that if someone falls foul of a stupid, unjust or uncivilised law the law is criticised, no matter where that law is or how it is enforced.

When it comes to drugs - the problem is a social and psychological one so trying to involve the police or military in it is about as wise as hiring Bradley & Hindley as babysitters.

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And to junki3korean, maybe you don't know this, but it has been proven that one joint contains 20 times more poisonous chemicals than a whole packet of cigarettes. You might want to do some research before making ridiculous claims.

Just my 2 cents


ONE joint (tobacco and marijuana) contains 20 TIMES more poisonous chemicals than A WHOLE PACKET (20) of cigarettes.

Just your 2 cents huh? How about a link or two to the source of your 2 cents worth.

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"living with consequences" - obviously can mean criticising them or changing them and of course publicising them.

S.E. Asia is a developing area and it's governmental institutions are at best unstable and rudimentary.

It is only right that if someone falls foul of a stupid, unjust or uncivilised law the law is criticised, no matter where that law is or how it is enforced.

When it comes to drugs - the problem is a social and psychological one so trying to involve the police or military in it is about as wise as hiring Bradley & Hindley as babysitters.

Umm....I forgot, could you remind me which law was changed because someone critisized it on the Internet?

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"living with consequences" - obviously can mean criticising them or changing them and of course publicising them.

S.E. Asia is a developing area and it's governmental institutions are at best unstable and rudimentary.

It is only right that if someone falls foul of a stupid, unjust or uncivilised law the law is criticised, no matter where that law is or how it is enforced.

When it comes to drugs - the problem is a social and psychological one so trying to involve the police or military in it is about as wise as hiring Bradley & Hindley as babysitters.

Umm....I forgot, could you remind me which law was changed because someone critisized it on the Internet?

several laws that I was part of- for example the banning of english books in a thai prison.We the made a sort of world wide protest, a very polite one, sent round official people

and eventually it did go back.

The internet is communications- that is what can change the things

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And to junki3korean, maybe you don't know this, but it has been proven that one joint contains 20 times more poisonous chemicals than a whole packet of cigarettes. You might want to do some research before making ridiculous claims.

Just my 2 cents


ONE joint (tobacco and marijuana) contains 20 TIMES more poisonous chemicals than A WHOLE PACKET (20) of cigarettes.

Just your 2 cents huh? How about a link or two to the source of your 2 cents worth.

what an arguement- could it more flawed, these people live in the past, not the past where things we ere legal and far less trouble, but they are the stubborn and come out with this

sort of complete nonsense

an open mind and some details onzestan could not have put in less details, and therefore is arguement is worthles.I am sure they mean well, but better do soem reesearch, the idea that he is the one telling this is hillarious

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"ONE joint (tobacco and marijuana) contains 20 TIMES more poisonous chemicals than A WHOLE PACKET (20) of cigarettes."

........looks like the loonies have decided to chip in!

crazy is it not? can these people be more ill informed, and it scarey as they have some say, and one actaully said " do some reaserch!

as someone pointed out

what poison? proven by who?(I should be dead long time by this stupidity) which cigerette?, high,low?, middle tar?, self rubbed?

what amount of dope to tobbaco?

which dope, nepalese, morroco

all anti drug people- please disagree with us if you wish, but you are helping yourself have any credabilty when stupidty like this comes out

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"ONE joint (tobacco and marijuana) contains 20 TIMES more poisonous chemicals than A WHOLE PACKET (20) of cigarettes."

........looks like the loonies have decided to chip in!

crazy is it not? can these people be more ill informed, and it scarey as they have some say, and one actaully said " do some reaserch!

as someone pointed out

what poison? proven by who?(I should be dead long time by this stupidity) which cigerette?, high,low?, middle tar?, self rubbed?

what amount of dope to tobbaco?

which dope, nepalese, morroco

all anti drug people- please disagree with us if you wish, but you are helping yourself have any credabilty when stupidty like this comes out

Yes...every single word in that statement is questionable - - of course a hash joint would have tobacco in it too, so one would expect some extra ingredients, how will you quantify "dangerous"?

Why not compare it with baked beans....did you know that injecting baked beans directly into your veins can be fatal????

Really an assertion like that just goes to show how incredibly ignorant even nowadays most people are about drug use and abuse.

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Hi Guys,

You can call me loony or everything you want, that doesn't bother me at all, since I know where it's coming from.

I know that nothing I or anyone else can say will change anything, because you're all in constant denial as to the truth about your conditions.

You have the right to ruin your own lives it's your choice, but that's not the point isn't it.

