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I already covered that in a response to you a few pages back. I came to Asia (the Philippines actually) when I reached my use-by-date back at home. Had no trouble when in my 20's and 30's.

99.9% of people are here for the same reason as me. This is Pattaya, have a look around. Young blue eyed, blonde stunners are a rarity amongst the expat population. This must make you feel very special. All the other blondes are either tourists, or sex workers.

Sorry to hear that Tropo, that you are past your Use-by-date. But it doesn't mean that EVERYONE else is also here because of the same reason. Try not to judge others by thinking we're all here for the same reason.

Yes, it does make me feel quite special. I don't know any other Young foreign expat females living here.

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you mentioned about how ugly these 250-300lb freaks look with their horrible veins sticking out.Thats what the thread is all about if you read carefully,not well toned bodies who most people would be envious of.I am sure you work hard and are not one of those huge freaks and at least got half a brain too lol.


i do not tell lies on here only to my gf when i get in at 5 in the morning lol.

No, I didn't say the 250 - 300 lb freaks look ugly, I was only referring to them as the stereo type of steroid users that people use to draw their conclusions from.


I wonder why you can't answer our questions tropo?

You seem to know a lot about steroids? Im sure you are able to answer the above question.

Sorry to hear that Tropo, that you are past your Use-by-date. But it doesn't mean that EVERYONE else is also here because of the same reason. Try not to judge others by thinking we're all here for the same reason.

Yes, it does make me feel quite special. I don't know any other Young foreign expat females living here.

You obviously don't have a clue about life back at home. I said I was past my use-by-date BACK AT HOME. It's not appropriate for a near 50 guy to be hitting on young blonde stunners in Farangland. Guess what? It's called aging.

In Asia I'm the perfect age and just getting started.

So we're in agreement, you're the only young, stunning expat female living here. Let my adjust my figures to 99.99999% then. You can be the 0.00001%...but don't worry, you'll become old and wrinkled soon enough, and wrinkles don't look good on ladies. Let's see how you go attracting the guys when you hit 50.

Did you take Nisan home for a spin or not? :o

You obviously don't have a clue about life back at home. I said I was past my use-by-date BACK AT HOME. It's not appropriate for a near 50 guy to be hitting on young blonde stunners in Farangland. Guess what? It's called aging.

In Asia I'm the perfect age and just getting started.

So we're in agreement, you're the only young, stunning expat female living here. Let my adjust my figures to 99.99999% then. You can be the 0.00001%...but don't worry, you'll become old and wrinkled soon enough, and wrinkles don't look good on ladies. Let's see how you go attracting the guys when you hit 50.

Did you take Nisan home for a spin or not? :D

Okay, Fine by me.. I'm glad be can agree on something :o I'm OK with growing old, My Mum is your age, and she still looks like shes in her late 20's/early 30's. Most people think she's my sister..

Nisan... Hmm.. No, He dropped me off at home in his big posh car at the end of the night :D

I wonder why you can't answer our questions tropo?

You seem to know a lot about steroids? Im sure you are able to answer the above question.

Why are you asking questions about legalities of steroid use?

They're readily available over the counter in Thailand for personal use and sold at thousands of pharmacies throughout the nation.

Every pharmacy in Thailand sells Andriol. Others are readily available by prescription.

Laws covering the sale of steroids are not my concern.

Okay, Fine by me.. I'm glad be can agree on something :o I'm OK with growing old, My Mum is your age, and she still looks like shes in her late 20's/early 30's. Most people think she's my sister..

Yes, I'm sure you (and her) like to think she still looks 20's in her 50's and maybe with a thick rendering of makeup she may fool some.

I wonder why you can't answer our questions tropo?

You seem to know a lot about steroids? Im sure you are able to answer the above question.

Why are you asking questions about legalities of steroid use?

They're readily available over the counter in Thailand for personal use and sold at thousands of pharmacies throughout the nation.

Every pharmacy in Thailand sells Andriol. Other are readily available by prescription.

Laws covering the sale of steroids are not my concern.

So Steroids are legal in Thailand?

I'm just curious :D Ive asked several Thai's who say they are illegal :o

Okay, Fine by me.. I'm glad be can agree on something :o I'm OK with growing old, My Mum is your age, and she still looks like shes in her late 20's/early 30's. Most people think she's my sister..

Yes, I'm sure you (and her) like to think she still looks 20's in her 50's and maybe with a thick rendering of makeup she may fool some.

