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Another Barking Dog Thread


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I am sorry about my grammer, you must have alot of time on hands.Most people can manage to read without getting confused without the help of full stops.Anyway your window must be ready for you to lick it.

Neinke's point was made with good humour and your response uncalled for and unintelligible. Window? What are you talking about?

You won't make many friends or be taken seriously on this or most other forums where the participants are over 12 and have progressed beyond text talk if your two posts here are anything to go by. No-one expects perfect prose but if you can't be bothered to make your posts readable then why would you expect anyone to bother?

Lighten up.

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Sorry i failed to see any humor in Nienkes comments about full stops.Maybe you and I have a different sense of humor.If you read the post slower you will see that i was referring to him as a window licker maybe you know some.Also who I decide to become friends with is a decision I am more than capable to make.I hope this post is easy enough for you to understand,I am sure that you have friends here which are English teachers maybe they can help explain what a Windowlicker.chok dee :o

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Sorry i failed to see any humor in Nienkes comments about full stops.Maybe you and I have a different sense of humor.If you read the post slower you will see that i was referring to him as a window licker maybe you know some.Also who I decide to become friends with is a decision I am more than capable to make.I hope this post is easy enough for you to understand,I am sure that you have friends here which are English teachers maybe they can help explain what a Windowlicker.chok dee :o

I was laughing at the window licker reference, ive not heard that in years, brilliant...lol

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I was laughing at the window licker reference, ive not heard that in years, brilliant...lol

Yep, that's hysterical. I had to look it up - you need a really developed sense of humour to appreciate stuff like that :o

Windowlicker (Noun)

A windowlicker is a derogatory, informal description of someone with severe learning disabilities and/or a physical incapacity which renders them helpless when faced with the prospect of seeing a stranger through a window without smearing their mucus covered tongues all over the glass, possibly as some kind of retard greeting.

Alternatives are 'spaz' or 'mongole'. Small child: Tee hee, look at those windowlickers!!!!

Mother: You shouldn't be unkind, they are people too

Small child: Eugh! Look at that one windowlicker with the snotty nose!

Mother: Tee hee! They are funny aren't they!

Reference from "Urban Dictionary"

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Way too many off topic remarks, and some undercurrent of insults here. Can we get back on topic and avoid insults, please. Thanks.

We moved across town and chose not to introduce our old dog to a new social order. I woke up yesterday morning to a huge horse, only ten feet from the window, grazing in the rice field. The neighbor's Dalmatian is moving next door. First we will adjust ourselves to the resident animal population, and consider buying a pet.

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Not sure, Nienke. This tiny home lot has hardly any place to walk or for a dog to exercise. The neighbor girl brought over a cute Pekingese (one of those breeds with the hair in their eyes), but we have not discussed a house dog. Would a toy breed work well?

Staying on topic, would one teensy ankle-biter deter a burglar?

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I hate to tell you this, but you are in Thailand... the land of the barking dogs. I doubt if you could move anywhere except in some down town highrise and not have the neighbourhood filled with yapping dogs. If it is a REAL bother, then about the only thing you can do is stay out all night long like I do or buy a good set of ear plugs. I know wives of husbands that snore buy and use earplugs every night.

It IS a pain though, and drove me crazy the first few years I moved out of the heart of the city. Eventually I got used to it. Thais seem to have the ability to sleep anywhere and under conditions that would normally drive falongs crazy.

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First we will adjust ourselves to the resident animal population, and consider buying a pet.

Cobras and large crocodiles make good pets for keeping the unwanted at bay. Besides that, you can feed all the neighbour's yappy little dogs to the croc.



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When we bought our house a couple of years back, there was only 1 shitzu next door and it was pretty quiet. Then the owner's grown-up daughter moved back in and brought a poodle with her. The shitzu and the poodle had some jiggy-jiggy and now there are 3 poo-shits as well :o . I bought a barkstopper and it seemed to work for a bit, but they have grown accustomed to it or something and it has no effect. It's for sale for 1000THB if anyone else wants to try it. No guarantees but there is probably a higher likelyhood of it working on a single dog rather than a pack.

Product details at: http://www.lentek.com/super-bark-free.html

Still waiting for the Tessabaan to visit.......



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