The point is no matter what you guys think about the law, it is what it is and no matter how much drugs you take it isn't going to change that fact.

Have fun as long as it lasts.


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Hi Guys,

You can call me loony or everything you want, that doesn't bother me at all, since I know where it's coming from.

I know that nothing I or anyone else can say will change anything, because you're all in constant denial as to the truth about your conditions.

You have the right to ruin your own lives it's your choice, but that's not the point isn't it.

The point is no matter what you guys think about the law, it is what it is and no matter how much drugs you take it isn't going to change that fact.

Have fun as long as it lasts.


I do think your a loony at all.

But what is the point?once again everything you said makes no sense, or is wrong..everything

Your funny and amusing,, maybe and I do think that you make completley the ill informed argement. Do you agree?, lets me ask yuo this please

do you think that what you said is accurate or complete nonsense about the 1 in 20 stupidity, answer -"yes", and you have some hope,

answer 'no" and please explain why, and then lets test it..., is your name mean something like ' honest" do yuo honestly not see the nonsense you wrote?

Be honest with yourself and try and stay on the subject

You know where you are coming from... good for you.Where exactly are you coming from?

I wanna know which place taught you to make statements such as this and then ask others to reserch.. or was that the famous britsh humour

I am in no denial- I admit and am proud of what I do.Thank you.Another non point...

I am sure you are also proud of the reaserch that you must take before making such assertions.

Is it limted to only this or do you reflect just as deeply about all other matters?

I do not care about the law at all to be honest in the way it wil never stop me. What bothers me is that people like you who hav,nt got a clue make such stupid statements

and thus shaping laws.

You have already said more than enough for people like us to point at you and say' oh dear, another one"

Ruin my life?, I have a great time thank you, doc says great health... how is yuor life? I honestly hope it is good and wish you well

why not just admit your little faux paux... we all make mistake and maybe I am being to the sarcasist, but youl,l get yourself in deper if you continue like this

so far your little face saving mail was completley wrong and pointless,

but I look forward to yuor next well thought reply and answer to my questions

why not just admit that some people can live quite the happy, and do, I my friends are living proof

what have you got against us ?

Have fun whilst it lasts, I will thanks, and do, quite alot, have done all my life, and you,ve helped me there...

lastly do you honestly think that drugs bring ruin to all?( I mean illegal ones)

Please sir, open your mind just a little

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Try it in Singapore, problem solved.

try what exactly? Smoke, did thanks, and alot of other things. What problem would be solved.Putting a an in jail who simple wants to partake of his hobby, not hurting others, not invading the bodys of young unwilling woman,.. what would that aceheive exactly other than abig bill to tax payer

will there ever be any progress/

Your not another one of those pointless posters who has said utter complete, wrong nonsense..

Whats my chance of trouble in s,pore, 1 in 20 perhaps.....Are you seriously telling me that if I smoke in s,pre I will 100% get in troubles- opps, another one who has made a little mistake.

can you not see the crap you have written, if so, why bother... I have tried it in s,pre thanks.. my goodness, the anti drugs lobby and the well researched educated posters, lets stay on the point, but go off it when we look foolish crowd are scroing so many own goals.. I wonder why? You gotta love that guy who made the 1 in 20 and then urged someone to do some research

I had to cut and paste that back home, that one remark says it all.. bless him. I wanna buy him a drink,

it gives us alot of hope

I lived in s,pore for nearly 3 years... and twice,got my fav in a place called gelang mostly( If I remember correctly)does that answer your question?.Nothing changed or stopped.

By the way, most of my friend smoked too- again, no problems at all, not once, not ever....so your little comment perhaps could do with some on onzestans exellent reseach.

I used to write on the form where it says

"death for drugs" in my own handwriting " if caught" I was once asked why I wrote it and explained, unlike the many sheep who post here God does not descend from the heavan and carry you away.

They have to actually do alot of things that can be avoided before this happens, like,,, err, guess what, catch you........ for anyone in the know, to do this is extremely hard to the point of being impossible when it persoal use that one is doing.. use your imagination

When will you guys learn. law, no law, we,re gonna do our hobby.

Is that what bother you?- that we simply wanna enjoy and do as we please- do you find offense in this?

or that we are so easily able to pick so many holes in your completley crap argements/points that it beyond belief......Its like the ladys. omething which is illegal here and which I do have an issue with.

Think they wanna sleep and do all things of their own free will with probabaly the sort of well educated, enlighened member of the "well researched club"

You will always find a place to buy because there will always be a need, and its human need to, the 5th need according to maslow..