Nope, She doesn't need make-up, Shes a natural beauty :D :D She doesn't need pills to make her look good either..

Now now Tropo, Take it easy! No need for insults!

Also, shes in her 40's, and looks late 20s/early 30's, I said.

I wonder why you can't answer our questions tropo?

You seem to know a lot about steroids? Im sure you are able to answer the above question.

Why are you asking questions about legalities of steroid use?

They're readily available over the counter in Thailand for personal use and sold at thousands of pharmacies throughout the nation.

Every pharmacy in Thailand sells Andriol. Other are readily available by prescription.

Laws covering the sale of steroids are not my concern.

So Steroids are legal in Thailand?

I'm just curious :D Ive asked several Thai's who say they are illegal :o

I just mentioned one drug that is available in every pharmacy in Thailand without script. Doesn't that answer your question? Why are you asking Thais about steroids? Do you have some skinny Thai boyfriends who need beefing up?


Actually, It was Pattaya_girls boyfriend and my own boyfriend who I asked, since you couldn't answer. They certainly don't need pills to get 'beefed up'... They don't need pills to look good.

So STEROIDS are legal, then??


We are talking about testosterone (and derivatives) here. The MALE hormone. (yes, I know the girls have a little bit of it as we have a little estrogen).

Why are the girls so involved as to have 2 pages of "typical chick drivel"? (I like saying that! :o ) And you know what I mean!

Paraphrased quoting...

So. are they legal or what?

C'mon, answer me. Legal. Yes or no...

Blah blah....

They are entitled to say if they like muscular men or not. And that's it.

Or I'm going over to the ladies forum and start giving them grief about using disposible pads every month times millions of women. Give a tree a break. Use a reusable product.

See what I mean?

There are some discussions where the opposite sex is not welcome to participate.

Thanks for that link Meg, Tropo said they are legal, but this link says opposite. Interesting.


You don't learn about Thai law from reading Pattaya Daily News articles. They were not charged with anything in Thailand. Do some searches and find more recent reports.

It's the DEA (US) that wanted those guys, but I'm yet to learn how the DEA can have jurisdiction over British citizens conducting legal business in Thailand. What happened to them is anyone's guess because that case has gone very quiet.

Thanks for that link Meg, Tropo said they are legal, but this link says opposite. Interesting.


You don't learn about Thai law from reading Pattaya Daily News articles. They were not charged with anything in Thailand. Do some searches and find more recent reports.

It's the DEA (US) that wanted those guys, but I'm yet to learn how the DEA can have jurisdiction over British citizens conducting legal business in Thailand. What happened to them is anyone's guess because that case has gone very quiet.

"committing them for trial on charges of having imported, possessed and exported illegal drugs as well as not having paid tax. After a Thai trial, they will all be sent to America for further processing. "


Actually, It was Pattaya_girls boyfriend and my own boyfriend who I asked, since you couldn't answer. They certainly don't need pills to get 'beefed up'... They don't need pills to look good.

So STEROIDS are legal, then??

How long will it take you to understand that what looks good is relative to someone's personal taste? Just because you think your boyfriends are beefed up enough doesn't mean other girls will not find them skinny. I've not seen a Thai physique yet that I would consider good...each to their own. You like small and skinny, I don't.

Start them off on Andriol, then after a few months get them some injectables.

They are entitled to say if they like muscular men or not. And that's it.

And when someone disagree's with what us girls have to say, we also have a right to respond to that person. eg. Tropo.

Actually, It was Pattaya_girls boyfriend and my own boyfriend who I asked, since you couldn't answer. They certainly don't need pills to get 'beefed up'... They don't need pills to look good.

So STEROIDS are legal, then??

How long will it take you to understand that what looks good is relative to someone's personal taste? Just because you think your boyfriends are beefed up enough doesn't mean other girls will not find them skinny. I've not seen a Thai physique yet that I would consider good...each to their own. You like small and skinny, I don't.

Start them off on Andriol, then after a few months get them some injectables.

You don't know them, You have never seen them, So you can't comment on how they look.

But I do know they don't need pills to look handsome and fit. :o


And now that my typing fingers are warmed up....

This one's for you geriatrickid...

The body has ways of dealing with excess testosterone. It turns the excess into estrogen! Hence the problem of "bitch tits" in men who take ridiculous amounts.

