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Why Is Thaivisa So Popular?


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Re. the popularity of ThaiVisa, I think the drop out rate might be reduced if some of the old hands with a zillion posts were not so quick to heap scorn on posts from the newer members.

The less thick skinned among them might be hurt or offended by your comments.

I don't see that happening too often here, though it does on ocassion, especially when someone new (?) decides to post some outrageous/clueless or just plain troll post (I think the old hands tend to recognize these a bit quicker, and call them for what they are)

This also applies to some newbies who write e.g. "BS, get over yourself" and similar to people they don't know from Adam, purely to grab attention, I think.

The principal aim of a forum should be to seek and give information and perhaps entertain a little.

Again, when some newbie comes in and writes something like that, it makes me wonder just how "new" they really are. I saw an example of that recently, where someone that had only been on a few months and had a whopping total of less than 40 posts, was criticising a member that had been here for a couple of years and had 3,000+ posts.

And if they are seeking attention, those kinds of posts will get them lots, but I'll bet they won't like it (and will be some glad that the mods won't be likely to let it get too out-of-hand, like it does on some other, less moderated, forums).

P.S. You can even make a few friends - if you want to.

Hey ! I wished you a happy birthday you old fart !

(shouldn't you be in the gasthaus celebrating at the stammtisch with some junge madchen?) :D

Roger that!

I'm just back home after an immense beer fest.

And thanks for the birthday wish, I was too drunk earlier to answer. :o

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Now that I've (happily) been proven a banana, I still think it's rather silly to say we have 60,000 members. Define member. Someone who joins and never posts? Well, what's the point? Someone who posts once and disappears? Do we still call them members?

The only valid member is an active member.

Whilst I am an active member I tend not to post that much unless it is something that I know about or I have experienced.

I do read the forum every day but I am selective in the forums that I read. Generally that would be the farming, Central Thailand, and the Thai visa forums and I have found a lot of useful information from them.

I am posting less now as I am offshore working in New Zealand and I wont be back again for a couple of years other than holidays.

Thai visa keeps me in touch with what is happening over there (along with a daily dose of the BKK Post and the Nation).

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