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"ONE joint (tobacco and marijuana) contains 20 TIMES more poisonous chemicals than A WHOLE PACKET (20) of cigarettes."

........looks like the loonies have decided to chip in!

crazy is it not? can these people be more ill informed, and it scarey as they have some say, and one actaully said " do some reaserch!

as someone pointed out

what poison? proven by who?(I should be dead long time by this stupidity) which cigerette?, high,low?, middle tar?, self rubbed?

what amount of dope to tobbaco?

which dope, nepalese, morroco

all anti drug people- please disagree with us if you wish, but you are helping yourself have any credabilty when stupidty like this comes out

Yes...every single word in that statement is questionable - - of course a hash joint would have tobacco in it too, so one would expect some extra ingredients, how will you quantify "dangerous"?

Why not compare it with baked beans....did you know that injecting baked beans directly into your veins can be fatal????

Really an assertion like that just goes to show how incredibly ignorant even nowadays most people are about drug use and abuse.

really I do not understand such people-

notice how they never answer any question put to them when they know they cannot answer, and then come out with the failed face saving...

why bother, now they are into face saving, when they know they mess up they come out with all these silly, wrong ,pointless remarks

he says " denial" wrong, I admit it, freely, as someone who spends so much time in research I wonder how he missed that, is he in denial about his stupid remark

this he will never answer. For him he has to defend his mistake...typical of the igronant anti drug lobby

he says "nothing I say will change you" of coures not because he speaks such nonsense.,

I doubt he could ever change anything with logic like this, who would be able to trust anything he says,would anyone with one iota of sense say something like that..? and ask others to research ( thats the kickers, for that I wanna buy him a drink and get a signed photo with that remark stuck on it, he could be the high times poster boy for that, I cut and paste his mail to them!)

he says " have fun whilst its lasts, again I do and again nothing whatsoever with this debate.. does he know the future?

he talks about the law- purely stating the obvious- I am aware of it and it does,nt bother me in this case,

another gent chimes in about singapore, I think they must be related

I would like some sensible debate, this too much like the school yard

I wonder what next, more failed face saving and if they will ever be able to answer any questions...

is this the best the anti drug people can do, good news for us I guess, but sad that they are so anti us with no reason at all, mamaybe its because we,re having a god time and they are not,

all we have is pathetic detailed reseacrh, face saving, completely pointless, incorrect comments...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Guys,

You can call me loony or everything you want, that doesn't bother me at all, since I know where it's coming from.

I know that nothing I or anyone else can say will change anything, because you're all in constant denial as to the truth about your conditions.

You have the right to ruin your own lives it's your choice, but that's not the point isn't it.

The point is no matter what you guys think about the law, it is what it is and no matter how much drugs you take it isn't going to change that fact.

Have fun as long as it lasts.


Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

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Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

Same same for pretty much every other country in the world. Don't see too many of the citizens of those countries clamouring for a reduction in punishments. Thailand may not be as lenient as some (Western) countries, but is no where as strict as others either. The minimum sentence in Dubai, for being in possession of even the smallest quantities of (any illegal drug), is 4 years in prison !

The bottom lines is, like it or not, if someone chooses to do something in a country were it is illegal, they should be prepared for what ever happens if they get caught. Whining about how unfair the punishment(s) may be is immaterial. Trying to justify how safe and harmless a substance may be won't likely sway the police or the courts. Trying to compare punishments in one's home country to the country in question is a waste of time and effort.

Until the local populace, through their elected officials, demand a change in the laws, they are what they are. Anyone who travels here and thinks they should be allowed to do the same things they can get away with at home are deluded. Anyone who does something that is illegal and then thinks they should be punished as they might be in their home country is "Whistling Dixie" as they say (wasting their time on a losing proposition).

Crying and whining about the unfairness of it all isn't going to change a thing. We can argue the pros/cons of it here (on TV) until our fingers bleed and eyes go crossed, and it won't change a thing.

If you come to Thailand and get caught with (whatever), tough luck. You'll get the punishment the Thai justice system thinks is deserved, and that is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

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Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

Same same for pretty much every other country in the world. Don't see too many of the citizens of those countries clamouring for a reduction in punishments. Thailand may not be as lenient as some (Western) countries, but is no where as strict as others either. The minimum sentence in Dubai, for being in possession of even the smallest quantities of (any illegal drug), is 4 years in prison !