As for the well-known fact that androgens exascerbate prostate cancer, requiring estrogen therapy to counter those effects, if there is no prostate cancer to begin with, there is no need to fear supplementation of testoserone. Fact.

We are also, for the purposes of this discussion, talking about middle-aged and older men taking testosterone to replicate the levels they had naturally in their teens and twenties.

I appreciate that you, being a health professional (though in what field I don't know) are following the path of "First, do no harm. But without an open and enquiring mind, where do the medical advances come from?


Ok, for the People out there that do take Steroids, please tell me, do you have to take them forever? What happens to your body if you stop taking them. I know that with bodybuilding, if you stop your body will go to flab, is it the same with these Steriods. Just curious.


There's a fine line with male grooming.

Do too little and you are a smelly unattractive slob. Do too much and you are a vain, mirror obsessed <deleted>.

Most normal men can walk this line without even having to think about it.

Pattaya however attracts a lot of men who are not normal. Slobs and <deleted> are drawn in numbers. Both types of social misfits share the same lack in self-esteem. Pattaya can briefly and artificially inflate most mens' self-esteem, so it's not hard to see why they all come.

Concerning muscle bound hulks: it's absolutely not a given that a man who is big and strong must be a vain <deleted>. He could well be a guy who just takes care of himself. I admire that as i try to do the same, without perhaps the same level of application, dedication or obsession that some guys take it too.

The problem is that many muscle bound hulks present themselves in such a way that they look vain. Don't they know the tight fitting, muscle enhancing type tops were designed for men who need to try and exaggerate their shape.

It's like money; if you've got it, you don't need to shout about it. The guys that i think the OP was refering to do too much shouting.


I go away for a few days and I see we haven’t progressed very far at all.

BerndK – dude, from 6 pages, all you got is that I have a fixation on “boobies” and don’t spell check. Here’s a tip for you. When English isn’t your first language...use a grammar checker. And it’s “door knob”.

Meg, you are right. It was Pattaya_Girl who wanted the ice-skating rink. My apologies for the confusion. Does that mean you don’t want one?

Humphrey, perhaps I gave you more credit but statements like “They have very little else going for them - low education - low job prospects - low chance of getting any further in life” show that you’ve pretty much reached your debating level. Lesson learned...Never post drunk.

GK. Backpeddling on your “undisputed facts” now I see. Your motivation to stop people taking medicines would be better served on antibiotics and aspirin, given out freely by any Pharmacist and taken by unquestioning public. Leave steroids to people who know the risks and the benefits. I agree with your cause as medication in Thailand is handed out too freely...but steroids isn't one of them

Posthai – Making up stories that you had 2 friends die as a direct result of steroids to prove your case is not cool at all.

Pattaya_girl - for the record, what is the height and weight of your bf? My intention is not to belittle him, but I am guessing he is around 160lb and really not a fair comparison to the type of people we are talking about.

In answer to your question on do you take them forever, the answer will vary, but most bodybuilders will take them for 12-16weeks and then take a course of drugs to aid the recovery of natural testosterone production and fertility(actually made from the urine of pregnant women). They will then give their body rest for at least the same time they were on steroids to recover. The “freaks” everyone is referring too may not take as long a break before they get back on.

When you stop steroids, muscles will just get smaller, not all loose skin and flabby.

I don’t know if steroids are legal or illegal, except that I can buy them in any pharmacy, and I know 4 Thai police who also buy and use them, so I’m guessing it’s accepted if not legal. I don’t really know where you’re going with the question however.

To repeat, the guys you see on the street that you recognise as steroid users are 5% of users – the extreme and/or genetically gifted. Most steroid users you would never think there on steroids and just think they have a great physique. All the guys on here defending steroids are over 40yo and just trying improving the quality of our lives, but forced to defend the 5% that we aren’t, and quite honestly, are not genetically gifted enough to be.


DLock - My partner is 170 cms height and his weight is 74 kilo, he will be fighting in the Kung <deleted> Championships at the Ambassador Hotel Pattaya on the 29th & 30th of this month. All are welcome to go and the tickets is 3000 bt per person for two days, will be a good couple of days - Fighters coming from Worldwide. (World Kumite Organization)


Hey come on people,,,,calm down.

We all know its whats in the heart thats important innit?

People come in all sorts of packages ( :o ),,If we all got excited for the same look we would all come in the same package together...(oh god what have I just said).

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