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I hope so, at the moment I am drinking close to a dozen cups a day! I actually drink white tea as it is supposed to be even better than green - although white tea is actually green in colour.

The reason for the high consumption is due to the wonderful health benefits I have been lead to believe are associated with green/white tea. Just checking really to see if these tea's are as good for you as they say. Anybody?


I haven't read about any bad effects from green tea, except there is caffeine in it, and 12 cups a day might be pushing it. It is preferable if you drink it throughout the day so the goodness can be working for you all the time. Myself, I do usually have a pot of green tea as my afternoon caffeine fix. I still have coffee in the morning. Coffee is one of those things that seems to have both good and bad effects depending on the study du jour, but I don't care, it is too good.

I hope so, at the moment I am drinking close to a dozen cups a day! I actually drink white tea as it is supposed to be even better than green - although white tea is actually green in colour.

The reason for the high consumption is due to the wonderful health benefits I have been lead to believe are associated with green/white tea. Just checking really to see if these tea's are as good for you as they say. Anybody?

Green tea is especially high in antioxidants and is thought to be associated a longer life. It may well stave of the effects of smoking for instance. I don't think there is scientific proof though. I am a tea addict, I was also a smoker for 30 years, and have the resp system of a teenager.

Surprisingly, it seems that a number of foods and substances thought to be damaging might be good for you too, including nicotine, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.

I hope so, at the moment I am drinking close to a dozen cups a day! I actually drink white tea as it is supposed to be even better than green - although white tea is actually green in colour.

The reason for the high consumption is due to the wonderful health benefits I have been lead to believe are associated with green/white tea. Just checking really to see if these tea's are as good for you as they say. Anybody?

Green tea is especially high in antioxidants and is thought to be associated a longer life. It may well stave of the effects of smoking for instance. I don't think there is scientific proof though. I am a tea addict, I was also a smoker for 30 years, and have the resp system of a teenager.

Surprisingly, it seems that a number of foods and substances thought to be damaging might be good for you too, including nicotine, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.

I often wondered what else could be in that bottle of green tea and what water was used , now we make our own using filtered water , a splash of honey and some squeezed fresh lemon ,. at least i have a better idea of what i am drinking .

I often wondered what else could be in that bottle of green tea and what water was used ,
I think you will find that there is a differance between fresh brewed (seeped) green tea and the Oishi bottled stuff with 15% (?) sugar.

I read that research in Japan had shown a positive health effect with green tea - no idea which 'version' was tested.


I have been drinking about 8-10 cups of decaf green tea a day, for at least 2 years now - its an aquired taste, but couldnt be without it now, its the yin to my weekend beers of yang if you know what i mean :o

I often wondered what else could be in that bottle of green tea and what water was used ,
I think you will find that there is a differance between fresh brewed (seeped) green tea and the Oishi bottled stuff with 15% (?) sugar.

I read that research in Japan had shown a positive health effect with green tea - no idea which 'version' was tested.

Oishi makes a no sugar version. Delish.

I read that research in Japan had shown a positive health effect with green tea - no idea which 'version' was tested.

I've read quite the opposite. That no definitive causal effect has been established between drinking green tea and good health (and I've read it in Japanese). But that is not to say there doesn't exist.


I'm an infrequent drinker and I do like it. It is an acquired taste. I'm of the view that most things that taste good are bad for you and the things that do not taste so great a better for you. I'm going to put the kettle on now after cycling for 3 hours today .... ! :o


Green tea pushes water out of your system faster. Is this a good thing? Maybe, but certainly not good for muscle builders since muscles contains lots of water.

Another thing that I hate when people discuss about green tea as health benefits, it's full of irony and hypocrites (not the people in here of course).

I've seen people who talk about health benefits of green tea and yet they still smoke a pack a day and drive 180kmh on the highway, or two overweighted ladies discussing on exercising regime and flushing it down with green tea drinks and green tea deserts topped with whipped cream.

Dont know about you guys, but green tea feels like a cliche' just as much as how we talk about green things, them going green, us going green.

Oh, and iced green tea tastes so dam_n good, especially with whipped cream :o


my teerak was buying bottles of green tea at tesco and I drank it more t han I did water. I started developing the weird headaches. Turns out I was becoming more dehydraded because tea is a diahrettic (sp). I started drinking more water and the headacheaces subsided


"The potential effect of tea drinking in protecting against the cognitive decline of advanced age thus has great significance, given the rapid aging of the population and the rising prevalence of vascular and Alzheimer-type dementia," the study authors conclude. "Because tea is cheap, nontoxic, and widely consumed, it has a huge potential effect in promoting cognitive health and perhaps delaying the onset of dementia. Further studies should investigate whether tea consumption lessens the risk of vascular and Alzheimer-type dementia."

The Biomedical Research Council, Agency for Science, Technology and Research supported this study. The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;88:224-231.

http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/577461 (Link to the article)


Green tea? What kind of green tea? there are a thousand different kinds, maybe some good, some bad and some that do nothing at all. The problem is that anyone can market any kind they like and have many testimonials of how great it is.

Jiaogulan Tea had a good run for a while;

It regulates blood fat, lowers cholesterol level, helps to build immunity, delays the aging process, prevents cells from turning cancerous and prevents arteriosclerosis.

I think it's all mostly hype and a good money maker for the people who sell it.

Green tea is full of antioxidants and it is widely believed to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

I have tried green tea...found it to be tasteless,compared with the usual black tea.

I've read that they both have some beneficial health benefits.

So,seeing I prefer black tea,how about I use a mixture of black and green?

In theory I should get all the benefits associated with them.

Any thoughts on this?


Green and Black tea do both have the same health benefits. Both are the leaves of the Camilia bush (from the familiar flower). Both are 'herbs' (whereas many say they prefer herb to black tea). So called black, is partially dried, then warmed until beginning to ferment (rot) the British way and then dried to 3%, sifted for size. BOP (broken orange pekoe) is the common size, orange for the color of the brew. It is called 'Pekoe' from the old word for Peking, China. It is more concentrated than Green Tea, because of this. Oolong and some of the Russian ways of drying make it a lighter color with varying tastes and benefits, between light and darker colors. Full of anti oxidents, tannins (the good stuff red wine has), a better form of Caffeine then Coffee or Coke, without the side effects that Coffee has because of acids and other barbituate like chemicals, which are also addictive, in the roasted bean. Adding some spices as in India and either Soi or combined milk, rounds out and adds other digestive and medicinal properties. When made full strength, a full 5 minute steep/brewing, with a full teaspoon of tea per measured cup, tea can be more stimulating for a longer more gentler time, than coffee, although it is hard to find high quality black tea in Thailand, especially loose. The taste can vary vastly! Try to get Gourmet best quality ones, it is worth the extra price! It also spoils rapidly like any herbal vegetable, unless kept airtight and/or refridgerated. Check the packing date on the package and enjoy!


I doubt that is exactly true. Green, white, oolong and black teas have different health effects, based on my readings. It all is a bit overwhelming. For example, there are studies that show drinking oolong regularly will actually result in some minor weight loss, this effect not attributed to green tea though.

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