The bottom lines is, like it or not, if someone chooses to do something in a country were it is illegal, they should be prepared for what ever happens if they get caught. Whining about how unfair the punishment(s) may be is immaterial. Trying to justify how safe and harmless a substance may be won't likely sway the police or the courts. Trying to compare punishments in one's home country to the country in question is a waste of time and effort.

Until the local populace, through their elected officials, demand a change in the laws, they are what they are. Anyone who travels here and thinks they should be allowed to do the same things they can get away with at home are deluded. Anyone who does something that is illegal and then thinks they should be punished as they might be in their home country is "Whistling Dixie" as they say (wasting their time on a losing proposition).

Crying and whining about the unfairness of it all isn't going to change a thing. We can argue the pros/cons of it here (on TV) until our fingers bleed and eyes go crossed, and it won't change a thing.

If you come to Thailand and get caught with (whatever), tough luck. You'll get the punishment the Thai justice system thinks is deserved, and that is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

I totally agree- if caught and convicted and sent to jail ( highly unlikely here, but I,ll come to that later) a person should not whine, as many do about how unfair it is, how stupid the law is, how things are back home. It was there choice.

It does,nt apply in this arguemnet.

This is thailand however - and so, luckliy all of that is highly unlikely to ever happen with a small bit of personal, and if it does..

one just honours one of thailand proudest traditions and pays someone off..its really as simple as that

that is the main reason I say its is safe to do what one wants here, not the issues of the stupid laws, what happens at homes, etc,etc

and until someone gets their act togther I cannot see that ever happening in the near future- can anyone?

So, you see you should stop eqauting getting caught with going to jail here , I have met and known of many who have been caught here with things, even the hard stuff ( which i do not like)

know how many went to jail? None

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Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

Same same for pretty much every other country in the world. Don't see too many of the citizens of those countries clamouring for a reduction in punishments. Thailand may not be as lenient as some (Western) countries, but is no where as strict as others either. The minimum sentence in Dubai, for being in possession of even the smallest quantities of (any illegal drug), is 4 years in prison !

The bottom lines is, like it or not, if someone chooses to do something in a country were it is illegal, they should be prepared for what ever happens if they get caught. Whining about how unfair the punishment(s) may be is immaterial. Trying to justify how safe and harmless a substance may be won't likely sway the police or the courts. Trying to compare punishments in one's home country to the country in question is a waste of time and effort.

Until the local populace, through their elected officials, demand a change in the laws, they are what they are. Anyone who travels here and thinks they should be allowed to do the same things they can get away with at home are deluded. Anyone who does something that is illegal and then thinks they should be punished as they might be in their home country is "Whistling Dixie" as they say (wasting their time on a losing proposition).

Crying and whining about the unfairness of it all isn't going to change a thing. We can argue the pros/cons of it here (on TV) until our fingers bleed and eyes go crossed, and it won't change a thing.

If you come to Thailand and get caught with (whatever), tough luck. You'll get the punishment the Thai justice system thinks is deserved, and that is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

I totally agree- if caught and convicted and sent to jail ( highly unlikely here, but I,ll come to that later) a person should not whine, as many do about how unfair it is, how stupid the law is, how things are back home. It was there choice.

It does,nt apply in this arguemnet.

This is thailand however - and so, luckliy all of that is highly unlikely to ever happen with a small bit of personal, and if it does..

one just honours one of thailand proudest traditions and pays someone off..its really as simple as that

that is the main reason I say its is safe to do what one wants here, not the issues of the stupid laws, what happens at homes, etc,etc

and until someone gets their act togther I cannot see that ever happening in the near future- can anyone?

So, you see you should stop eqauting getting caught with going to jail here , I have met and known of many who have been caught here with things, even the hard stuff ( which i do not like)

know how many went to jail? None

Just remember this o wise one.

If someone along the chain is not as corrupt as you hint at, guess what will happen. :o

Fools in Thailand, loads of them. :D:D:D

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If someone along the chain is not as corrupt as you hint at, guess what will happen. :o

Or if their price is to high, and you've no way of coming up with the $$, it'll be pillow-biting time ! :D

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Ok, I've been going through this whole thread now and I don't think the issue is neither whether marijuana should be considered a drug or not, nor whether the letter writer is a whiny pussy. I wouldn't even say that it's a question or morals - it's simply a matter of what punishment is reasonable for a given crime.

In my opinion, the Thai laws on drug use / dealing are pretty insane and I wish that people should work on changing them. But as a farang I don't think it's my call to decide what should be wrong or right in Thailand - it's the native people of Thailand's.

Same same for pretty much every other country in the world. Don't see too many of the citizens of those countries clamouring for a reduction in punishments. Thailand may not be as lenient as some (Western) countries, but is no where as strict as others either. The minimum sentence in Dubai, for being in possession of even the smallest quantities of (any illegal drug), is 4 years in prison !

The bottom lines is, like it or not, if someone chooses to do something in a country were it is illegal, they should be prepared for what ever happens if they get caught. Whining about how unfair the punishment(s) may be is immaterial. Trying to justify how safe and harmless a substance may be won't likely sway the police or the courts. Trying to compare punishments in one's home country to the country in question is a waste of time and effort.

Until the local populace, through their elected officials, demand a change in the laws, they are what they are. Anyone who travels here and thinks they should be allowed to do the same things they can get away with at home are deluded. Anyone who does something that is illegal and then thinks they should be punished as they might be in their home country is "Whistling Dixie" as they say (wasting their time on a losing proposition).

Crying and whining about the unfairness of it all isn't going to change a thing. We can argue the pros/cons of it here (on TV) until our fingers bleed and eyes go crossed, and it won't change a thing.

If you come to Thailand and get caught with (whatever), tough luck. You'll get the punishment the Thai justice system thinks is deserved, and that is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

I totally agree- if caught and convicted and sent to jail ( highly unlikely here, but I,ll come to that later) a person should not whine, as many do about how unfair it is, how stupid the law is, how things are back home. It was there choice.

It does,nt apply in this arguemnet.

This is thailand however - and so, luckliy all of that is highly unlikely to ever happen with a small bit of personal, and if it does..

one just honours one of thailand proudest traditions and pays someone off..its really as simple as that

that is the main reason I say its is safe to do what one wants here, not the issues of the stupid laws, what happens at homes, etc,etc

and until someone gets their act togther I cannot see that ever happening in the near future- can anyone?

So, you see you should stop eqauting getting caught with going to jail here , I have met and known of many who have been caught here with things, even the hard stuff ( which i do not like)

know how many went to jail? None

Just remember this o wise one.

If someone along the chain is not as corrupt as you hint at, guess what will happen. :o

Fools in Thailand, loads of them. :D:D:D

very true, yes, maybe a a remote chance of

"party time"

of coures it exists, and for how long would they go to jail...... ?and then back to europe, a quick change of passports, and back here again , a pretty safe risk i think do't you?

do you honestly think that this would stop them or change things in the slightest?

and I guess it pointless talking about what a complete waste of time , money, energy all that would be...

I think most will take the remote risk there i actually respect the ones who cannot be paid off,

but from I hear, and know , and the people I talk to,the chances of doing any real jail time for something personal is very, very remote

i even know of one man who was convicted by an honest cop hard work- I respect that man misguided ethic,s but would of loved to ask him to focus on something which would work , because that did'nt and work ion something more important, of wghich there is the plenty in thailand

and ... oh dear, guess what friends .... after all that hard work, tax payers moneys, moral posturing,his conviction was overturned, he left, and came back! Welcome to the real thailand.

the sad truth ( for some)if you cannot pay the cop on the day, you pay the lawyer who always seem to know someone

and so on and so

i'am not trying to be " wise" this is just a fact that some people do not like to seem to admit or see

people by and large seem to honestly want to beleive that doing a crime will get you caught and sent to jail- and

that smoking dope is 20 times more bad than a ciggerette ( that one should win an award, and the gent who said, totally unable to answer any question on why he came out with that stunning piece of logic, then asks people to do some research!, I love that man!) and it will ruin your life- all complete balony...

yes for some it may, and yes for others it most deftinatly does not

i want to tell them that quite the oppostie is in fact true, and even if caught, it does'nt really bother them as they can pay, or simply return later

this is not 100% but seeing that I have been in and out for so many years and honestly know this to be so from what i see.

off to buy a lottery ticket, it is possible that i will win millions.....

it is also possible that i will see a polar bear on sukumvit

many things are possible- they are also highly unlikely

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This thread has meandered onto the subject of taking drugs in the comfort of one's home (illegal), minimal chances of getting caught (pure speculation IMO), bribing police officers (illegal) and so on....

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

ourmaninbangers - if you want to spend your spare time getting trollied in your own place and taking your chances with the law - up to you


There are many people who read this forum who have never been to Thailand before, who might get the wrong impression of the level of severity with which drug offenders can be subjected to under Thai law.

How would you feel if some first time traveller to Thailand, after reading your advice on this forum indicating that it is difficult to get busted (and even easier to buy your way out), ends up in the Bkk Hilton for five years on a Class1 drug charge?

Topic closed.

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